Degree of Comparison: Positive, Comparative and Superlative

Superlative → Positive

Rule-1: যদি কোন Superlative Degree তে The এবং most +Adjective বা Adjective+est থাকে তবে তাকে Positive Degree করার নিয়ম: 

(i) No other + Adjective এর পরের অংশ (Singular) বসবে।

(ii) Verb- সাধারণত Subject অনুসারে বসবে। তবে তা সাধারণত Singular হয়। 

(iii) As/so + Adjective (Positive) + as + Subject বসবে। 


1. The mutton chop was the cheapest dish on the menu. (Positive)

Ans. No other dish on the menu was as/so cheap as the mutton chop. 

2. Jerry was the best boy the writer had ever found. (Positive)
Ans. No other boy the writer had ever found was as/so good as Jerry. 

3. Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (Positive)
Ans. No other city in Bangladesh is as/so large as Dhaka. 

4. Karim is the tallest boy in our class. (Positive)
Ans. No other boy in our class is as tall as Karim.

Rule-2: যদি Superlative Degree তে one of the  থাকে এবং  Adjective + est থাকে তবে তাকে Positive করার নিয়ম: 

(i) Very few + Adjective এর পরের অংশে (Plural) বসবে। 

(ii) Verb - plural হবে। 

(iii) As + Adjective (Positive) + as + Subject বসবে। 


1. The whale is one of the largest creatures in the world. (Positive) 
Ans. Very few creatures in the world are as large as the whale. 

2. This is one of the greatest pictures of the world. (Positive) 
Ans. Very few pictures of the world are as great as 

Note: সবার শেষে this/that থাকলে তারপর one বসাতে হবে। 

3. Belal was one of the most meritorious boys in our village. (Positive) 
Ans. Very few boys in our village were as meritorious as Belal.

Positive → Superlative

Rule-1: যদি No other দ্বারা Positive Degree থাকে তবে Superlative Degree করতে 

(i) ২য় As এর পর যে Noun/Noun-Phrase/Pronun থাকবে তাকে সবার প্রথমে Subject হিসেবে আনতে হবে। 

(ii) তারপর Subject Verb

(iii) The + Superlative form

(iv) No other উঠে যাবে এবং তারপরের অংশ Superlative form এর পরে বসবে।


1. No other boy is as smart as he in the class. (Sup) 
Ans. He is the smartest boy in the class.

2. No other city in USA is as expensive as New York. (Superlative) 
Ans. New York is the most expensive city in USA.

Rule-2: যদি Very few দ্বারা Positive Degree থাকে তবে (i) ২য় As এর পর যে Noun/Noun-Phrase/Pronoun থাকবে তাকে সবার প্রথমে Subject হিসেবে আনতে হবে।

(i) তারপর Subject অনুসারে Verb বসবে।

(iii) One of the বসবে

(iv) Superlative form বসবে

(v) Very few উঠে যাবে এবং তারপরের অংশ Superlative form এর পরে বসবে।


1. Very few girls are as beautiful as Rekha. (Superlative) 
Ans. Rekha is one of the most beautiful girls.

2. Very few languages in the world are as good as English. 
(Superlative) Ans. English is one of the best languages in the world.

Positive → Comparative

Rule-1: যদি As ...... As দ্বারা Positive থাকে তবে Comparative Degree করার নিয়ম 

(i) ২য় As এর পরে যে Noun/Noun Phrase/Pronoun থাকবে তাকে সবার প্রথমে এনে Subject হিসাবে বসাতে হবে।

(ii) Affirmative থাকলে Negative হবে এবং Nagative থাকলে Affirmative হবে।

(iii) Comparative form হবে

(iv) Than + Subject বসবে

1. He is as ferocious as a tiger. (Comparative) 
Ans. A tiger is not more ferocious than he.

2. The treasures of King Solomon were not as valuable as Jim's watch. (Comparative)
Ans. Jim's watch was more valuable than the treasures of King Solomon.

3. You have done as much as a man. (Comparative) 
Ans. A man has not done more than you.

4. The penny-bloods were not as good-written as they. (Comparative) 
Ans. They were better-written than the penny-bloods.

Rule-2: Very few দ্বারা Positive Degree থাকলে Comparative Degree করতে

(i) ২য় As এর পরে যে Noun/N-Phrase/Pronoun থাকবে তাকে সবার প্রথমে এনে Subject হিসাবে বসাতে হবে।

(ii) Subject অনুসারে Verb বসাতে হবে

(iii) Comparative form হবে

(iv) Than + Most other /Many other বসবে

(v) Plural শব্দ সহ অন্যান্য শব্দ অংশ সবার শেষে বসবে।


1. Very few restaurants are as expensive as Foyot's. (Comparative)
Ans. Foyot's is more expensive than most / many other restaurants. 

