Classifying Sentences Based on Clauses

Classifying Sentences Based on Clauses

A sentence can be classified based on the number of kinds of clauses that contains.

1.  Simple Sentence

A simple sentence contains a single independent clause. It may contain a compound subject, a compound predicate, or both. The important thing to remember is that it is only made up of a single independent clause and it does not contain any dependent clause.

The following illustrate the variety of simple sentence. The predicates are underlined.

*   Eva wrote a book. (Simple subject and simple predicate)

*   Eva and her husband wrote a book. (Compound subject and simple predicate)

*   Eva wrote and published a book. (Simple subject and compound predicate)

*    Eva and her husband wrote and published a book. (Compound subject and compound predicate)


2.  Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses. The clauses may be put together by a conjunction. A semicolon may also form them.

*   Eve wrote a book. (Simple sentence)

*   Her husband published it. (Simple sentence)

Combine the two simple sentences to form a compound sentence:

*   Eve wrote a book, but her husband published it.

Using Comma and Semicolon

Comma may express a slight break in the thought expresses.

A.            In combining simple sentences into a compound sentence, you may; use a comma before a conjunction, use a semicolon without a conjunction, or use a conjunction without a comma.

*   Eve wrote a book, but her husband published it.

The sentence could also be written:

*   Eve wrote a book; her husband published it.

*   Eve wrote a book but her husband published it.

B.          When the independent clauses of a compound sentence are very long, or have internal punctuation, a semicolon is generally used before the coordinate conjunction. Internal punctuation means that there are commas within one or both of independent clauses.

*   I missed my children, especially in the late afternoons; but, I managed to cope.

C.  A comma should not join two independent clauses unless a coordinate conjunction is used. When the writer uses a comma between the independent clauses of a compound sentence, he makes the error known as the comma fault.

*   President Juan campaigned hard in the cities, he also visited the remote towns. (Comma fault)

Comma Fault- the sentence is made up of two independent clauses joined solely by a comma.

To eliminate the error, you may do the following:

*   President Juan campaigned hard in the cities; he also visited the remote towns. (Use of semicolon)

*   President Juan campaigned hard in the cities, and he also visited the remote towns. (Use of a   conjunction with a comma)

*   President Juan campaigned hard in the cities and he also visited the remote towns. (Use of a   conjunction without a comma)

*     President Juan campaigned hard in the cities. He also visited the remote towns. (Punctuate the    two independent clauses as two simple sentences)

Run on sentence error is similar to a comma fault. The only difference is that the run on sentence consists of two or more independent statements that are run together without any punctuation, or without any connecting word.

*   President Juan campaigned hard in the cities he also visited the remote towns.

D.          Transitional words can also be used to connect between two independent clauses of a compound sentence. A semicolon always precedes connectives that belong to this group.

Commonly Used Transitional Words



as a result



at last



at the same time



for example



for instance



for this reason



in any case



in fact



in like manner



in short



on the contrary






on the other hand



that is



in addition

*   Rain is our choice for the post; besides, he is the only one qualified.

*   Yul was in the shower; meanwhile, I finished cleaning the dishes.

*   We paid them as scheduled; as a result, we were given discounts.

3.  Complex Sentence

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clause.

*   Before the cock crows twice, you will disown me three times.

*   She went to the bank when it was convenient.


4.  Compound Complex Sentence

A compound complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. (Independent clauses in hold letters, dependent clauses is underline)

*   While I was waiting for you, our teacher passed by and she inquired about your health.

*   I have to endure the heat, although I am feeling exhausted; moreover, I need to win this race.

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