Active Voice to Passive Voice

Important Exercise On Changing Voice (Active to Passive Voice)

1. I placed the proposal to him.  
Pass: The proposal was placed to him by me.

2. A storm has uprooted the tree. 
Pass: The tree has been uprooted. 

3. People hate liars.
Pass: Liars are hated by people.

4. How can you do this? 
Pass: How can this be done by you?

5. What did they pay you for doing the job?
Pass: What were you being paid for doing the job by them? 

6. Which book have you borrowed?
Pass: Which book has been borrowed by you?

7. Whom did you like?
Pass: Who was liked by you? 

8. We ought to respect our teachers. 
Pass: Our teachers ought to be respected by us.

9. I have to do it.
Pass: It has to be done by me. 

10. You are to colour the picture.
Pass: The picture is to be coloured by you.

11. Who will help you? 
Pass: By whom will you be helped? 

12. Who gave you this book? 
Pass: By whom was this book given to you?

13. By whom was this done? 
Act : Who did this?

14. Who broke the pencil?
Pass: By whom was the pencil broken?

15 We should stop smoking. 
Pass: Smoking should be stopped.

16. I offered him a job. 
Pass: He was offered a job by me. 

17. Badal offered me a seat.  
Pass: I was offered a seat by Badul.

18. Did you take the therapy?  
Pass: Was the therapy taken by you?

19. Do you see the bird? 
Pass: Is the bird seen by you? 

20. He made me understand the matter.
Pass: I was made to understand the matter by him.

21. He heard the baby cry for its food. 
Pass: The baby was heard to cry for its food by him. 

22. Let me do the sum.
Pass: Let the sum be done by me. 

23. Let me have a cup of coffee.
Pass: Let a cup of coffee be had by me. 

24. He decided to leave the job.  
Pass: He decided the job to be left.
Pass: To leave the job was decided by him.

25. He wanted to draw a picture. 
Pass: He wanted a picture to be drawn. 
Pass: To draw a picture was wanted by him.

26. I know that he did not work.
Pass: That he did not work is known to me. 
Pass: It is known to me that he did not work. 

27. Please, do the work. 
Pass: You are requested to do the work.

28. He said that he was ill. 
Pass : That he was ill was said by him. 
Pass : It was said by him that he was ill.

29. Please, do the work. 
Pass: You are requested to do the work. 

30. I did not know where she lived.
Pass : Where she lived was not known to me. 
Pass : It was not known to me where she lived. 

31. Honey tastes sweet.
Pass: Honey is tasted sweet. 
Pass: Honey is sweet when it is tasted.

32. The bed felt hard.
Pass: The bed was felt hard. 
Pass: The bed was hard when it was felt.

33. Go away.
Pass: You are ordered to go away. 

34. Milk turns sour.
Pass : Milk is turned sour. 
Pass: Milk is sour when it is turned

35. He killed himself. 
Pass: He was killed by himself.

36) Keep you words. 
Pass: Your words should be kept.

37. They thanked themselves 
Pass: They were thanked by themselves.

38. Onions sell at high prices. 
Pass: Onions are sold at high prices.

39. The book is printing.
Pass: The book is being printed.

40. Don't laugh at the poor.
Pass: Let not the poor be laughed at. 

41. Never eat more than one thing for luncheon.
Pass: Let not more than one thing be ever eaten for luncheon.

42. Buy me a shirt.
Pass: Let a shirt be bought for me. 

43. Give me your watch
Pass: Let your watch be given to me. 

44. The house is building.
Pass: The house is being built. 

45. Honesty is the best policy.  
Pass : Honesty is called the best policy.

46. Open the door. 
Pass: Let the door be opened.

47. He is a fool.
Pass : He is called a fool. 

48. I was annoyed with him. 
Act: He annoyed me. 

49. The thief was caught. 
Act: Someone / The police caught the thief. 

50. His pen has been stolen. 
Act: Someone has stolen his pen. 

51. Tell me the tale. 
Pass: Let the tale be told to me.


Do you want to learn Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs? Click to read all the posts on group verbs/phrasal verbs:

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 1

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 2

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 3
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