Special Rules of Gerund and Participle Identification

🔖 Special Rules of Gerund and Participle Identification

📄 Rule 1. These are the main strategies to identify Particle and Gerund.

Participle: Article + Noun + is + v-ing

Gerund: Article + Noun + for + v-ing

Participle : A swimming snake. 
(A snake is swimming, NOT A snake for swimming) 

Gerund : A swimming pool. (A pool for swimming, NOT A pool is swimming) 

Participle : A sleeping baby. (A baby is sleeping, NOT A baby for sleeping) 

Gerund : A sleeping room. (A room for sleeping, NOT A room is sleeping) 

Gerund : A sleeping pill. (A pill for sleeping, NOT A pill is sleeping)

📄 Rule 2. VERY can't be used before Gerund but VERY can be used before Participle. 

very + v-ing = Participle 

very  + v-ing = Gerund

My favourite activity is praying
(NOT My favourite activity is very praying.)
His profession is teaching. 
What I detest most is smoking. 

The film was (very) entertaining. 
She was (very) entertaining. 

📄 Rule 3. Questions can be made with WHAT in case of Gerund 

His profession is teaching.  (Gerund) 

Question : What is his profession? 
Answer : Teaching

And questions can be made with HOW in case of Particle.

Education is enlightening.  (Participle) 

Question : How is education? 
Answer : Enlightening

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