Every Thing Has Its Own Place

Where does a baby look the nicest? In its mother's lap. And where do the animals look the most beautiful? Surely in the jungle. We may encage a bird out of joy and with a view to enjoying its beauty and song, but after some days it will lose all its attractiveness. Then the bird flying at large up in the sky will look better than that encaged one. People are seldom presented with wild flowers by their beloveds. Why? Perhaps they do not consider wild flowers beautiful when they are brought home. But it is surprising to see how eagerly people look at them in the wilderness. This is because wild flowers are beautiful in where they bloom. A beautiful woman will not look beautiful in the dirty boisterous factory, In the flower garden she will. Similarly, a young stout-bodied man will look nice when he is working in the kitchen. After all, everything has own place.

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