Transformation of Sentences: Simple, Complex, Compound

Interchange of Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences: Part 2
Complex  → Compound

Rule-1: Who/Which/That ইত্যাদি দ্বারা Complex Sentence থাকে তবে  Compound Sentence করার নিয়ম: 

(i) Who/Which/That এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত ঠিক থাকবে এবং এদের পূর্বে and বসবে। 

(ii) Who/Which/That উঠে যেয়ে এদের পরিবর্তে সাধারণ Pronoun বসবে ।

(iii) যদি প্রথম Clause এর Subject এবং And এর পরে ২য় Clause এর Subject একই ব্যক্তি বস্তুকে বুঝায় তবে ২য় Clause এর Subject পরে যাবে।


1. The albatross is a big sea bird that brings good luck to the sailors.(Compound) 
Compund : The albatross is a big sea bird and brings good luck to the sailors.

2 Jerry was an orphan boy who lived in an orphanage. (Compound)
Compound : Jerry was an orphan boy and lived in an orphanage. 

3. I met a man who was very honest. (Compound) 
Compound : I met a man and he was very honest.

Rule-2: যদি When/While/As/Before/After ইত্যাদি  দ্বারা Complex Sentence থাকে Compound করার নিয়ম :

(i) When/While/Before/After/As দ্বারা গঠিত Clause টিকে সবার প্রথমে এনে When/While/Before/After/As ইত্যাদি তুলে দিতে হবে। (যদি পিছনে থাকে) 

(ii) তারপর দুটো Clause এর মাঝে and বসবে।

(iii) তারপর main clause বসবে।

(iv) যদি ১ম Clause এর Subject এবং ২য় Clause-এর Subject একই ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা প্রাণীকে বুঝায় তবে ২য় Clause এ Subject টি উঠে যাবে। এক না হলে অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. When I was a boy, my ankles were sick. (Compound)
Compound : I was a boy and my ankles were sick. 

2. My mouth had after watered when I saw them. (Compound)
Compound : I saw them and my mouth had often watered.

Rule-3: যদি As/Since/Because দ্বারা Complex Sentence থাকে তবে Compound করার নিয়ম :

(i) As, Since, Because দ্বারা গঠিত Clause টিকে সবার প্রথমে আনতে হবে। (যদি তা পিছনে থাকে) 

(ii) As, Since, Because উঠে যাবে এবং দুটো Clause এর মাঝে And বসবে।

(iii) যদি ১ম Clause এর Subject এবং ২য় Clause এর Subject একই ব্যক্তি/বস্তু/প্রাণী হয় তবে ২য় Clause এর Subject উঠে যাবে।


1. As the set of combs is costly, I can not buy it. (Compound)
Compound : The set of combs is costly and I can not buy it. 

2. Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink it. (Compound) 
Compound : The water was salty and the sailors could not drink it.

3. I was saved because I had shown a true love for all living things. (Compound)
Compound :I had shown a true love for all living things and was saved.

Rule-4: Though/Although/even if it complex sentence of compound করার নিয়ম : 

(i) Though/Although/Even if দ্বারা গঠিত clause টিকে সবার প্রথমে আনতে হবে। 

(ii) Though/Although/Even if উঠে যাবে এবং দুটো clause এর মাঝে but বসবে। 

(iii) যদি ১ম clause-এর subject clause- subject একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝায় তবে ২য় clause-এর subject উঠে যাবে। আর যদি আলাদা হয় তবে তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. Although Jim and Della were poor, they had a happy conjugal life. (Compound)
Compound : Jim and Della were poor but had a happy conjugal life. 

2. The writer could not eat caviere though he had willingness. (Compound) Compound : The writer had willingness but could not caviere. 

3. The sailors had not a drop to drink although there was water everywhere
around them. (Compound) 
Compound : There was water everywhere around them but the sailors had not a drop to drink.

4. She never complained although she suffered a lot. (Compound)
Compeund : She suffered a lot but never complained. 

5. Though the heavens fall, Justice must be done. (Compound)
Compound : The heavens fall but justice must be done.

6. I shall come even if it rains. (Compound) Compound : It rains but I shall come.

Rule-5: So .. that Tat Complex Sentence থাকে তবে Compound করার নিয়ম

(i) so উঠে যেয়ে Very বসবে 

(ii) That উঠে যেয়ে And বসবে

(ii) যদি ১ম Clause-এর Subject ও ২য় Clause-এর Subject এক হয় তবে ২য় Clause এর Subject উঠে যাবে। আর যদি আলাদা হয় তবে তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. The man was so old that he could not walk. (Compound) 
Compound : The man was very old and could not walk.

