Subject নিজে কাজ করে নাকি কাজ তার উপর এসে পড়ে তা বোঝানোর জন্য verb-এর যে form (রূপ) ব্যবহার করা হয় তার নামই voice.
Voice দুই প্রকার: i) Active voice ii) Passive voice.
Active voice: যে sentence-এ subject-টি active বা সক্রিয় অর্থাৎ নিজে কোন কাজ করে সে sentence-এ verb-এর active voice হয়। যেমন:
I have read the book.
এখানে subject 'I' নিজেই পড়ার কাজটি করেছে। অর্থাৎ subject এখানে active বা সক্রিয়। ফলে sentence-টি active voice.
Passive voice: যে sentence-এ subject নিজে কোন কাজ করে না, বরং তাকেই কিছু করা হয়, সে sentence-এ verb-এর passive voice হয়। যেমন:
The book has been read by me.
এখানে subject 'the book' নিজে পড়ার কাজটি করে নাই, বরং ‘me' কর্তৃক পঠিত হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ এখানে subject-টি নিষ্ক্রিয় বা passive. ফলে, sentence-টিও passive voice. আমরা বলতে পারি, active voice-এর subject হচ্ছে কোন কাজের doer এবং passive voice-এর subject হচ্ছে কোন কাজের doee.
How to Make Passive Voice
i) Active voice-এর object-টি passive voice-এর subject হয়।ii) Tense অনুসারে verb ‘to be’ বসে।
iii) মূল verb-টির past participle form বসে।
iv) Active voice-এর subject-টি passive voice-এর object হয় এবং তার পূর্বে সাধারণত by বসে। (তবে, to, at, with ইত্যাদিও বসতে পারে।)
v) by + agent উহ্য থাকতে পারে।
Verb 'to be' in Different Tenses
1. Present indefinite tense: am, is, are2. Present continuous tense: am being, is being, are being
3. Present perfect tense: have been, has been
4. Present perfect continuous tense: have been being, has been being
5. Past indefinite tense: was, were
6. Past continuous tense: was being, were being
7. Past perfect tense: had been
8. Past perfect continuous tense: had been being
9. Future indefinite tense : shall be, will be
10. Future continuous tense: shall be being, will be being
11. Future perfect tense: shall have been, will have been
12. Future perfect continuous tense: shall have been being, will have been being
Note: এছাড়াও can, could, shall, should, may, might, will, would, ought to, am to, is to, are to, have to, has to, had to, am going to, is
going to, are going to ইত্যাদির সঙ্গে 'be' এবং মূল verb-এর past participle যুক্ত হয়ে verb passive হয়।
Recognising Object
Active voice-এর verb-এর কাছে ‘কী' প্রশ্ন করলে যে উত্তরটি পাওয়া যায় তা object. আবার verb-টির কাছে ‘কাকে’ প্রশ্ন করলে যে উত্তরটি পাওয়া যায় তাও object. অর্থাৎ কোন বাক্যে একটি বা দু'টি object থাকতে পারে। একটি object থাকলে সে objectটিই passive বাক্যের subject হয়, এবং দু'টি object থাকলে যে কোন একটিকে passive বাক্যের subject করে অন্যটিকে verb-এর past participle form-এর পরে রাখতে হয়। ‘কাকে’ প্রশ্নের উত্তরে যে object-টি পাওয়া যায় তাকে passive বাক্যের subject করাই শ্রেয়।Active: They sell rice. ('কী' প্রশ্নের উত্তর)
Passive: Rice is sold by them.
Active : He gave me a book. ('কী' ও 'কাকে' প্রশ্নের উত্তর)
Passive: I was given a book by him. ['me'-কে subject করা হল এবং 'a book' given (past participle of verb)-এর পরে থাকলো।]
A book was given to me by him. ('a book' subject হল এবং 'me' given-এর পরে থাকলো।)
Voice Structure
Active voice: আমরা আগেই বলেছি active voice-এর subject হচ্ছে কোন কাজের performer বা doer; সে অনুসারে active voice-এর subject-এর পরে intransitive verb-ও বসতে পারে। যেমন:He walks every morning.
