Simple, Complex, Compound (Transformation of Sentences)

Interchange of Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences: Part 1  
Complex → Simple

Rule-01: Who/ Which/ That Complex Sentence of a Simple করার নিয়ম

(i) Main clause ঠিক থাকবে। এর কোন রূপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। 

(ii) Who/Which/That ইত্যাদি উঠে যাবে এবং ঐ Clause এর সাহায্যকারী Verbও উঠে যাবে।

(ii) যদি Verb থাকে তবে উক্ত Verb এর সাথে ing যােগ করতে হবে।

(iv) যদি Adjective থাকে তবে উক্ত Adjective যার সম্বন্ধে তথ্য প্রদান করে তার সামনে বসাতে হবে। 

(v) Noun/Noun-Phrase D Noun বা Noun-Phrase যার সম্বন্ধে তথ্য প্রদান করে তার কাছে Appositive হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। 


1. The other sailors were angry with the old man who had shot the albatross. (Simple)

Simple : The others sailors were angry with the old man having shot the albatross.

Or, Simple : The other sailors were angry with the old man shooting the albatross.

2. She lived in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage. (Simple) 
Simple: She lived in a cabin belonging to the orphanage. 

3. The Magi brought gifts which were valuable. (Simple) 
Simple : The Magi brought valuable gifts.

4. I met a man who was honest. (Simple) Simple : I met an honest man.

5. My father, who was a man of great sympathy and good sense, took a wise
and tolerant view. (Simple) 
Simple : My father, a man of great sympathy and good sense, took a wise and tolerant view.

Note : যদি কোন Complex Sentence এ in which/ at which/ where/ on which ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে Simple করতে এগুলাে উঠে যাবে এবং Simple করতে দুটো কাছে মধ্যে যে কাজটি আগে ঘটবে তাকে Present Participle এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে।

6. He went to the door on which he found some words inscribed in letters of gold. (Simple) 
Simple : Going to the door, he found some words inscribed in letters of gold 

Rule-02(A) : যদি When/While/After ইত্যাদি দ্বারা Complex sentence থাকে তবে simple করার নিয়ম :

(i) main clause ঠিক থাকবে। এর কোনরূপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।

(ii) যদি when/while/after দ্বারা গঠিত clause সামনে থাকে তবে সেখানে নিচের কাজগুলাে সম্পাদন করতে হবে ।

(a) When/while/after ইত্যাদি উঠে যাবে। 

(b) যদি ১ম Clause এর Subject এবং ২য় Clause এর Subject একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝায় তবে ১ম Clause এর Subject উঠে যাবে। আর যদি আলাদা হয় তবে সবার প্রথমে At the time of + Subject Possessive form বসবেI

(c) এই Clauseটি থেকে সাহায্যকারী Verb উঠে যাবে। 

(d) তারপর Verb থাকলে Verb এর সাথে ing যােগ করতে হবে।


1. After I had paid the bill, I had found only enough for a quite inadequate tip. (Simple)
Simple : Having paid the bill, I had found only enough for a quite inadequate tip.
Simple : Paying the bill, I had found only enough for a quite inadequate tip. 

2. When he woke up, he heard music all around him. (Simple)
Simple : Waking up, he heard music all around him.

3. When I grew older, I chose my own reading. (Simple)
Simple : Growing older, I chose my own reading. 

4. When Della stood by the window, she looked out. (Simple) 
Simple: Standing by the window, Della looked out.

5. While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter brought a basket full of large peaches. (Simple)
Simple : At the time of our waiting for the coffee, the head waiter brought a basket full of huge peaches.

6. When he woke up, it was raining. (Simple)
Simple : At the time of his waking up, it was raining. 

(iii) যদি When/While/After দ্বারা গঠিত Clause-টি Main clause এর পরে থাকে সেখানে নিচের কাজগুলাে সম্পাদন করতে হবে: 

(a) When/While/After ইত্যাদি উঠে যাবে।

(b) দ্বিতীয় Sentence এর Subject এবং সাহায্যকারী Verb উঠে যাবে। 

(c) to + মূল Verb এর Present form বসবে। 


7. I was startled when I saw the bill of fare.(Simple) 
Simple : I was startled to see the bill of fare.

8. We waited for the asparagus while it was being cooked. (Simple) 
Simple : We waited for the asparagus to be cooked.

ব্যতিক্রম :

