Transformation: Assertive to Interrogative

Rule-1 (A): যদি কোন Assertive Sentence- Interrogative (without changing meaning) করতে বলা হয় তবে Sentence-টিকে Interrogative-Negative form-এ Interrogative form পাওয়া যাবে।

1. He is a student. (Interrogative without changing meaning)
Ans: Isn't he a student?
Ans: Is he not a student?

2. God punished the old sailor severely. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Didn't God punish the old sailor severely? 
Or, Ans: Did God not punish the old sailor severely?

Rule-1 (B) : যদি Sentence এর শুরুতে Prepositional phrase বা Adverb বা অন্য কোন Phrase থাকে, তবে Interrogative - Negative করার সময় উক্ত Phrase/ Adverb কে Sentence এর শেষে বসাতে হবে।


1. In my polite way, I discoursed on the conditions of dramas in the Balkans. (Interrogative)
Ans: Didn't I discourse on the condition of dramas in the Balkans in my polite way?
2. Day after day, the ship rested still. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Didn't the ship rest still day after day?

Rule-1 (C): যদি কোন Negative Sentence কে Interrogative করতে বলা হয় তবে Sentenceটির Negative form উঠে যাবে এবং Sentenceটিকে Interrogative এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে।


1. I did not help you. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Did I help you?

2. He had not done this. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Had he done this?

Rafe-1 (D) : যদি Assertive Sentence এ unmoving, unrest, dishonest, unwise, impractical, irregular, non-stop ইত্যাদি জাতীয় Negative অর্থপূর্ণ শব্দ থাকে এবং যদি Sentence টিকে Interrogative করতে বলা হয় তবে এগুলাে উঠে যেয়ে যথা moving, rest, honest, wise, practical, regular, stop ইত্যাদি শব্দ বসবে এবং Sentence টিকে শুধু Interrogative করতে হবে।


1. Day after day, the ship rested unmoving. (Interrogative)
Ans: Did the ship rest moving day after day? 

2. You are unwise to eat meat. (Interrogative)
Ans: Are you wise to eat meat? 

3. He was irregular in his task. (Interrogative)
Ans: Was he regular in his task?

Rule-1 (E) : যদি কোন Sentence এ nobody, no one, no man, nothing, never, no girl, 
none ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে  Interrogative করতে nobody উঠে anybody, 
no one উঠে anyone, 
no man উঠে any man, 
nothing উঠে anything, 
never উঠে ever, 
no girl উঠে any girl বসবে এবং 
Sentence টিকে শুধু Interrogative করতে হবে।


1. Nobody likes a liar. (Interrogative)
Ans: Does anybody like a liar?

2. Nothing will be as great as mother's love. (Interrogative)
Ans: Will anything be as great as mother's love? 

3. He did nothing in this regard. (Interrogative)
Ans: Did he do anything in this regard? 

4. None can escape death. (Interrogative)
Ans: Can anyone escape death?

Note : None, no one, nobody, no girl, no man, no same person ইত্যাদি দ্বারা Assertive Sentence থাকলে তাকে who দ্বারাও Interrogative করা যায়।


1. None can escape death. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Who can escape death? 

2. Nobody trusts a liar. (Interrogative) 
Ans: Who trusts a liar?
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