Harder Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement can become more challenging when dealing with complex sentence structures, collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, and expressions of quantity. Let's explore some harder examples and explanations with answers:

1. Complex Sentence Structure:
Example: The stack of books, as well as the pen and pencil, (is/are) on the table.
Answer: The correct answer is "are." In complex sentences where the subject consists of multiple nouns or noun phrases joined by "and," the verb should be plural to agree with the plural subject.

2. Collective Nouns:
Example: The team (is/are) practicing for the upcoming tournament.
Answer: The correct answer is "is." Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things as a single unit, so they usually take a singular verb.

3. Indefinite Pronouns:
Example: Each of the players (has/have) their own strategy.
Answer: The correct answer is "has." Indefinite pronouns like "each," "everyone," and "everybody" are always singular, and the verb should agree accordingly.

4. Expressions of Quantity:
Example: Fifty percent of the cake (is/are) gone.
Answer: The correct answer is "is." Expressions of quantity, such as "half," "a majority," "all," or "some," are treated as singular when the noun they refer to is singular.

5. Singular or Plural Subject with "Or" and "Nor":
Example: Neither the cat nor the dogs (likes/like) water.
Answer: The correct answer is "like." When "or" or "nor" join two subjects, the verb should agree with the closer subject. In this case, "dogs" is the closer subject, and it is plural.

6. Subjects Separated by Prepositional Phrases:
Example: The book, along with the pen and notebook, (was/were) left on the desk.
Answer: The correct answer is "was." Prepositional phrases that come between the subject and verb do not affect the agreement. The subject "book" is singular.

7. Collective Nouns (Advanced):
Example: The jury (deliberate/deliberates) for hours before reaching a verdict.
Answer: The correct answer is "deliberates." While collective nouns are typically singular, they can be treated as plural when the emphasis is on the individual members of the group.

8. Indefinite Pronouns (Advanced):
Example: Either of the two candidates (is/are) qualified for the position.
Answer: The correct answer is "is." "Either" is an indefinite pronoun that is always singular.

9. Subjects with "As well as" or "Along with":
Example: The CEO, as well as the board members, (is/are) attending the conference.
Answer: The correct answer is "is." When "as well as" or "along with" is used to add information about the subject, the verb should agree with the main subject ("CEO" in this case), which is singular.

10. Subject-Verb Agreement in Inverted Sentences:
Example: Only in times of crisis (does/do) he reveal his true strength.
Answer: The correct answer is "does." In inverted sentences, where the subject follows the verb, the verb should agree with the subject "he."

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar that ensures sentence clarity and coherence. As you encounter more complex sentence structures and nuanced noun phrases, it's essential to pay close attention to the subject and verb relationship to maintain grammatical accuracy in your writing. Practice and exposure to a variety of sentence patterns will help you master subject-verb agreement effectively.
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