List of Troublesome Words

List of Troublesome Words

 1.  All ready- means everybody or everything is ready 

Already- means previously


2.  Almost- an adverb meaning nearly

Most- an adjective which is the superlative of some


3.  alumnus- refers to a male graduate (singular) 

Alumni- refers to male graduates (plural)

Alumna- refers to female graduate (singular) 

Alumnae- refers to female graduates (plural)

4. Among-  used to refer to more than two persons or things 

Between- used to refer to only two persons or things.


5. amount- refers to quality in bulk

Number- refers to countable units (persons or things)


 6.  antagonist- a competitor in any sphere of action; an opponent, villain

Protagonist- one who takes the lead in any movement; an advocate; a leading character


7. behavior- action in conformity with the required standards of decorum 

Conduct- direction or guidance of one's action

8.Beside- means next to or close to Besides- means in addition to


9.  bother- minor disturbance of one's peace of mind

Annoy- stresses temporary disturbance of mind caused by something that displeases one or tries one's patience


10.  Bring- to carry towards the speaker

Take- means to carry away from the speaker


11.  can- used to indicate ability or capability

May- to indicate permission


12.  fail- to be unsuccessful in obtaining a desired end 

Flunk- to fail or cause to fail in school work


13.  fewer- refers to quantities that can be counted individually

Less- used for collective quantities that are not counted individually and for abstract characteristics

14.  Formally- means in a formal manner Formerly- previously

15.  hanged- used in reference to a person Hung- used in reference to a thing

 16.  I - personal pronoun referring to the speaker 

Me- objective form of the pronoun I


17.  In- refers to a state of being (no motion)

Into- used for motion from one place to another


18.  lay- put/place Lie- rest/ recline

 19.  Lend- give Borrow- get

 20.  let- allow/ permit

Leave- go away/ keep in place


21.  lawful- allowed by law, not contrary to law 

Legal- established or authorized by law

22.  Learn- to acquire knowledge; to find out why

Teach- impart knowledge, to show how

 23..  love- used to mean to have a strong liking for

 Like- expression of mind inclination


24.  passed- past participle of the verb pass 

Past- adjective/a time before the present


25.  permit- more positive word; suggesting formal authorization 

Allow- implies no attempt to hinder or prohibit


26.  Precede- to go before in place, order, rank or time 

Proceed- to go or move forward


27.  raise- move to a higher place; regular verb Rise- get up; irregular verb


28.  set- put something

Set- sit down


29.  suit- used for a set of clothes, lawsuit, set a cards Suite- connected series of rooms, set of furniture

30.  They're- means they are Their- showing possession There- means place

31.  over- expresses the idea of place

More -then expresses the idea of quality


32.  At- used to indicate specific address

On- used to indicate names of streets, avenue, etc.

In- used to indicate the names of cities, provinces, countries and continents



Farther- refers to distance or remoteness in space.

Further- refers to remoteness in time, to degree, extent, quality, or to express the idea of something more or additional.


 34.   The- is used with a specific noun, it is used when the noun it modifiers refers to a definite object,      person, or place.

A- Is used modify singular nonspecific nouns that begin with a consonant.

An- is used to modify a singular specific nouns that begin with a vowel or an unpronounced h.


35.  Who is the correct form of the nominative case

Whom is the correct form for the adjective case 

Whose is the correct form of the possessive case

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