Group Verbs | Phrasal Verbs | Prepositional Verbs: Part 2


Do away with (abolish) - We should do away our bad habits. 

Do for (serve the purpose of) -The cloth will do for a flag.

Do up (put into order) - He had to do up many rooms everyday.

Do with (deal with) - He has to do with all sorts of people.

Do without (manage without) - I cannot do without the lamp of my assistant.


Deal in (carry on business) - He deals in rice.

Deal with (behave) - He deals with me very well.


Draw away (divert) - His attention was drawn by the noise.

Draw back (retreat) - The army is now drawing back.

Draw in (reduce) - Try to draw in your expenditure.

Draw off (pull of) - She drew off her gloves.

Draw on (approach) - The festival is drawing on.

Draw out (sketch) - Will you draw out a scheme?


Drive away (turn out) - He was driven away from the village.


Fall at (show disappointment) - His news face fell at the news.

Fall among (happen to come among) - He feel among the thieves.

Fall back upon (have recourse to) - Having lost his Job he fell back upon agriculture.

Fall in with (agree with) - I cannot fall in with his views.

Fall from (come out) - Not a word fell from his lips.

Fall off (decline) —The quality of goods has fallen off.

Fall on (attack) - The robbers fall on the passer-by.

Fall out (quarrel) - Do not fall our with your friend.

Fall through (fail) - All his plans fell through.


Fill in up (complete) - Fill in (up) the gaps.


Find out (detect) - He is always busy to find out his faults.


Get at (reach) - The books are locked up and I can't get at them.

Get away (escape) - The thief could not get away with the necklace.

Get by (pass) - Please let me get by.

Get down (descend) - He got down from the train.

Get into (ascend) - He got into the train.

Get off (escape) - The thief got off safely.

Get on (proceed) - How are you getting on with your

Get out (go out) - Get out of the class studied?

Get out (come out) - The secret got out at lant.

Get over (overcome) - He will soon get over the difficulties.

Get through (succeed) - He got through the examination.

Get up (rise) - He gets up at 5 a. m. every day.


Give away (make over) - The president gave away the prizes.

Give in (yield) - The enemies gave in at last.

Give over (make over) - He will give over charge tomorrow.

Give off (send out) - The cooking coal gives off a lot of smoke.

Give out (disclose) - He will never give out the truth.

Give over (stop) - The rain will soon glue over.

Give up (abandon) - Try to give up your bad habit.


Go about (move about) - He goes about canvassing his goods.

Go away (leave the place) - He has gone away with all his belongings.

Go after (follow) - The dog went after the thief.

Go against (oppose) - This goes against the interest of the people.

Go back on (withdraw) - He won't go back on his word.

Go beyond (exceed) - You have gone beyond your limit

Go by (act according to) - I have to go by rules.

Go forth (be issued) - The order went forth for the public yesterday.

Go In for (sit for) - He is going in for the W. B. C. S. Examination

Go off (be fired or be thrown) - The gun (The arrow) went off by accident.

Go on (continue) - Go on with your studies.

Go out (extinguish) - The light has gone out

Go over (change) - He went over to the other party.

Go through (read) - He has gone through the book.

Go through (bear) - He has gone through many hardships.

Go up (increase) - The cost of living has gone up.

Go with (agree) - He will not go with you in this master.

Go without (live without) - They have to go without from time to time.


Hand over (place someone or something at the custody of some other)—The thief was handed over to the police.


Hang about (remain near) - The girl always hangs about her mother.

Hang by (put to death by hanging) - The murder was hanged by the neck.

Hang down ( lower) - Father had to hang down his head in shame for his son's misconduct.

Hang for (put to death by hanging) - He was hanged murder.

Hang on (depend upon) - What is the use of hanging on other for a job?

Hang up (put up) - Hang up your cont. (Or) The Headmaster asked him to hang up the notice on the wall.

Hang up (delay) - The plan has been hanging up for a long time.


Hold back (hide) - You need not hold back the secret from me

Hold in (check) - You should hold in your temper.

Hold off (keep away) - Please hold off your dog

Hold on (passive) - The meeting will be held on the 5th May.

Hold out (offer or promise) - He held out a helping hand to me.

Hold over (postpone) - This item has been held over all the next meeting.

Hold up (delay) - The train was held up for two hours.


Keep at (stick to) - The girl kept at her mother in the kitchen.

Keep away (remain at a distance from) - Keep yourself away from evil company.

Keep down (control) - He could not keep down his anger.

Keep in (prevent form going out) - They were kept in by rain.

Keep in with (keep good terms) - I can't keep in with you any longer

Keep off (remain at a distance) - Keep of the fire.

Keep off (continue) - He kept on shouting.

Keep up (maintain) - He always tries to keep up his reputation as a good teacher.

keep up with (keep pece with) - Try to keep up with the changing world.


Lay aside (keep apart) - Try to lay aside something for your old age.

Lay before (place) - He laid the facts before the committee.

Lay by (save) - You must lay by something for the future.

Lay down (sacrifice) - He laid down his life for the sake of his country.

Lay in (store) - The potatoes were laid in for the off-season.

Lay off (dismiss temporarily) - The workers were laid off for two months.

Lay on (apply) - He laid on paint on the doors.

Lay on (put) - He laid his hand on my shoulder

Lay out (invest) - He laid out a large amount of money in National Savings Certificates.

Lay up with (be confined to bed) - He was laid up with pneumonia.

Lay with (cover) - He laid the floor with a carpet.

Now click to read all the posts on group verbs/phrasal verbs:

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 1

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 2

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 3
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