The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword

All through our life we create and use many types of power such as body strength, political power, official authority, mind power, intelligence and so on. We can classify these in two main classes : brain power and muscle power. We virtually depend on all these types of power to win in life. We need certain types of power to win in certain stages of life. It must be mentioned in this regard that these two types of power - brain power and muscle power was part and parcel of each other in the primitive ages. In those times brain power could not be exerted without the help of muscle power and muscle power had little value without brain power. Yet muscle power have proved to be of very temporary importance over ages. As we look through the history, we can see the rise and fall of civilizations, the emergence of invention and discoveries, the progress of science, economy and philosophy and other types of development which all have been possible owing mainly to brain power.

Time has changed much. Man's life and environment have become more complex. In this age of complexity, intelligence has all but altogether substituded muscle power and physical strength. The whole infrastructure of man's civilization stands on the huge basement knowledge, philosophy, and experience. Now anything whether of good or bad should be done by the power of knowledge if it is to be done perfectly. There is every evidence to believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. A pen in a learned man's hand can fight thousands of swords in people's hands.
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