Rule-02 (B); যদি When/While দ্বারা গঠিত Clause-এ বয়স, সময়, দিনের কোন অংশের কথা, ঋতু ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে Simple করার সময় উক্ত Clause টি তুলে দিয়ে in/at + বয়স/সময়/দিনের কোন অংশ/ঋতু বসাতে হবে।


9. The coffee was made when it was 7 O'clock. (Simple) 
Simple : The coffee was made at 7 O'clock

10. I could picture him when he was four. (Simple) 
Simple : I could picture him at four/at the age of four.

11. I was there while it was Autumn. Simple : I was there in Autumn.

Rule-02 (C): যদি Main-clause এ বয়স বা সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকে তবে উক্ত Clause এর বয়স বা সময়কে Phrase এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং When/while ইত্যাদি উঠে যাবে।

12. You were only four when you came here. (Simple)
Simple : At four/at the age of four, you came here.

13. It was twenty years ago when I was living in Paris. (Simple) 
Simple : Twenty years ago, I was living in Paris.

Rule-02 (D) : যদি When/While দ্বারা গঠিত Clause এ শিশুকাল, বাল্যবাল, যুবককাল বা বৃদ্ধ বয়সের কথা উল্লেখ থাকে তবে Simple করতে in/at + বাল্যকাল /যুবকবয়স/শিশুকাল/ বৃদ্ধবয়স বসাতে হবে।


14. When I was boy, my ankles were sick. (Simple) 
Simple : At/In my boyhood, my ankles were sick. 

15. When I was young, I visited London. (Simple) 
Simple : In my young age, I visited London.

Rule-03: As/Since/Because Will Complex sentence করার নিয়ম । 

(i) Main clause ঠিক থাকবে। এর কোনরূপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।

(ii) As/Since/Because থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে Because of বসবে। 

(iii) যে Clause এর সামনে Because of বসবে সেখানে নিচের কাজগুলাে করতে হবে । 

(a) Subject Possessive form বসাতে হবে। 

Subject যদি I থাকে তবে = my বসবে

Subject যদি you থাকে তবে = your বসবে

Subject যদি he থাকে তবে = his বসবে 

Subject যদি she থাকে তবে = her বসবে

Subject যদি they থাকে তবে = their বসবে

(b) ঐ Clause-এর সাহায্যকারী Verb উঠে যাবে এবং মূল Verb এর সাথে ing যােগ করতে হবে। 

(c) যদি Adjective থাকে তবে তার পূর্বে Being (Adjective- Noun-এও রূপান্তর করা যায়)

[Poor থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে = being poor/ Poverty বসবে। innocent থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে = being innocent/innocence]


1. I was saved because I had shown a true love for all living thing. (Simple) 
Simple : I was saved because of my having shown a true love for all living things.
Simple: I was saved because of my showing a true love for all living things.

2. Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink it. (Simple) 
Simple : Because of the water being salty, the sailors could not drink it. 

3. As the writer was poor, he could not visit Foyot's earlier. (Simple) 
Simple : Because of his being poor, the writer could not visit Foyot's earlier.
Simple : Because of his poverty, the writer could not visit Foyot's earlier. 

Rule-04 : Though/Although/Even if দ্বারা Complex sentence থাকে তবে Simple করার নিয়ম :

(i) Main clause ঠিক থাকবে। এর কোনরূপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।

(ii) Though / Although/ Even if উঠে যেয়ে In spite of বসবে।

(iii) যে clause এর সামনে In spite of বসবে সেখানে নিচের কাজগুলাে করতে হবে

(a) Subject এর Possessive form বসবে। Subject যদি I থাকে তবে = my বসবে
Subject যদি you থাকে তবে = your বসবে 

(b) clause-4 a Verb Verb ING ing যােগ করতে হবে।

(c) যদি Adjective থাকে তবে তার পূর্বে Being বসবে। (Adjective- Noun এও রুপান্তর করা যায়)

[Poor থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে = being poor/ Poverty বসবে। innocent থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে = being innocent/innocence]


1. Though the writer had willingness, he could not eat caviere. (Simple) 
Simple : In spite of his having willingness the writer could not cat caviere.

2. Although Jim and Della were poor, they had a happy conjugal life. 
Simple : In spite of their being poor, Jim and Della had a happy conjugal life. 
Simple: In spite of their poverty, Jim and Della had a happy conju life.

3. The old man was not rewarded though he worked hard. (Simple) 
Simple : The old man was not rewarded in spite of his working hard. 

