As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

What a man does determines what he obtains. If he, for example, plants an apple plant, he'll never get grapes from it. Likewise, if he plants grape plant, he'll never get apples from it. We're the architects of our a own fate. Actually, LUCK is nothing but Labor Under Correct Knowledge

But unfortunately, there are some people who are lazy. They want their desire fulfilled without working. Consequently, they get nothing. Yet they blame their fate without realizing that it's they who are responsible for their poverty and failure. I remember such a man who one day waited under a mango tree for a mango to fall down on its mangoes dropped down. At last he went away, blaming the tree. Just after that incident I saw that a boy climbed onto the tree own. But ne and tasted the sweetest mangoes happily. Then and there I realized what actually makes the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful. The difference is manifested not by what they get but by what they do. I'd like to emphasize that luck is what håppens when opportunity meets efforts. bears proof to this statement nations which believe in this definition of "luck" has developed much, while those believing and relying on fate have still remained underdeveloped. Now they should ask themselves Why are we unsuccessful? And I'd tell them both as an answer and advice : Rather light candle than complaining about darkness.
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