Where There Is a Will There Is a Way

If one develops a will-power to do something, one will be able to do it someday or other. Maybe at present a man does not know how to do something, but eventually he will come up with a way to do it. In fact, intention to do something is the birth place of an action. Nobody knows anything by magic. They must undergo a trial and error process to find out an effective way to do something. Perseverence is always rewarded. Actions never fail; what fails is only inactive dream. Robert bruce, for example, having failed several times to defeat his enemies, was at last able to win over them by tough perseverence. Sir Issak Newton recovered by hard labo(u)r the data he lost when his pet dog Tom set the records on fire. History abounds in examples showing great men's success after repeated trial. In our daily life too we see that, however hard a thing is, we can do it if we just keep on trying. Indeed, where there is a will there is a way.

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