The saying bears a great importance It teaches us a good moral lesson. It means that in helping others we should begin with our close relatives and friends. There are many people among us who care more for persons who are not their near and dear ones. They take it to be a sign of their generosity and kindness and feel proud of it. They ignore their own blood connected relatives and friends. They fight shy of them. They do not want to give the acquaintances of their poor relatives to others. But we should not forget that it is our moral obligation to help our poor relatives. Our poor relatives and friends expect something from us. When we are in prosperity, we should extend our kindness to them, We should share their sorrows and sufferings. We should try our main and might to lessen their distress because they took pains in bringing up us. If we can not feel for them first, we can not feel for others: If we do otherwise, it is like an act of trechery. The man who shows kindness not to his own relatives but to others only does so with a view to commanding other's praise. But, in fact, he forfeits respect, name and fame.
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