Health is the most precious asset of a man. A man of ill health is a burden to him. He finds no interest and joy in life. Life is dull and meaningless to him. He may possess vast wealth but his wealth can not bring happiness and mental peace for him. He may be intelligent and learned but his intelligence and learnings are of no avail because he can not make a proper utilization and exploitation of them for his own sake or for the good of others. He cannot enjoy the beautiful scenery and sight. On the other hand a man blessed with a good health is always happy and jolly. He is sober and sound. He does not lose interest in life. He does not lose his temper. He is agile in his movement and prompt in his action. He relishes his food however poor it may be. He enjoys the beauties of nature to his heart content, derives much pleasure and remains happy and fresh. Again a sound mind lives in a sound body. Illness of the one inevitably affects the other. Moreover, success in life depends on hard work and hard work is not possible to do without good health. So a healthy man can attain success in life but it is quite opposite to a man of ill health. So health is wealth.
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