4. Though Nehal is poor, he is honest. (Simple) 
Simple : In spite of his poverty, Nehal is honest. 
Or: Inspite of his being poor, Nehal is honest.

Rule-05: যদি So ...... that দ্বারা Complex Sentence থাকে তবে simple করার নিয়ম:

(i) So উঠে যেয়ে too বসবে।

(ii) That, দ্বিতীয় Clause-এর সাহায্যকারী Verb এবং Not উঠে যাবে।

(iii) যদি ১ম Subject এবং ২য় Subject এক হয় তবে ২য় Subject উঠে যাবে। আর যদি আলাদা হয় তবে ২য় Subject এর পরিবর্তে for + Objective form বসবে।

অর্থাৎ ২য় subject I থাকলে = for me

২য় subject you T = for you 

(iv) to + Verb এর Present form বসবে।

(v) যদি ১ম Clause এর Subject এবং ২য় Clause এর Object একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝায় তবে ২য় Clause এর Object উঠে যাবে।


1. The man was so weak that he could not walk. (Simple)
Simple : The man was too weak to walk. 

2. I was so ill that I could not attend the class. (Simple)
Simple :I was too ill to attend the class. 

3. The day was so hot that I could not go out. (Simple)
Simple : The day was too hot for me to go out. 

4. The river is so rough that we can not cross it. (Simple)
Simple : The river is too rough for us to cross.

5. The sum is so difficult that the students can not solve it. (Simple) 
Simple : The sum is too difficult for the students to solve.

Rule-06: যদি So that / In order that দ্বারা Complex Sentence থাকে তবে Simple করার নিয়ম:

(i) Main clause ঠিক থাকবে। এর কোনরূপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। 

(ii) So that/In order that উঠে যাবে। 

(iii) ২য় Clause থেকে Subject ও সাহায্যকারী Verb উঠে যাবে।

(iv) to+ Verb এর Present form বসবে। 


1. He drew his sword in order that he might defend himself. (Simple) 
Simple : He drew his sword to defend himself.

2. Della went to Madame Sofronie so that she could sell her hair. (Simple) 
Simple : Della went to Madame Sofronie to sell her hair.

3. We eat something so that we can live. (Simple) 
Simple : We eat something to live.

4. We always go to college so that we can learn something. (Simple) 
Simple : We always go to college to learn something.

Rule-07: If Complex Sentence থাকে তবে simple sentence করার নিয়ম:

(i) If উঠে যেয়ে by বসবে। Unless থাকলে উঠে যেয়ে Without বসবে। 

(ii) If দ্বারা গঠিত Clause থেকে Subject ও সাহায্যকারী Verb উঠে যাবে।

(iii) মূল Verb এর সাথে ing যােগ করতে হবে ।

(iv) Main clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. If you help me, you will be benefited. (Simple)
Simple : By helping me, you will be benefited. 

2. If you eat balanced diet, you will be healthy. (Simple)
Simple : By eating balanced diet, you will be healthy.

3. Unless you work hard, you will fail. (Simple) 
Simple : Without working hard, you will fail. 

Note: যদি If এর Clause এ Negative থাকে তবে Simple Sentence করতে without বসবে এবং সাহায্যকারী verb ও not উঠে যাবে। 

4. If you do not work hard, you will not succeed in life. (Simple)
Simple : Without working hard, you will not succeed in life.

5. If you do not repeat the offence, I will forgive you. (Simple)
Simple : Without repeating the offence, I will forgive you. 

Rule -08 : (A) Noun Clause টি Subject হিসাবে Sentence এর শুরুতে থাকে তবে Simple করতে উক্ত Noun Clause টিকে Phrase রূপান্তর করতে হবে। 

1. That he is honest is known to all. (Simple)
Ans. His honesty is known to all. 

2. Where she lives is myteriously. (Simple)
Ans. Henliving /dwelling place is mysterious. 

3. How he did it surprises us all. (Simple) Ans. His process of doing it is mysterious. in surprising

4. Why she is late is not usual. (Simple)
Ans. The reason of his being late is not usual.

5. What his name is is important. (Simple) Ans. His name is important.

Rule-08 : (B) Noun Clause টি Object হিসাবে Sentenceএ থাকে তবে Simple sentence করতে উক্ত Noun-Clause-কে Phrase এ রূপান্তরিত করতে হবে ।

