A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

"What to do now? I'm frightened!" The bear is coming near!" said the man who could not climb trees to the man who could. The latter, seeing that danger was imminent, ran away and climbed onto a nearby tree without considering what will happen to his friend. His friend, finding no other way, lay down on the ground as if he was dead. The bear came and, smelling the man, thought he was dead and went away. The danger over, the frist man came down from the tree and asked the second, "Friend, what did the bear tell you?" "Friend!" the second man exclaimed "What's called a friend?"

Actually, who is a real friend? This question will set anybody thinking.

 Everything can be judged, and so it should. And so should a friend too. Success has many friends. But they are only fair-weather friends, not real. A friend, says Plato, is a single soul living in two bodies. 

If this is the definition of friends, then anybody can not claim to be a friend. 
On the contrary, he who helps his friend in danger is a real friend. That is friendship should be tested by the touchstone of sowrrows and happiness As a matter of fact, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

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