Adv. He is walking about.
Prep. What do you know about him ?

Noun. I look for help from above. 
Adj: Give the substance of the above passage.
Adv: Look above.
Prep: He is above meanness.

Adj: His after life was miserable.
Adv: He came soon after.
Prep: There is none to look after me here.
Conj: He went after we had left.

Noun : I have lost my all. All is lost.- COD
Adj: All men must die.
Pron: All of us know it. Are you all ready ? - POD
Adv: He came all on a sudden.

Adj: Any pen will do.
Noun: Point out the errors if there be any.
Adv: I cannot bear this any longer.

Rel. Pron.: This the same book as that.
Simple Adv. : Come as soon as you can. 
Conj. : As I am ill I cannot go.

Back :
Noun. : He struck me on the back.
Adj. : He escaped by the back door.
Verb. He backed me in the trial.
Adv : Come back as soon as possible.

Adv. I saw him once before.
Prep: He stood before me.
Conj: Look before you leap.

Noun: Respect your betters.
Adj: He is a better singer than I. 
Adv: He knows English better than I.
Verb: Try to better your lot.

Both :
Adj: Both the boys must be guilty.
Pron: Both of them were present. Both were present. 
Adv: She is both dead and buried.- POD & COD.
Conj: Both he and Ram must be guilty.*

Rel. Pron.: There was none but shed tears. 
Adv. : You are but (=only) a child.
Prep. : None but him was present there. 
Co-ord. Conj.: He is poor but honest.
Sub-ord. Conj. : It never rains but it pours.
Verb. : But me no buts.
Noun. : But me no buts.

BY :
Adj. : His action surprised the by-standers: 
Adv. : The train has passed by.
Prep. : Sit by me.

Noun. : The ceremony came to a close. 
Adj. : He is a close friend of mine.
Verb : The school closes at 4 p.m.
Adv. : Our examination is close at hand.

Noun: He has had ups and downs in life. He sleeps a bed of down (feather).
Adj. The down train is coming. :
Adv. : The sun has gone down.
Prep. : The boat is sailing down the river.

Adj : There are trees on either side of the street.
Pron : Either of the pencils will do. Either will do.
Conj : Either you or your brother should go. Either come in or go out.

Noun : We have had enough of everything.
Adj : I have money enough for the purpose. 
Adv : He is strong enough to walk. 

Noun : A well-timed fast is better than a cure.
Adj : He is my fast friend.
Verb : He fasts every Sunday.
Adv : Don't run so fast.

Noun. : A few of his friends were present there.
Adj. : There are few men here.
Pron. : Few know where he is.

NOTE : POD and COD, however, do not treat few as a Pronoun, and regard it in the third example as a noun.

Half :
Noun. : The half of ten is five-POD.
Adj. : We shall have a half-holiday to day. with fear.
Adv. : He was half dead

Noun. : He will fight to the last. 
Adj: I shall go by the last train.
Verb. : It will last long.
Adv. : He came last.

Adj : I want less sugar.
Pron: I cannot take less.-POD.
Adv : He is less clever than his brother.
Prep : Pay me the price less the usual discount.

Like :
Noun. : Like begets like. I have not seen the like of him.
Adj. with a Prep. force : Men like him are rare. 
Adj. : Like (similar) forces repel each other.
Adv. : He seemed angry like. - POD.
Verb. : I do not like him.
Prep. : Do not talk like that.- POD.

Little :
Noun. I got little of his company. Wait a little. 
Adj : He is a little boy.
Adv : He is little liked by the people.

[The POD writes "noun or pronoun" for little in such cases.]

Noun : He will come before long.
Adj : It is a long story.
Verb : Boys long for holidays.
Adv : I cannot wait long.

Noun : A great many stayed away. - POD.
Adj : I have many friends.
Pron : Many have seen the sight.

[The POD treats many as a noun only when it is preceded by a good or a great.]

Adj : I want more money.
Pron: I hope to see more of you.-POD.
Adv : Be more careful.

Adj : The news gives me much pleasure.
Pron : Too much of anything is bad.
Adv : It will not harm me much.

Adj : He is a near relation of mine.
Verb :The ship is nearing the shore.
Adv : Come near.
Prep : I saw the man near the station.

Need :
Noun : I am in need of your advice.
Verb : I need your help.
Adv : He must needs go there.

Adj : Neither report is true.
Pron : Neither of the report is true.
Adv : Neither I nor he knows (COD). 
Conj : I know not, neither can I guess (COD).

Noun : Details will be given in my next.
Adj : He came the next day.
Adv : He came next.
Prep : He sat next (also, next to) me in the class.

Noun : I am at one with you.
Adj : Give me one rupee.
Pron : One should obey one's parents.

Adj : He was the only son of his father.
Adv : He can only read.
Conj : You may go there, only remain silent.

Noun: I cannot forget the past. 
Adj : My past life was miserable.
Adv : I saw him hasten past.
Prep : It is half past three now.

Noun : You have no right to do it.
Adj: Show me your right hand. 
Verb : I shall right the wrong.
Adv : He walked right across the garden.

Noun : The watchman is on his rounds.
Adj : Draw a round figure.
Verb : Who rounded the Cape of Good Hope ?
Adv : The earth moves round and round.
Prep : Drake sailed round the world.

Adv : He died two weeks since.
Prep : He has been ill since that day.
Conj : Since you are ill you need not go.

SO :
Pron : So and so told me this. I said so.
Adv : I am so glad you have passed.
Conj : He was ill, so he could not go.
Interj : A little to the right, so !-POD.

Pron . Some of them were present there.
Adj : Give me some milk.
Adv : Some fifty men were present there.

Noun : The thief came in the still of night.
Adj. : The night is still.
Verb : Still the child.
Adv. : He is still there.
Conj. : He was weak, still he went.

That :
Adj. : Who is that boy ?
Rel. Pron. : The books that I bought have been stolen. 
Dem. Pron. : That is just what I want.
Adv. : I will go that far. - POD.
Rel. Adv. : It was yesterday that we came.
Conj. : He told me that he was ill.

Then :
Noun: I shall be ready by then.
Adj : The then Governor approved the bill.
Adv : He came to me then.
Conj : you till, then you may go.

UP :
Noun : He has had ups and downs in life.
Adj. : The up-train is coming. 
Adv: The sun is up.
Prep. :He went up the hill.

Well :
Noun : Let well alone. A well was dug there.
Adj : I am quite well.
Adv : You have done well.
interj : Well, what do you want ?

Int. Pron.: What is your name ? 
Rel. Pron. : That is just what I want.
Int. Adj. : What book do you like best ?
Adv.: What (=partly) with illness and what with poverty, he could not continue his studies.
interj : What ! can this be true ?

Noun : I worked for a while.
Verb : Do not while away your time.
Conj : While I was reading, I fell asleep.-POD.

Noun : He is a man of no worth.
Adj. with a Prep. force : This house is worth a large sum.

Wrong :
Noun: He has done no wrong.
Adj.: You have followed the wrong path.
Verb: You have wronged me.
Adv. : He led me wrong.
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