2. Hakim is so honest that he can not take bribe. (Compound) 
Compound : Hakim is very honest and can not take bribe.

3. The sum was so difficult that the students could not solve it. (Compound)
Compound : The sum was very difficult and the students could not solve it.

4. The tea was so hot that it burnt my tongue. (Compound) 
Compound: The tea was very hot and burnt my tongue.

5. There was such a big crowd that we could not see the film star. (Compound) 
Compound : There was a very big crowd and we could not see the film star.

Rule-6: So that/ In order that দ্বারা Complex থাকে তবে Compound করার নিয়ম:

(i) So that/ In order that এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত ঠিক থাকবে।

(ii) So that/ In order that উঠে যেয়ে And বসবে।

(iii) যদি ১ম Clause-এর Subject এবং ২য় Clause-এর Subject এর হয় তবে ২য় Clause-এর Subject উঠে যাবে। এক না হলে ২য় Clause-এর Subject টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।


1. He drew his sword in order that he might defend himself. (Compound)
Compound : He drew his sword and might defend himself. 

2. We eat something so that we can live. (Compound) 
Compound : We eat something and can live.

Rule-7: If/Unless দ্বারা Complex থাকে তবে Compound করার নিয়ম: 
(i) If/unless দ্বারা গঠিত Clause-কে সামনে আনতে হবে। (যদি পিছনে থাকে) 

(ii) If/unless উঠে যাবে এবং দুটো Clause এর মাঝে And বসবে।

(iii) যদি ১ম Subject এবং And এর পরের Subject এক হয় তবে And এর পরের  Subject উঠে যাবে। 
আর যদি আলাদা হয় তবে তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে। 

(iv) Unless থাকলে তা উঠে যাবে এবং সামনের Clause-এ সাহায্যকারী Verb + not বসবে।


1. If you take exercise regularly, you will be fit. (Compound) 
Compound : You take exercise regularly and will be fit

2. If you read more, you will know more. (Compound) 
Compound : You read more and will know more.

3. Unless you learn English, you will not travel foreign countries. (Compound)
Compound : You do not learn English and will not travel foreign countries.

Compound  →  Complex

Rule-1 : যদি And দ্বারা Compound Sentence থাকে এবং And এর আগের শব্দ ও পরের শব্দ একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝায় অথবা And এর পরে কোন Subject না থাকে তবে Complex করতে

(i) And উঠে যাবে এবং And এর পূর্ববর্তী শব্দ সাপেক্ষে Who/Which/That বসবে। 

(ii) দ্বিতীয় Subject উঠে যাবে (যদি থাকে)।


1. The old sailor saw some watersnakes and they swam round the ship. (Complex)
Complex: The old sailor saw some watersnakes which swam round the ship. 

2. I bought a pen and it was red. (Complex)
Complex I bought a pen which/that was red. 

3. He helped a boy and the boy was honest. (Complex) 
Complex : He helped a boy who was honest.

4. Jerry was an orphan boy and lived in an orphanage. (Complex) 
Complex : Jerry was an orphan boy who lived in an orphanage.

Rule-2: যদি And দ্বারা Compound Sentence থাকে এবং যদি And এর সামনের Clause দ্বারা “কারণঃ বুঝায় তবে Complex করতে সবার প্রথমে As, Since বা Because বসবে এবং And উঠে কমা বসাতে হবে। যদি ২য় Clause এ Subject না থাকে তবে Clause এর Subject এর সাপেক্ষে ২য় Clause এর Subject বসাতে হবে।


1. The water was salty and the sailors could not drink it. (Complex) 
Complex : Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink it. 
Complex: The sailors could not drink it because the water was salty.

2. I grew older and chose my own reading. (Complex) 
Complex : Since/As/Because I grew older, I chose my own reading. 

3. The writer was poor and could not visit Foyot's earlier. (Complex) 
Complex : Since/As/Because the writer was poor, he could not visit Foyot's earlier.

Rule:3: But দ্বারা Compound Sentence এর Though/Although দ্বারা Complex করতে হবে এবং ২য় Subject না থাকলে ১ম Subject এর সাপেক্ষে তা ধরে নিতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে But-এর সামনের Clause এর পূর্বে Though/Although বসাতে হবে।

1. Examples: You paid me but I would not do it. (Complex) 
Complex : Though you paid me, I would not do it.

2. It is difficult to explain but exists. (Complex) 
Complex: Although it is difficult to explain, it exists.

3. He failed in the examination but was not dispirited. (Complex) 
Complex : Though he failed in the examination, he was not dispirited.