1. I do not know where she lives. (Simple)
Ans. I do not know her living place. 

2. He asked me what my name was. (Simple) 
Ans. He aksed me my name. 

3. He asked me why I was late.
Ans. He asked me the reason of my delay.

Simple  → Complex

Rule-1(A) : যদি কোন Simple Sentence এর

Object এর পর Present Participle/Present Participle-ph 21 uc Complex Sentence css Present Participle/Present Participle Phrase ( 96 Fat Who/Which ব্যবহার করতে হবে এবং সামনের অংশের Tense এর সাপেক্ষে পরের Clause এর Tense কে নির্ধারণ করতে হবে।


1. But one day, the sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship. (Complex)

Complex : But one day, the sailors saw an albatross which flew towards the ship. Or Complex: But one day, the sailors saw an albatross that/ which was

flying towards the ship.

2. The old sailors watched the people walking past him. (Complex) Complex : The old sailors watched the people who walked past him. Or Complex: The old sailors watched the people who were walking past him.

Rule-1(B) : যদি কোন Simple Sentence Subject 1 Object এর মধ্যে Noun-এর পূর্বে কোন Adjective থাকে তবে উক্ত Adjective Who/Which করে Sentence টিকে Complex করা যায়। এক্ষেত্রে সামনের Clause এর Tense এর

সাপেক্ষে পরের Clause এ Be-Verb ব্যবহৃত হবে। 


1. The old sailor killed an innocent bird. (Complex)
Complex : The old sailor killed a bird which was innocent. 
Complex : The old sailor killed a bird that was innocent.

2. An old lady is knocking at the door. (Complex)
Complex : The lady, who is old, is knocking at the door

Rule-1(C): যদি কোন A Simple Sentence এর Subject বা Object এর Appositive হিসেবে Noun/Noun-Phrase থাকে তবে উক্ত Noun/Noun-Phrase সরিয়ে Who/which ব্যবহার করতে হবে এবং অপর Clause Tense দেখে পরের  Clause-এ Be-Verb ব্যবহার করতে হবে।


1. Shahana, my sister, sings well. (Complex) Complex : Shahana, who is my sister, sings well.

2. I chose a mutton chop, the cheapest dish on the menu. (Complex) 
Complex : I chose a mutton chop which/that was the cheapest dish on the menu.

Rule-2(A) : যদি কোন Simple Sentence এ Subject এর পূর্বে Present Participle/Perfect Participle থাকে তবে When/While দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে এবং অন্য অংশের Subject ও Verb-এর সাপেক্ষে When/while-এর Clause এর Subject ও Verb-এর Tense কে নির্ধারণ করতে হবে।


1. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily. (Complex)
Complex : When she jumped into a cab, she cried gaily.
Complex : While she was jumping into a cab, she cried gaily.

2. Having forgotten him, I went outside the cabin. (Complex) 
Complex: When I had forgotten him, I went outside the cabin.

Rule-2(B) : যদি In/At দ্বারা সময় নির্দেশক Phrase” থাকে এবং In/At এর পর বয়স, সময়, দিনের কোন অংশ এবং ঋতু থাকে তবে উক্ত Phrase সরিয়ে তাকে When/While দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে।


4. At daylight, I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping. (Complex)
Complex: I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping when it was daylight.
Complex : When it was daylight, I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping. 

5. I was there in Autumn. (Complex)
Complex : I was there when it was Autumn. 

6. At the age of four, he came here. (Complex)
Complex : When he was four, he came here. alle

7. At 7 0'clock, the coffee was made. (Complex) 
Complex : When it was 7 0'clock, the coffee was made.

Rule-2(C): যদি কোন Simple Sentence এর শেষে Infinitive / Infinitive Phrase থাকে এবং তা দ্বারা যদি "Time" এর নির্দেশ করে তবে উক্ত Infinitive/lnfinitive Phrase-কে সরিয়ে When/While দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে।


9. We waited for the asparagus to be cooked. (Complex) 
Complex : We waited for the asparagus while it was being cooked.

10. My mouth had often watered to see them. (Complex) 
Complex : My mouth had often watered when I saw them.

Note: Infinitive/ Infinitive phrase যাকে modify করবে When/While এর পর সেই Subject বসবে এবং অপর Clause Tense এর সাপেক্ষে When/While- Clause-এও ঠিক একই Tense বসবে।

