Group Verbs | Phrasal Verbs | Prepositional Verbs: Part 3


Look at (gaze) - He is looking at the moon

Look after (take care of) - Mother looked after her child.

Look down upon (hate)-Do not look down upon the poor.

Look for (search) - He is looking for a job.

Look forward (expect eagerly) - They took forward to your help.

Look into (examine) - I asked him to look into the matter.

Look on, upon (consider) - I look upon (on) him as my best friend.

Look over (examine) - I have looked over your papers.

Look through (inspect carefully) - The auditor looked through the account.

Look up (find out) - Look up the word in the dictionary

Look up (rise in price - C.O.D.) -The price of goods is looking up nowadays.


Make after (pursue)-The police made after the thief

Make away (kill)-He made away with himself.

Make for (move towards) - The ship made for London.

Make of (compose of) - This ornament is made of gold.

Make off (escape) - The thief made off with ornaments.

Make out (understand) - I can't make out your words.

Make over (transfer) - He has made over the charge to the secretary.

Make up (complete) - I still need Rupees one hundred to make up the loss.

Make up one's mind (resolve) - He made up his mind to go there.

Make up for (compensate) - I must make up for the lost time.


Pass away (die) - The patient passed away peacefully.

Pass by (pay no attention to) - He passed by these mistakes.

Pass by (go along side)—He passed by our house.

Pass for (be regarded as) - He passed for a scholar in the village

Pass of (to be over) - The ceremony passed off smoothly.

Pass on (proceed) - He passed on from this to that.

Pass over (over look ) - We may pass over the unnecessary details.

Pass through (to gather experience) - He had to pass through many difficulties.


Put away (leave) - He Put away all ideas of being a doctor.

Put by (lay by) -  Put by something for your old age.

Put down (write) - Put down your name on the blackboard.

Put down (suppress) - The king put down the revolt.

Put off (take off) - Put off your shoes.

Put off (postpone) - The meeting was put off.

Put off (get rid of) - You must put off your doubts.

Put on (wear) - Put on your dress.

Put on (pretend) - He puts on an air of innocence.

Put out (extinguish) - He put out the lamp.

Put up (hang up) - The Headmaster put up a notice.

Put up with (tolerate) - I cannot put up with such insults.


Run after (chase) - The villagers ran after the thief.

Run away (flee)- The boys ran away on seeing the police.

Run away with (steal) - The thief ran away with all the valuables.

Run into (fall into) - He ran into danger.

Run Into (to be involved in) - He ran into heavy debts.

Run on (continue) - The troubles will run on for a few days.

Run out (become exhausted) - His patience running out.

Run over (knocked down) - The old man was run over by a car.


See off (to bid good-bye) - I went to the station to see my friend off.

See through (understand) - I have seen through his plan.


Send for (summon) - Please send for a doctor.

Send up (recommend for competition) - Fifty candidates have been sent up for the examination.


Set about (begin) - He set about his work early in the morning.

Set apart or aside (reserve) - He set apart (aside) a part of his income for charity.

Set aside (ignore) - Let us set aside all formalities.

Set against (to oppose, contrast) - Public  opinion is setting against the proposal.

Set-back (stop progress of) - Public opinion is setting back the programme.

Set by (lay by) - Set by something for old age.

Set forth (start) - They set forth carly in the morning.

Set in (begin) - The rains have set in.

Set out (start) - He set out for London,

Set up (establish) - The villagers have set up a school in the village.

Set upon, on (advance to attack) - She had been set on (upon) by a dog.


Sit for (appear in) - He sat for the Final Examination.

Sit up (continue to sit) - His mother sat up the whole night.


Stand against (oppose) - They stood against their common enemy.

Stand by (support) - Always stand by your friends.

Stand for (contest for) - He stood for Presidentship in the last election.

Stand for (sybolise) - P.O. stands for post office.

Stand up for (support the cause of) - The strong should stand up for the weak.

Stand out (be prominent) - His work stands out form that of the others.

Stand over (be postponed) - Let this matter stand over till the next meeting.

Stand to (stick to) - He stands to his promise.

Stand to (abide by) - It stands to reason that the best boy get the best prize.


Take after (resemble) - She takes after her mother.

Take back (withdraw) - She will not take back her words.

Take by (catch) - He took the man by his neck.

Take down (write down) - Take down the note in short.

Take for (consider) - I took him for a saint.

Take off (put off) - Take off your coat.

Take over (accept) - The new secretary will take over the charge.

Take to (addict) - He has taken to drinking in his youth.

Take up (occupy) - This work will take up too much time.

Take up (undertake) - He will take up the problem and try to solve it.


Talk over (discuss) - They are talking over the matter.


Tell of (describe) - He told of his plan in details.

Tell on upon (affect) - Over eating may tell on (upon) your health.


Turn aside (deviate from) - We should not turn aside from the path of virtue.

Turn against (become hostile) - They soon turned against us.

Turn away (keep away) - He turned away in disguise.

Turn down (reject) - He turned down our proposal.

Turn into (change into, different ) - Turn this passage into English.

Turn off (stop) -  Turn off the switch.

Turn on (let it work) - Turn on the switch.

Tum out (drive out) - He was turned out from the school.

Turn to (engage, oneself) - I advised him to turn to the study of medicine.

Tum up (appear) - He has not turned up yet.


Work at (be engaged in) - He is working at the statue.

Work on (continue working) - He worked throughout the night.

Work out (solve) - He could not work out the sum.

Work up (excite)–Antony worked up the feelings of the Roman mob by his speech.

Now click to read all the posts on group verbs/phrasal verbs:

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 1

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 2

◼️Group Verbs/Phrasal Verbs: Part 3
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