Affirmative to Negative

Important Exercise On Affirmative-Negative 

1. Karim did not like summer. (Affirmative)
Ans: Karim disliked summer. 

2. I was not well. (Affirmative)
Ans: I was sick.

3. Jim was always punctual. (Negative) Ans: Jim was never late.

4. I always agreed with him. (Negative) 
Ans: I never disagreed with him.

5. Man is mortal. (Negative) 
Ans: Man is not immortal.

6. Jerry was an honest boy. (Negative) 
Ans: Jerry was not a dishonest boy.

7. He disagreed with me. (Negative) 
Ans: He did not agree with me. 

8. It was a phantom ship. (Negative) 
Ans: It was not a real ship. 

9. Every mother loves her child. (Negative) Ans: There is no mother but loves her child. 

10. Everybody hankers after happiness. (Negative) 
Ans: There is nobody but hankers after happiness.

11. Nothing will be as great as mother's love. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Will anything be as great as mother's love? 

12. God punished the old sailor severely. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Didn't God punish the old sailor severely? 
Or, Ans: Did God not punish the old sailor severely? 

13. Day after day, the ship rested unmoving. (Interrogative)
Ans: Did the ship rest moving day after day? 

14. You are unwise to eat meat. (Interrogative)
Ans: Are you wise to eat meat?

15. Karim is never late in his office (Affirmative) 
Ans: Karim is always punctual in his office.

16. I shall never forget your advice. (Affirmative)
Ans: I shall always never remember your advice. 

17. He bought only a pen from the new market. (Negative) Ans: He bought nothing but a pen from the new market.

18. In my polite way, I discoursed on the conditions of dramas in the Balkans. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Didn't I discourse on the condition of dramas in the Balkans in my polite way?

19. Only the graduate should apply for the post. (Negative) 
Ans: None but the graduate should apply for the post. 

20. Jim was only twenty two. (Negative)
Ans: Jim was not more than twenty two. 

21. I can not but shed tears at the sight. (Affirmative) 
Ans: I must shed tears at the sight.

22. You must tell the truth. (Negative)
Ans: You can not but tell the truth. 

23. The day is too hot for me to go out. (Negative) Ans: The day is so hot that I can not go out.

24. No sooner had he reached the college than the bell rang. (Affirmative) 
Ans: As soon as he reached the college, the bell rang.

25. He is too weak to walk. (Negative)
Ans: He is so weak that he can not walk. 

26. As soon as he saw me, he ran away. (Negative) 
Ans: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.


Do you want to learn Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs? Click to read all the posts on group verbs/phrasal verbs:

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 1

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 2

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 3
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