2. Very few girls are as beautiful as Nila. (Com.)
Ans. Nila is more beautiful than most / many other girls.

Comparative → Positive

Rule-1: Comparative Degree কে Positive করতে বলা হয় তবে -

(i) Than এর পরের অংশ Subject হবে।

(ii) Affirmative থাকলে Negative হবে এবং Negative থাকলে Affirmative হবে। 

(iii) As/so+Adjective (Positive) + as + Subject হবে। 


1. Tomatoes are cheaper than Oranges. (Positive)
Ans. Oranges are not as/so cheap as tomatoes. 

2. Her teeth are better than a string of pearls. (Positive)
Ans. A string of pearls is not as/so good as her teeth.

3. Jerry is greater than any other boy in the orphanage. (Positive)
Ans. No other boy in the orphanage is as/so great as Jerry. 

4. This pony is better-trained than yours. (Positive) 
Ans. Your pony is not as/so good-trained as this one.

Note: সবার শেষে this/that থাকলে তারপর one বসাতে হবে। 

5. The roads of Rajshahi are better than those of Kushtia. (Positive) 
Ans. The roads of Kushtia are not as so good as those of Rajshahi. 

6. I began to realise that they were better written than the penny-bloods.(Positive) 
Ans. I began to realise that the penny-bloods were not as/so good-written as they.

7. The aeroplane flies faster than birds. (Positive)
Ans. Birds do not fly as/so fast as the aeroplane. 

8.I guess her hands are bigger than yours. (Positive)
Ans. I guess your hands are not as/so big as hers. 

Note: Not less/ No less দ্বারা Comparative Degree থাকে তবে সেক্ষেত্রে Subject কে অপরিবর্তিত রেখে Positive degree করতে হবে।


1. Della and Jim were not less wise than the Magi. 
(Positive) Ans. Della and Jim were as wise as the Magi.

Rule-2: Most other/Many other দ্বারা Comparative Degree থাকে তবে Positive Degree করার নিয়ম:

(i) Very few + Plural শব্দ বসবে ।

(ii) Verb - Plural form হবে।

(iii) As + Adjective (Positive) + as + Subject বসবে। 


1. "Hamlet" is more popular than most other dramas. (positive)
Ans. Very few dramas are as popular as Hamlet.

2. Dhaka is bigger than many other cities in Bangladesh (Positive) 
Ans. Very few cities in Bangladsh are as big as Dhaka.

Superlative → Comparative

Rule-1: Superlative Degree Comparative Degree করতে বলা হয় তবে —

(1) Subject এবং Verb ঠিক থাকবে। 

(ii) Comparative form হবে

(iii) Than + Any other বসবে

(iv) তারপরে Adjective এর পরের অংশ বসবে।


1. Ali is the talest boy in the class. (Comparative) 
Ans. Ali is taller than any other boy in the class.

2. Jim is the most intelligent man I have ever found. (Comparative) 
Ans. Jim is more intelligent than any other man I have ever found.

Note: Superlative Degree এ of all থাকে তবে Comparative Degree তে than all বসবে। 


3. The porter was the cleverest of all in the company. (Comparative) 
Ans. The porter was cleverer than all in the company.

Rule-2: যদি One of the দ্বারা Superlative থাকে তবে Comparative করার নিয়ম

(i) Subject এবং Verb ঠিক থাকবে। 

(ii) Comparative form বসবে

(iii) Than + Most / Many other বসবে 

(iv) Plural শব্দ সহ অন্যান্য শব্দসমূহ বসবে।


1. The whale is one of the largest creatures in the world. (Comparative) 
Ans. The whale is larger than many / most other creatures in the world.

2. This is one of the greatest pictures of the world. (Comparative) 
Ans. This is greater than most / many other pictures of the world.

Comparative → Superlative

Ruele-1: যদি Comparative Degree Superlative Degree করতে বলা হয় তবে —

(i) Subject এবং Verb ঠিক থাকবে। 

(ii) Superlative form হবে

(iii) Than + any other উঠে যাবে এবং তারপরের অংশ Superlative form এর পরে বসবে।


1. Karim is better than any other man. (Superlative)
Ans. Karim is the best man.

2. Della was better than any other house wife. (Superlative)
Ans. Della was the best house wife. 

Note: যদি Comparative Degree তে than all থাকে তবে Superlative Degree করতে - of all বসবে।


3. This forbidden book lasted longer than all the rests. (Superlative) 
Ans. This forbidden book lasted the longest of all the rests.

Rule-2: যদি Than + Most other/Many other + Plural শব্দ দ্বারা  Comparative Degree থাকে তবে Superlative Degree করার নিয়ম —

(i) Subject এবং Verb ঠিক থাকবে।

(ii) One of the বসবে

(iii) Superlative form বসবে।

(iv) Plural শব্দ সহ অন্যান্য শব্দসমূহ বসবে।


1. Foyot's is more expensive than most other restaurants. (Sup.) 
Ans. Foyot's is one of the most expensive restaurants.

2.Karim is more meritorious than many other boys in our class. (Sup.) 
Ans. Karim is one of the most meritorious boys in our class.
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