Rule-4: যদি কোন Compound Sentence এর মাঝে And থাকে এবং And এর সামনের অংশে Very থাকে তবে Complex করার নিয়ম:

(i) Very উঠে যেয়ে So বসবে 

(ii) And উঠে যেয়ে That বসবে

(iii) যদি Subject না থাকে তবে ১ম Subject এর সাপেক্ষে ২য় Subject ধরে নিতে হবে।


1. The weather was very cold and there were no birds or animals in that snow-covered country. (Complex) 
Complex : The weather was so cold that there were no birds or animals in that snow-covered country.

2. My ankles were very weak that I was slow in learning to walk. (Complex) 
Complex : My ankles were so weak that I was slow in learning to walk. 

3. The days had become very cold and I often let him come inside the cabin. (Complex) 
Complex : The days had become so cold that I often let him come inside the cabin.

Rule-5: যদি কোন Compound Sentence- And থাকে এবং And এর পরের অংশ দ্বারা সামনের অংশের “উদ্দেশ্য” বুঝায় তবে Complex করতে And So that/ In order that বসবে এবং সামনের Subject -এর সাপেক্ষে ২য় Subject বসবে।


1. He came to me and could tell his suffering. (Complex) 
Complex : He came to me so that he could tell his suffering.
Complex : He came to me in order that he could tell his suffering.

2. I went to the new market and could buy a new shirt. (Complex) 
Complex : I went to the new market so that I could buy a new shirt 
Complex : I went to the New market in order that I could buy a new shirt

Rule-6: যদি কোন Compound Sentence এ And থাকে এবং And এর সামনের অংশ দ্বারা শর্ত প্রকাশ পায় তবে Complex করতে And উঠে যাবে এবং সবার প্রথমে If বসবে। 


1. You read the newspaper and will get huge information. (Complex) 
Complex : If you read the newspaper, you will get huge information.

Note : এক্ষেত্রে পরের অংশের Subject টিকে প্রথম অংশের Subject এর সাপেক্ষে ধরে নেয়া হয়।

2. You help me and I will help you. (Complex)
Complex : If you help me, I will help you. 

3. You do not work hard and will not succeed. (Complex)
Complex : If you do not work hard. you will not succeed. 
Complex : Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.

Simple  → Compound

Rule-1: যদি কোন Simple Sentence Compound Sentence করতে বলা হয় তবে তাকে প্রথমে Complex Sentence এ রূপান্তর করে নিয়ে তারপর তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হবে।


1. But one day, the sailors saw an albatross flying towards in ship. (Compound)
Complex: But one day, the sailors saw an albatross which flew towards the ship
Compound: But one day, the sailors saw an albatross and it flew towards the ship

2. The old sailor killed an innocent bird. (Compound) 
Complex : The old sailor killed a bird which was innocent.
Compound: The old sailor killed a bird and it was innocent. 

3. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily. (Compound)
Complex : When she jumped into a cab, she cried gaily.
Compound: She jumped into a cab and cried gaily. 

4. Having forgotten him, I went outside the cabin. (Compound) 
Complex: When I had forgotten him, I went outside the cabin.
Compound: I had forgotten him and went outside the cabin.

5. At daylight, I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping. (Compound) 
Complex: I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping when it was daylight. Compound: It was daylight and I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping

6. Because of killing the albatross, the old sailor was punished. (Compound) Complex : Because the old sailor killed the albatross, he was punished. 
Compound: The old sailor killed the albatross and was punished.

Compound  →  Simple

Rule-1: যদি কোন Compound Sentence কে Simple করতে বলা হয় তবে তাকে প্রথমে Complex Sentence এ রূপান্তর করে নিয়ে তারপর তাকে Simple Sentence করতে হবে।


1. The old sailor saw some watersnakes and they swam round the ship. (Simple)
Complex: The old sailor saw some watersnakes which swam round the ship. Simple: The old sailor saw some watersnakes swimming round the ship.

2. I bought a pen and it was red. (Simple) Complex : I bought a pen which/that was red.
Simple: I bought a red pen.

3. The water was salty and the sailors could not drink it. (Simple) 
Complex : Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink it. 
Simple: Because of the water being salty, the sailors could not drink it.

4. I grew older and chose my own reading. (Simple) 
Complex : Since/As/Because I grew older, I chose my own reading. 
Simple: Because of my growing older, I chose my own reading.

5. My ankles were very weak that I was slow in learning to walk. (Simple) 
Complex : My ankles were so weak that I was slow in learning to walk. 
Simple: My ankles were too weak to be slow in learning to walk. 

6. He came to me and could tell his suffering. (Simple)
Complex : He came to me so that he could tell his suffering. 
Simple: He came to me to tell his suffering.
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