Linking Words

➢ Use of that, and, as well as:

I know that he will help me.
This is the boy that helps you a lot.

We work that we may earn.
He went to market and bought a shirt.
They are very friendly as well as cooperative.

Here in each sentence and, that, as well as, have been used to join two clauses.

➢ Use of but:

He is lean but he is strong.
Our country is small but it has got huge resources.
They work hard but they get very poor salary.

Here in each sentence 'but' has been used to join two clauses that express opposite sense.

➢ Use of since, as, because:

As he worked hard, he got GPA 5 in the SSC examination. 
We could not attend the programme since the weather was very rough. 
Bangladesh won the match because the players had a good team spirit. 

Here in each sentence as, since, because, have been used to express reason.

➢ Use of so that, in order that, lest:

They work hard so that they can support themselves about their study.
They study up to late night in order to do well in the examination. 
Run fast lest you should miss the bus.

Here in each sentence so that, in order that, lest, have been used to express purpose.

➢ Use of before, after:

The train had left the station before we reached here. 
The train left the station after we had reached there.

Here in each sentence before, after, have been used to express time of function.

➢ Use of till, until, when, while, so long, as long as:

I will wait here until he returns.
When we were in Dhaka, we often went to the stadium to watch cricket.
You will be able to reach the goal so long your purpose is honest.
As long as you remain honest, you will succeed.
She was reading while I was sleeping.

Here in each sentence till, until, when, while, so long, as long as, have been used to express time of function.

➢ Use of even though, although, though, in case, unless, provided, provided that:

I have to go to office now even though it is raining hard.
I always listen to the teacher's lecture in order that I can understand clearly.
In case you fail to come in time, you will miss the train. 
Though he worked hard, he could not come out successful.

Here in each sentence even though, although, though, in case, unless, provided, provided that, have been used to express time of function.

➢ Use of in spite of, despite:

He attended the programme in spite of illness. 
He carried on working in spite of being ill.

I completed the task despite not feeling well. 
We use in spite of, despite before a noun phrase or -ing form of verb.

➢ Use of in case:

I'll write his name in case I forget it.
Take some water in case you get thirsty on the way.

We use 'in case' to talk about doing something because something else might happen later.

➢ Use of both — and

We both love and respect him.
Both karim and Rahim will join the party.
Kazi Nazrul Islam was both a poet and a philosopher.

We use 'both — and' to express two qualities or things.

➢ Use of either — or/ neither — nor

Either he or his brothers have done the job.
Either you will do the work or you will let me do it.
Neither you nor your friend attended the party.
He will neither play nor study.

We use 'either — or' to express one out of two and we use 'neither — nor' to express none of the fwo.


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