11. He ran away in fear to see the police. (Complex)
Complex : He ran away in fear when he saw the police.

Rule-2(D): যদি in/at + শিশুকাল / বাল্যকাল / যুবক বয়স / বৃদ্ধ বয়স থাকে তবে তা সরিয়ে দিয়ে When দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে এবং অপর Clause এর Subject Verb অনুসারে করতে When-এর পরে Subject এবং be verb বসাতে হবে।


13. At my childhood, I went to India. (Complex)
Complex : When I was a child, I went to India.

14. At my old age, I will go to Saudi Arabia. (Complex) 
Complex : When I will be old, I will go to Saudi Arabia. 

15. At/In my young age, I did it. (Complex)
Complex : When I was young, I did it.

Rule-3: Because of wat Simple Sentence WITH As/Since/Because aaT Complex করতে হবে এবং অন্য Clause এর Tense এর সাপেক্ষে। As/since/Because-এর Clause-এর Tense-কে নির্ধারণ করতে হবে।


1. Because of his being poor, the man can not live happily. (Complex) 
Complex : Since the man is poor, he can not live happily.
Complex : Because the man is poor, he cannot live happily. 

2. Because of killing the albatross, the old sailor was punished. (Complex) 
Complex: Because the old sailor killed the albatross, he was punished. 
Complex : Since the old sailor killed the albatross, he was punished. 

3. Because of dense fog, I could not drive my car at night. (Complex) 
Complex : Since there was dense fog, I could not drive my car at night. 
Complex : Because there was dense fog, I could not drive my car at night.

Rule-4: যদি in spite of বা incase of দ্বারা Simple Sentence থাকে তবে

Though/Although দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে এবং Clause এর Tense সাপেক্ষে Though/Although-এর পরের Clause-এর Tense -কে নির্ধারন করতে হবে।


1. In spite of his working hard, he could not reach to his goal. (Complex)
Complex : Though he worked hard, he could not reach to his goal. 

2. In spite of having knowledge, Mr. Matin was not selected. (Complex).
Complex : Although Mr. Matin had knowledge, he was not selected. 

3. I might have dry fire material incase of wet weather. (Complex)
Complex : I might have dry fire material though there was wet weather.

Rule-5 : Too .... to দ্বারা Simple Sentence থাকলে Complex Sentence করতে 

(i) too উঠে so বসবে

(ii) Adjective-এর পর that বসবে।

(iii) that-এর পর ২য় subject বসবে

(iv) তারপর can not/ could not বসবে।  ( সামনে clause এর এর Tense-এর সাপেক্ষে)

(v) to উঠে শুধু মূল Verb এর Present form বসবে।


1. The boy is too weak to speak a single word. (Complex) 
Complex : The boy is so weak that he can not speak a single word.

2. The tea was too hot for him to take.(Complex) 
Complex : The tea was so hot that he could not take it.

3. The river is too rough for us to cross. (Complex) 
Complex : The river is so rough that we can not cross it.

Rule-6: যদি কোন Simple Sentence এ Infinitive - Phrase বা in order to + word থাকে তবে Complex করতে Infinitive -Phrase  বা in order to + word-কে তুলে দিয়ে So that/ In order that ব্যবহার করে Complex Sentence করতে হবে।


1. I went to bank to draw some money. (Complex)
Complex : I went to bank so that I could draw some money. 
Complex : I went to bank in order that I might draw some money. 

2. The old man comes to me to get help. (Complex)
Complex : The old man comes to me so that he can/may get help. 

3. We usually go to mosque to say our prayer. (Complex) 
Complex : We usually go to mosque so that we can/may say our prayer.

Note: উপরের Examples-গুলােতে So that এর পরিবর্তে in order that ব্যবহার করা যায়।

Rule-7: যদি By + (verb + ing) দ্বারা বা Without + (verb + ing) দ্বারা Simple Sentence থাকে তবে Complex করতে 

(i) By উঠে যেয়ে If বসবে।

(ii) without থাকলে তা উঠে যেয়ে Unless বসবে। এছাড়া without খাকলে।f দ্বারা complex করা যায় তখন If-এর Clause এ Neuative form বসবে। 

(iii) অপর Subject এর সাপেক্ষে Subject বসাতে হবে। 

(iv) অপর Clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. By reading more, you will know more. (Complex) 
Complex : If you read more, you will know more.

2. By taking exercise regularly, you will be fit. (Complex) 
Complex : If you take exercise regularly, you will be fit.

3. Without learning English, you will not travel foreign countries. (Complex) Complex : If you do not learn English, you will not travel foreign countries. 
Complex : Unless you learn English, you will not travel foreign countries.
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