Phrases and Sentences Distinguished

Distinguish between the following Phrases and Sentences :

I am to go : It is arranged that I shall go.
I have to go : I am under obligation to go. 

I was to go : ঠিক ছিল আমি যাব,গিয়েছিলাম কিনা সে সম্বন্ধে কিন্তু বলা হচ্ছেনা। 
I was to have gone : ঠিক ছিল আমি যাব, কিন্তু যাইনি। 
I had to go : যেতে বাধ্য হয়েছিলাম।

On a day : I shall go home on Monday.
In a day : in 24 hours. I can do it in a day.
In the day : (দিনের বেলায়, রাত্রে নয়) I shall do in the day. 

If the book be there—আছে কি নাই, কিছুই জানা নাই।
If the book is there - ধরে লওয়া হচ্ছে আছে।
If the book were there - it is not there, ঠিক জানা আছে — নাই।
If the book had been there - it was not there, ঠিক জানা আছে—ছিল না।

On the right : He sat on the right of Jadu-ডান দিকে
In the right : I am in the right in this matter-correct, ঠিক

In demand : demanded by people,  His novels are much in demand now. 
On demand : চাহিবা মাত্র। I shall pay off your money on demand.

On the north, in the north, to the north: On denotes border, in denotes inside, within ; to denotes outside. 
Thus : The Himalayas are on the north of India. Jalpaiguri is in the north of Bengal. Tibet is to the north of India.

At play : The children are at play (are playing) 
In play: I said this in play (not seriously) 

I am at fault: I am puzzled.
I am in fault : I have done wrong and am to blame.

I shall do it at no time : i.e., never.
I shall do it in no time : i.e., as soon as possible, খুব তাড়াতাড়ি।

Come one at a time :  each time  
He comes here at times : occasionally, মাঝে মাঝে         
He came on time : 'at the recognised or scheduled time, ঠিক নির্ধারিত সময়ে।'
He came in time : 'by or before the time in question, সময়ের মধ্যে, ঠিক নির্ধারিত সময়ে বা তাহার কিছু পূর্বেও হইতে পারে।'
The train seldom runs to time : in conformity with the scheduled time.

We reached home in the same time: We took the same period of time (say, 6 hours) to reach home. 
We reached home at the same time : i.e., at the same moment, say 11 A.M. 

I shall come in an hour : এক ঘন্টা পর 
I shall come within an hour : এক ঘন্টার মধ্যে।

He snatched the knife: he siezed it quickly or unexpectedly. 
He snatched at the knife: he tried to take it by force, but could not, ছিনাইয়া নিতে চেষ্টা করিল, কিন্তু পারিল না।

A picture of the queen : a likeness of her, may be in the possession of anybody (রাণীর প্রতিমূর্তি). 
A picture of the queen's : One of the many pictures which the queen possesses, not necessarily her likeness (রাণীর কাছে যেসব ছবি আছে তাহাদের একটি).

Go to market : i.e., to make purchases. He went to market and spent the amount in making purchases. 
Go to the market : কোন বিশেষ বাজারে—কেনাবেচার জন্য না হইয়া অন্য কারণও হইতে পারে
He went to the market to enquire about the price of the thing. 

Go to school : for study, fast . He went to school at the age of five.
"Go to a/the school : শিক্ষার জন্য নয়, অন্য উদ্দেশ্যে। He has gone to the school to bring home his boy.

Go to sea : নাবিক হওয়া। He went to sea at the age of fifteen. 
Go to the sea : to go on a voyage, not necessarily as a sailor may be as a passenger. He went to the sea under medical advice (সমুদ্রযাত্রা করা).

Take air: প্রকাশিত হওয়া I The news has taken air. 
Take the air : বায়ু সেবন করা। I always walk in the morning to take the air.

Keep house : গৃহস্থালী করা। The girl has not yet learnt how to keep house. 
Keep the house : বাড়ীর মধ্যে থাকা। You are very weak, and must keep the house.

He set it on fire : ইহাতে আগুন লাগাইলো।He set it on the fire: ইহাকে আগুনের উপর বসাইল।

The rebels were in possession of the king : i.e., the rebels captured the king, বিদ্রোহীরা রাজাকে বন্দী করিয়াছিল।

The rebels were in the possession of the king: just the opposite of the former--meaning, it is the king who had the rebels in his keeping, বিদ্রোহীরাই রাজার হাতে বন্দী।

He arrived safe : যখন পৌছিল তখন সুস্থ ও নিরাপদ ছিল, পথে কোন বিপদ হইয়াছিল কিনা সে সম্বন্ধে কিছু জানা যায় না।
He arrived safely : পথে কোন বিপদ হয় নাই।

He came late : after the due time, বিলম্বে He came lately : recently, সম্প্রতি

Go there direct : without going to any other place or wasting time enroute, অন্যত্র দেরী না করিয়া বা গিয়া।
Go there directly : at once, এখনই।

I am busy at present : at the present time, বর্তমানে। 
He will come presently : very soon

This will do for the present : for the time being, until later

He ate a fruit : i.e., the whole of it, 
He ate of a fruit : i.e., not the whole, but a little of it

Poor as I am : though I am poor ; in spite of my poverty ; "Poor as I am, I am honest."