She runs very fast.
কিন্তু restricted sense-এ active voice-এ আমরা সাধারণত subject-এর পরে
transitive verb এবং object-এর ব্যবহার দেখতে পাই। যেমন:
I saw a boy in the field.
I invited him to come with me.
Voice পরিবর্তনের সময় passive voice-এ উল্লেখিত কাজের doer-কে active
voice-এর subject বানাতে হয়। যেমন:
Passive: The glass was broken by Raghib.
Active: Raghib broke the glass.
Passive: The bird has been killed by him.
Active: He has killed the bird.
Passive: This road is repaired every year.
Active: They repair this road every year.
কোন কোন সময় passive voice-এ কাজের doer-কে উল্লেখ করা হয় না। সে ক্ষেত্রে active voice-এ logical একটা doer-কে কল্পনা করে নিতে হয়। Passive voice-এর doer থাকে object form-এ। Active voice-এ তাকে subject form-এ convert করতে হয়।
Active voice আবার negative এবং interrogative হতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রে tense অনুসারে প্রয়োজনীয় auxiliary verb ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
I do not like him at all.
He never tells a lie.
Have you read the book?
Did they help you?
Passive voice: Passive voice-এর subject হচ্ছে কোন কাজের doee অর্থাৎ সে নিজে কিছু করে না বরং তাকেই কোন কিছু করা হয়। এই voice-এ subject-এর পরে tense অনুসারে auxiliary verb বসে এবং সব tense-এই মূল verb-এর past participle form বসে। যেমন:
Many people were killed in that accident.
The book has been published.
Broken watches are repaired here.
কোন কোন সময় কাজের agent বা doer-কে বাক্যের শেষে ‘by' preposition-এর object হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়। যেমন:
This play is written by Shakespeare.
This book was published by Friends' Book Corner.
Active voice পরিবর্তন করে passive করার সময় active voice-এ উল্লেখিত object-কে passive voice-এর subject বানাতে হয় এবং প্রয়োজনীয় auxiliary verb এরপর active voice-এর transitive verb-টির past participle form লিখতে হয় এবং তারপর ‘by' preposition-এর পরে active voice-এর subject-কে object form-এ উল্লেখ করতে হয়। যেমনঃ
Active: I have bought a car.
Passive: A car has been bought by me.
Active: He did not visit me.
Passive: I was not visited by him.
Passive voice প্রশ্নবোধকও হতে পারে।
Was he known to you?
Were they beaten by Pakistan?
How was the man killed?
When will the examination be held?
প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্যের voice পরিবর্তনের কয়েকটি উদাহরণ লক্ষ কর:
Active: Why did you break the cup?
Passive: Why was the cup broken (by you)?
Active: How has he done it?
Passive : How has it been done (by him)?
Active: Who wrote this poem?
Passive: By whom was this poem written?
Active: What did they eat?
Passive: What was eaten by them?
Active: Whom did you help?
Passive: Who was helped by you?
Note: Wh-question-এ who, whom এবং what ছাড়া অন্য কোন question word থাকলে active এবং passive উভয় voice-এ তা প্রথমেই থাকে এবং বাকী অংশ নির্দিষ্ট নিয়মে পরিবর্তিত হয়।
Voice with Modals
Modal auxiliaries: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, (have to, has to, had to, am/is/are/was/were + to, be + going to ইত্যাদি।Active voice: Subject (doer) + modal + base form of the main verb + object (doee). যেমন:
We may buy a house next year.
The rich should help the poor.
I am going to write a book.
He can speak English fluently.
Passive voice: Subject (doee) + modal + be + past participle form of the main verb (+ by + doer). যেমন :
The examination will be held next week.
The work may be done tomorrow.
English should be taught by a good teacher.
Active voice-কে passive voice-এ রূপান্তরের সময় active voice-এর object কে subject বানাতে হয়। তারপর একই modal ব্যবহার করে তার সঙ্গে be যোগ করে মূল verb-এর past participle form লিখতে হয়। সবশেষে ‘by’ preposition-এর পরে active voice-এর subject-কে object form-এ লিখতে হয়। Passive থেকে active করার সময় ঠিক এর বিপরীত প্রক্রিয়া অবলম্বন করতে হয়। নিচের example-গুলি লক্ষ কর:
Active: I can do it.
