Haste Makes Waste

Haste makes waste, as I have experienced in my life. Many example can be gathered in support of this statements.

I remember once meeting a man who was bundling up his accessories in a hotel room. He was trying to work so swiftly that seemed to be in a hurry. When asked why he was being so busy, he said that he must catch the train which would leave after one hour. Why hurry? You've ample of time," I assured him. But he would not listen me. Then I told him, "O.K.  make haste slowly."

Yet he was being busier and busier. 
While bundling his articles, he broke some glass wares.
As he started moving, he remembered his towel and brush being left out. Then he took them but could not keep them in brief case
because he could not remember where he had kept the key. Then after much searching and rummaging, he found the key under the pillow. 

Then again he was about to set off when he reached for the train ticket, but I was not there. "My ticket! My ticket!" he muttered to himself worriedly. At last he found it in his purse. Then he set off.

After half an hour he came back panting and sweating from head to foot. "What's wrong again?" I asked him. He said that he had missed the train. Had he not made haste, he would not have missed the train. Now he suffered much a waste of time and money.

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