Transformation: Assertive to Exclamatory and Exclamatory to Assertive

Assertive to Exclamatory

Rule-1 (A) : যদি কোন Assertive Sentence এ Adjective-phrase থাকে তবে Exclamatory Sentence করতে How দ্বারা Sentence শুরু করতে হবে এবং very, quite এবং extremely জাতীয় Adverb উঠে যাবে।

1. Karim is very honest. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How honest Karim is!

2. The pond is very deep. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How deep the pond is!

3. The moonlight sleeps very sweet over the bank. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How sweet the moonlight sleeps over the bank!

4. They are quite mistaken. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How mistaken they are!

5. The girl looks extremely tired. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How tired the girl looks!

Rule-1 (B) : যদি কোন Assertive Sentence এ Noun-phrase থাকে তবে Exclamatory Sentence করতে What দ্বারা Sentence টি শুরু করতে হবে এবং very quite এবং extremely জাতীয় Adverb উঠে যাবে।


1. The Padma is a very big river.
Ans: What a big river the Padma is!

2. Nila is a very honest girl.
Ans: What an honest girl Nila is! 

3. The dervishes have a very odd appearance.
Ans: What an odd appearance the dervishes have! 

4. It is a very nice book of stories.
Ans: What a nice book of stories it is! 

5. You are a great humorist.
Ans: What a humorist you are!

Exclamatory to Assertive

Rule-1 : Exclamatory Sentence কে Assertive Sentence করতে বলা হয় তবে উল্টা নিয়ম প্রয়ােগ করতে হবে। সেক্ষেত্রে Subject প্রথমে এনে তারপর verb বসিয়ে What/How কে তুলে দিয়ে very, quite বা extremely জাতীয় Adverb বসাতে হবে।


1. How nice the rose is! (Assertive)
Ans: The rose is very nice

2. How exciting the first day at Cox's Bazar is! (Assertive) 
Ans: The first day at Cox's Bazar is very exciting.
3. What an interesting drama it was! (Assertive) 
Ans: It was a very interesting drama.

4. What a fool you are! (Assertive)
Ans: You are a great fool.

Note : সাধারণত Adjective এর পূর্বে very, quite বা extremely জাতীয় Adverb বলে। কিন্তু Adjective না থাকলে সেক্ষেত্রে Noun এর পূর্বে great বসবে। 

Rule-2: যদি কোন Exclamatory Sentence এ Had + sub + but থাকে তবে Assertive Sentence করতে—

(i) Had উঠে যেয়ে Subject + wish

(ii) তারপর Subject বসবে। 

(iii) But একেবারেই উঠে যাবে এবং ঐ জায়গায় সামনের Had বসবে।

1. Had I but a friend to support me! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I had a friend to support me. 

2. Had I but the wings of a bird! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I had the wings of a bird.

Rule-3: যদি কোন Exclamatory Sentence এ Had + sub + verb এর past participle form থাকে তবে Assertive Sentence করতে -

(i) Had উঠে যেয়ে Subject + wish বসবে

(ii) তারপর Subject বসবে।

(iii) সামনের Had ২য় Subject এর পরে বসবে।

1. Had I been a king! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I had been a king. 

2. Had I been a bird! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I had been a bird.

Rule-4 : যদি If would that দ্বারা Exclamatory Sentence থাকে তবে Assertive Sentence করতে If বা would that উঠে যাবে এবং সেখানে Subject + wish বসবে।


1. If I were a child again! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I were a child again.

2. If I were a bird! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I were a bird. 

3. Would that I were a millionaire! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I were a millionaire.

4. Would that I could enter the house! (Assertive) 
Ans: I wish I could enter the house.

Rule-5 (A) : Hurrah, Ah, Oh ইত্যাদি দ্বারা আনন্দ প্রকাশ করা হয় তবে Assertive Sentence করতে এগুলো উঠে যেয়ে It is a matter of great joy that বসবে এবং পরের অংশ অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. Hurrah! We have won the match. (Assertive) 
Ans: It is a matter of great joy that we have won the match.

Rule-5 (B) ; যদি Alas, Ah, Oh ইত্যাদি দ্বারা দুঃখ প্রকাশ করা হয় তবে Assertive Sentence করতে এগুলাে উঠে যেয়ে It is a matter of great sorrow/regret that বসবে এবং পরের অংশ অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. Alas! I am undone. (Assertive) 
Ans: It is a matter of great sorrow that I am undone.

Rule-6: যদি কোন Exclamatory Sentence এ subject এবং verb দেওয়া না থাকে তবে সেক্ষেত্রে Assertive Sentence করতে নিজের ইচ্ছামত Subject এবং verb ধরে নিয়ে Assertive Sentence করতে হবে।


1. How cute! (Assertive)
Ans: The rose is very cute.
Ans: The flower is very cute. 

2. What a good news! (Assertive)
Ans: It is a very good news.
Ans: It was a very good news 

3. What an idea! (Assertive)
Ans: It is a great idea.
Or, Ans: It is a good idea.
Or, Ans: It was a great idea.
Or, Ans: It was a good idea.


How time does fly! (Assertive) 
Ans: Time flies very swiftly

Transformation: Assertive to Exclamatory and Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences

1. The dervishes have a very odd appearance. (Exclamatory)
Ans: What an odd appearance the dervishes have!

2. The Padma is a very big river. (Exclamatory)
Ans: What a big river the Padma is! 

3. The girl looks extremely tired. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How tired the girl looks! 

4. The pond is very deep. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How deep the pond is! 

5. The moonlight sleeps very sweet over the bank. (Exclamatory)
Ans: How sweet the moonlight sleeps over the bank! 

6. You are a great humorist. (Exclamatory)
Ans: What a humorist you are!

7 How exciting the first day at Cox's Bazar is! (Assertive) 
Ans: The first day at Cox's Bazar is very exciting. 

8. What an interesting drama it was! (Assertive)
Ans: It was a very interesting drama. 

9. What a fool you are! (Assertive) 
Ans: You are a great fool.

10. Had I but a friend to support me! (Assertive) 
Ans: I wish I had a friend to support me.

11. If I were a child again! (Assertive) 
Ans: I wish I were a child again.

12 What an ideal (Assertive) 
Ans: It is a great idea.
Or, Ans: It was a great idea. 

Would that I could enter the house! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I could enter the house.

14. What a good news! (Assertive) 
Ans: It is a very good news. 
Or, Ans: It was a very good news,

15. Hurrah! We have won the match. (Assertive) 
Ans: It is a matter of great joy that we have won the match.
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