Passive: It can be done by me.
Active: He may write a letter.
Passive: A letter may be written by him.
Active: We ought to obey our parents.
Passive: A book is going to be published by us.
Passive: Our parents ought to be obeyed by us.
Active: We are going to publish a book.
Voice with 'It is/was time'
Active: It is/was time + infinitive + infinitive-এর object.Passive: It is/was time + when/that + infinitive-এর object + should be + infinitive-এর past participle.
It is/was time + for + infinitive-এর object + to be + infinitive-এর past participle.
Active: It is time to do the work.
Passive: It is time that the work should be done.
Passive: It is time for the work to be done.
Active: It is time to close the door.
Passive: It is time that the door should be closed.
Passive: It is time for the door to be closed.
Voice with 'It is/was + adjective'
Active: It is/was + adjective + infinitive + infinitive-এর object.Passive: It is/was + adjective + that + infinitive-এর object + should be + infinitive-এর past participle.
infinitive-এর object + be verb + adjective + to be + infinitive-এর past participle.
Active: It is necessary/important to call in a doctor.
Passive: It is necessary/important that a doctor should be called in.
Passive: A doctor is necessary/important to be called in.
Voice with reflexive object
Reflexive object-এর ক্ষেত্রে subject ও object-এর স্থান পরিবর্তন হয় না। শুধু tense ও person অনুসারে verb 'to be' বসে। তারপর মূল verb-এর past participle form বসে। Reflexive object-এর পূর্বে by বসে।Active: He killed himself.
Passive: He was killed by himself.
Active: She fans herself.
Passive: She is fanned by herself.
Voice with that/what
That ও what যুক্ত noun clause complex sentence-এ থাকলে ঐ sentence-এর passive voice নিম্নরূপ:Active: We think that he is foolish.
Passive: That he is foolish is thought by us. Or,
Passive: It is thought that he is foolish.
Passive: He is thought to be foolish.
এক্ষেত্রে, principal clause-এর transitive verb হিসেবে think, say, believe, accept, know, tell ইত্যাদি থাকতে পারে।
Voice with make, help and other verbs
Make, help, watch, see জাতীয় verb-এর পরে active voice-এ bare (zero) infinitive বসে। কিন্তু passive voice-এর ক্ষেত্রে ‘to' বসে। যেমন:Active: He watched his companions fall down dead.
Passive: His companions were watched to fall down dead (by him).
Active: The bird made the winds blow.
Passive: The winds were made to blow (by the bird).
Active: Jim did not help Della save money.
Passive: Della was not helped to save money (by Jim).
Active: I saw the boy go up over the hill.
Passive: The boy was seen to go up over the hill (by me).
Note: কিন্তু ‘let' verb-এর পরে active বা passive-এ অন্য verb আসলে 'to' বসে না। যেমন:
Active: Jerry let them use his skates.
Passive: They were let use his skates by Jerry.
Passive with a complement
Call, consider, regard, name, entitle, make, elect, select, crown, think, believe, treat, nominate, appoint ইত্যাদির পরে দুটি object আছে বলে মনে হয়। কিন্তু, প্রকৃতপক্ষে পরেরটি হল complement to the preceding object. কারণ এরা একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে নির্দেশ করে। এখানে প্রথমটিই object. ফলে subject হিসেবে তা-ই প্রথমে আসে।Active: We elected him captain.
Passive: He was elected captain by us.
* (Captain was elected him by us হবে না।)
Active: Jerry called it laurel.
Passive: It was called laurel by Jerry.
* (Laurel এখানে complement এবং complement কখনও subject হয় না।)
Active: He considered him a good leader.
Passive: He was considered a good leader (by us).
Active: They made me their adviser.
Passive: I was made their adviser (by them).
Active: They named their baby Peter.
Passive: Their baby was named Peter.
