"Power is difficult to define but easy to identify, When we see something done or some achievement, we can easily infer that there was some power behind it. In simple term we can say that power is the ability to do something or make others do something. This implies that no great deed can be done without power, but, unfortunately, the reverse is also true that all the harms and destructions done to the world are due mainly to power. That is, power has some bad sides too.

Power doesn't exist without a person or system. So, it is best to analyze it in terms of its relation with its holder. When, for example, a person is in power he or she can't but use it. That person may be just or unjust or selfish, and the exercise of power by him or her will go accordingly. Most of all, power tends to instigate and intoxicate the ill wills of a person. Most of the time the power holder becomes selfish and dominating. Virtually, even the closest friend, when in power, looks down upon a person as his or her enemy. "A friend in power is a friend lost" is a truism

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"— this is the experience of history. When men assume power, they realize they are and forget who they were, and don't consider who others are. Then "Might is right becomes their leading principle. Consequently, the government, management, social systems-all tend to get corrupted

But why does power corrupt? It's a very easy question to answer but perhaps the most difficult problem to solve. There are some evident reasons. In most of the cases, "Power is ever stealing from the many to the few". Man's selfishness and greed are the root of it all. Again, power corrupts the most when it goes to the wrong people. And it's our bitter experience that "The wrong people are always in power because if they were not the wrong ones, they would not be in power." This is because power itself is earned in a corrupt way in most of the cases. Consequently,  it goes only to those who are corrupted. Excessive power and power to wrong people-both are dangerous and destructive. Surprisingy, power also corrupts the powerless. The powerless, having been exploited and tortured by the powerful, make both legal and illegal attempts to gain power, which ultimately result in power-play and more destruction. At that stage, power tempts both the powerful and the powerless.

Power destroys, no doubt, but without it nothing constructive can be possible. Hence it's a necessary evil. All we can say to the powerful is that "He who has great power should use it lightly."

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