Active-Passive Structures of Tenses

📝 Voice : Active - Passive Structures of Tenses 

In this table
S = Subject, V = Verb, Vpp = Verb Past Participle, O = Object. 

📄 In the Passive structure, the object of the Active structure becomes the subject and vice versa. 


Active Voice 

Passive Voice 

Present Indefinite

S + V + O

I eat a mango. 

S +am/is/are + Vpp + (by + O) 

A mango is eaten by me. 

Present Continuous 

S + am/is/are + V-ing + O

She is writing a letter.

S +am/is/are + being + Vpp + by + O

A letter is being written by her. 

Present Perfect 

S + have/has + Vpp + O

I have killed the snake. 

S + have/has + been + Vpp + by + O

The snake has been killed by me. 

Past Indefinite 

V + v-past + O

I received the gift. 

S + was/were + Vpp + by + O

The gift was received by me. 

Past Continuous 

S + was/were + v-ing + O

We were watching the documentary. 

S + was/were being + Vpp + by + O

The documentary was being watched by us. 

Past Perfect 

S + had + Vpp + O

She had not drawn the photo. 

S + had been + Vpp + by + O

The photo had not been drawn by her. 

Future Indefinite 

S + shall/will + V + O

Roni will catch the ball. 

S + will/shall be + Vpp + by + O

The ball will be catched by Roni. 

Future Continuous 

S + shall/will be + V-ing + O

We will be growing crop.

S + will/shall be being + Vpp + by + O

Crop will be being grown by us. 

Future Perfect 

S + shall/will have + Vpp + O

We will have finished the work. 

S + shall/will have been + Vpp + by +  O

The work will have been finished by us.

Active and Passive Structures of Tenses
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