Empty Vessels Sound Much

Those who can, do; those who can't, criticize or boast. Regrettably, he who is most unable wants to keep his inability secret by puffing out fat words. "I can do anything even the laughest thing", says he loudly. But can he actually? By shouting out empty words he only wants to attract other's attention to his own gain.

There are, however, others who barnish their appearences to look good, smart, and competent enough. They want themselves to be judged by how they look, and not by what they do.

And what about quality in reality? Doesn't it go inversely with quantity? Yet, people-and things too!-tend to show quantity to suppress their weakness in quality. For example, the huge banyan tree looks big, but is of less importance than many other smaller trees. Examples, including these ones, aboud in everywhere to lead one to the conclusion that people with too little ability brag too much. And why not? Empty vessels sound much-goes the saying. But do they sound much because they're empty, or they're empty because they sound much? Perhap's both are its causes.

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