As I am poor : because I am poor. "As I am poor, cannot help you with money, যেহেতু আমি দরিদ্র।

He is stout : i.e., fat.

He is stout and strong : i.c., has a robust physique and is strong, হৃষ্টপুষ্ট ও শক্তিমান।

To lose heart : to be disheartened,
To lose one's heart to: to fall in love with.

To send a man : to send him somewhere (কাহাকেও পাঠানো). 
To send for a man : to send somebody to call in the man. কাহারও জন্য একজন লোক পাঠান, ডাকিয়া পাঠান।

To search a man: examine his body, 
To search for a man : to look for the man, 

He spoke on behalf of the class : as the representative of the class. প্রতিনিধিরূপে। 
He spoke in behalf of his friend : in the interest (স্বার্থের জন্য) of his friend.

To take heart: to gain courage, সাহস সঞ্চয় করা I 
To take to heart: to be affected deeply.

He worked the machine : managed it. He worked at the machine : was engaged with it.

I see it : perceive it, বুঝতে পারলাম
I shall see to it : attend to, মনোযোগ দিব। দেখবো কি করা যায়।

He meditates revenge : future action.
He meditates upon the revenge that he took : past action. 

Speak, and you die : If you speak, you shall die. 
Speak, or you die : Unless you speak, you shall die.

Consult him : invite his opinion.
Consult with him : exchange views with him. 

He sticks to nothing: does not adhere to anything,  
He sticks at nothing : is reckless, (কিছুতেই পশ্চাৎপদ নয়).

Are you going to the meeting? : asked by one who will not necessarily be present there. 
Are you coming to the meeting?: asked by one who will himself be present there.

He likes you better than I : i.e., better than I like you. 
He likes you better than me: ie., better than he likes me.

I dare say, : I believe  (আমার ধারণা). 
I dare to say: I venture to say (আমি জোর করিয়া বলিতেছি).

The first two : the first and the second of the same group. "Only the first two boys of each class will get prizes." 
The two first: the first only from each of two different series. "The two first boys of the first and second classes were awarded medals."

Every three hours : after the lapse of three hours. "Take this medicine every three hours.
Every third hour: after the lapse of two hours, (অর্থাৎ দু'ঘন্টা পর পর).

A nice boy and a girl: the girl is not said to be nice. 
A nice boy and girl : both the girl and the boy are nice.

She is the greatest poet : greatest among poets of either sex, স্ত্রী ও পুরুষ উভয়বিধ কবিদের মধ্যে। 
She is the greatest poetess: greatest only among the poets of her own sex, শুধু স্ত্রী কবিদের মধ্যে।

The Magistrate and Collector was present : the Magistrate was the same man as the Collector, (একই লোক). 
The Magistrate and the Collector were present : two different persons, (দুজন লােক), 

The subject of discussion : the discussion is going on.
The subject for discussion : the discussion has not yet begun. 

The oldest son: first of the living sons, (জীবিতদের মধ্যে প্রথম) 
The eldest son: first-born,

Only he can sing ; He only can sing : mean the same thing, "Only he, and nobody else, can sing, Only qualifies he. 

He can only sing ; He can sing only : 
In the first sentence, only qualifies sing ; in the second, only qualifies the whole sentence 'He can sing. But both mean the same thing: "He can sing, but cannot do anything else worth mention," ( গান ছাড়া কিছুই পারে না). 

Tomorrow : on the day following this day, (আগামীকাল). I shall go tomorrow.
On the morrow : on the day following that day, (ইহার পরের দিন). He came on Sunday and left on the morrow.

He will come by Friday next : latest by Friday, শুক্রবারের মধ্যে আসিবে।
He will come on Friday next : on that day

I found the way easy: not at all difficult to walk upon ; or there was no difficulty on the way. 
I found the way easily : the way was found out without much difficulty. 

I told him once again: once more
I told him once and again : several times repeatedly. 

By and by: before long, soon, at some future time. He picked up confidence by and by.

By the by : incidentally. By the by what are you going to do about your son?

One or other : when more than two are concerned. 
One or the other : when only two are concerned.

A press : a machine for printing, 
The press : reporters, journalists, 

A drunkard : A person who is habitually or often drunk. His son is a drunkard. 
A drunk : A person who is drunk. I found a few drunks in the park.

Take liberties : treat with undue familiarity. You must stop taking liberties with the young woman. 
Take the liberty : presume or venture to do. I took the liberty of visiting your garden in your absence.
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