Differences between Gerund and Present Participle

◻️ Differences between Gerund and Present Participle 
💦 Comparison between Gerund and Present Participle 

☑️ Comparison 1.

⚫ Gerund 
Formation : verb+ing
Function : Gerund works as both Noun and Verb but actually it is Noun. 


⚫ Present Participle 
Formation : verb+ing
Function : Present Participle works as both Adjective and Verb but actually it is Adjective. 

☑️ Comparison 2.

⚫ Gerund 

Gerund can be followed by a verb. 

Walking in the morning is good for health. 
Riding a horse is my passionate hobby. 
He found parking is difficult.


⚫ Present Participle 

Present Participle isn't followed by a verb, it is followed by the subject of the sentence. 

Walking a long way, Brandy found the shop. 
Riding a horse, he went to a distant place.
Parking the car at the gate, he went inside.

☑️ Comparison 3.

⚫ Gerund 

A verb+ing is Gerund if it is placed after a transitive verb. 

He started teaching Hamlet.
He avoided making the same mistakes again.

Do you enjoy teaching? I learned drawing.

♨️ Easy formula for identification of Transitive Verb:

A transitive verb can be followed by it. 
I like it. Avoid it. Start it. Stop it. Enjoy it.


Present Participle 

A verb+ing is Present Participle  if it is placed after an intransitive verb. 

The rain came pouring down in
She went away dancing.
The girl entered the room laughing.

♨️ Easy formula for identification of Intransitive Verb:

A transitive verb can be followed by here, there.

Come here. Go there.

☑️ Comparison 4.

⚫ Gerund 

Preposition  +  verb+ing 
Possessive  +  verb+ing

By working hard, you can prosper in
There is no credit in earning money
This is my writing table.
He insisted on my going there.


⚫ Present Participle 

Objective  +  verb+ing
this/that/all +  verb+ing

I found him sleeping. 
Please oblige me by all leaving the room. 

☑️ Comparison 5.

⚫ Gerund 

A verb+ing is Gerund if it is used as complement.  (reading, walking, waiting, riding, teaching, gardening) 

My favourite activity is reading. 
His hobby is gardening. 


⚫ Present Participle 

A verb+ing is Present Participle if it is used as complement and works as Adjectobe.

The scenery looks charming
It is interesting. 
The story was thrilling
The discussion was enlightening.

☑️ Comparison 6.

⚫ Gerund 
A verb+ing in a compound Noun is Gerund. 

A sleeping room. (A room for sleeping)
A writing table. ( A table for writing) 


⚫ Present Participle 

But it is Present Participle when -

I helped a drowning man. 

( A drowning man =  A man who is drowning, 
NOT a man for drowning. )

📝 A verb+ing in any Continuous Tense is Present Participle. 

I am going there. 
They are working now. 

# Gerund versus Present Participle 
# Gerund vs Present Participle 

Differences between Gerund and Present Participle 


Present Participle 

Formation : verb+ing

Function : Gerund works as both Noun and Verb but actually it is Noun.

Formation : verb+ing

Function : Present Participle works as both Adjective and Verb but actually it is Adjective.

Gerund can be followed by a verb. 

Walking in the morning is good for health. 

Riding a horse is my passionate hobby. 

He found parking is difficult.

Present Participle isn't followed by a verb, it is followed by the subject of the sentence. 

Walking a long way, I found the shop. 

Riding a horse, he went to a distant place.

Parking the car at the gate, he went inside.

A verb+ing is Gerund if it is placed after a transitive verb. 

He started teaching Hamlet.

He avoided making the same mistakes again.

Do you enjoy teaching? I learned drawing.

♨️ Easy formula for identification of Transitive Verb:

A transitive verb can be followed by it. 

I like it. Avoid it. Start it. Stop it. Enjoy it.

A verb+ing is Present Participle if it is placed after an intransitive verb. 

The rain came pouring down in


She went away dancing.

The girl entered the room laughing.

♨️ Easy formula for identification of Intransitive Verb:

A transitive verb can be followed by here, there.

Come here. Go there.

Preposition  + verb+ing 

Possessive  + verb+ing

By working hard, you can prosper in


There is no credit in earning money


This is my writing table.

He insisted on my going there.

Objective  + verb+ing

this/that/all +  verb+ing

I found him sleeping. 

Please oblige me by all leaving the room. 

A verb+ing is Gerund if it is used as complement.  (reading, walking, waiting, riding, teaching, gardening) 

My favourite activity is reading. 

His hobby is gardening.

A verb+ing is Present Participle if it is used as complement and works as Adjective.

The scenery looks charming

It is interesting. 

The story was thrilling

The discussion was enlightening.

A verb+ing in a compound Noun is Gerund. 

A sleeping room. (A room for sleeping)

A writing table. ( A table for writing)

But it is Present Participle when -

I helped a drowning man. 

( A drowning man =  A man who is drowning, 

NOT a man for drowning. )

📝 A verb+ing in any Continuous Tense is Present Participle. 

I am going there. 

They are working now. 

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