Passive of Imperative Sentence
Active: (Do not) + verb-এর present form + object + (others).Passive: Let (not) + object + be + verb-এর past participle form + (others).
Active: Call in a doctor.
Passive: Let a doctor be called in.
Active: Do not ask me too many questions.
Passive: Let not me be asked too many questions.
Active: Do the work at once.
Passive: Let the work be done at once.
Active: Don't read such rubbish.
Passive Let not such rubbish be read.
Active: Don't beat the boy so badly.
Passive: Let not the boy be beaten so badly.
Voice with 'let'
Active: Let + object + bare infinitive + object + (others).Passive: Let + ২য় object + be + bare infinitive-এর past participle form + by + ১ম object.
Active: Let me do it.
Passive: Let it be done by me.
Active: Let him finish the work.
Passive: Let the work be finished by him.
Note: কিছু verb আছে যাদের পরে by ব্যবহৃত হয় না। এসব ক্ষেত্রে verb অনুসারে অন্যান্য preposition ব্যবহার করা হয়। যেমন: known to, pleased with (person), pleased at (thing), annoyed with (person), annoyed at
(thing), shocked at, surprised at, seized with, relieved of, made up of, filled with, vexed at ইত্যাদি।
Active: Panic seized the writer.
Passive: The writer was seized with panic.
Active: I know the man.
Passive: The man is known to me.
Active: He pleased us all.
Passive: We all were pleased with him.
Voice with 'what'
Active voice-এর subject হিসেবে what ব্যবহৃত হল passive voice-এ তা prepositional object হয়ে যায়। কিন্তু object হিসেবে what দিয়ে active voice শুরু হলে passive voice-এ সেটাই subject হয়ে যায়।Active: What made you laugh? (subject)
Passive: By what were you made to laugh? Or,
Passive: What were you made to laugh by?
Active: What do you want? (object)
Passive: What is wanted by you?
Voice with 'who' and 'whom'
Whom থাকলে who, এবং who থাকলে by whom বসে।Active: Whom did you see?
Passive: Who was seen by you?
Active: Who has broken the glass?
Passive: By whom has the glass been broken?
Passive: Whom (who) has the glass been broken by?
Passive with Infinitive
কিছু infinitive combination-যুক্ত passive বাক্য গঠনের নিয়ম:1. Like/love/want/wish ইত্যাদি verb + object+ infinitive তাদের passive form গঠন করে passive infinitive দ্বারা।
Active: He wants someone to take photographs.
Passive: He wants photographs to be taken.
2. Command/request/advice/invitation + indirect object + infinitive-কে passive করতে হলে main verb-এর passive form করতে হবে।
Active: He invited me to go.
Passive: I was invited to go.
3. কিন্তু advise/beg/order/recommend/urge + indirect object + infinitive + object-কে দুইভাবে passive করা যায়: main verb-কে
passive করে, (উপরে প্রদত্ত); অথবা advise/beg/order/recommend/urge ইত্যাদি + that ... should + passive infinitive:
Active: He urged the council to reduce the rates.
Passive: The council was/were urged to reduce the rates.
He urged that the rates should be reduced.
4. Agree/be anxious/arrange/be determined/determine/decide/ demand +
infinitive + object সাধারণত that .... should দ্বারা passive প্রকাশ করা হয়।
Active: He decided to sell the house.
Passive: He decided that the house should be sold.
Passive with Gerund
Advise/insist/propose/recommend/suggest + gerund + object-কে সাধারণত that ..... should আকারে passive করা হয়।Active: He recommended using bullet-proof glass.
Passive: He recommended that bullet-proof glass should be used.
Active: They proposed building a dam for irrigation purpose.
Passive: They proposed that a dam for irrigation purpose should be built.
It/they + need + gerund-কে it/they + need + passive infinitive আকারে প্রকাশ করা যায়। অর্থগতভাবে দু'টি আকারই passive.
অন্যান্য gerund combination-গুলিও passive gerund দ্বারা passive আকারে প্রকাশ করা হয়।
Active: I remember them taking me to the zoo.
Passive: I remember being taken to the zoo.
Note: Adjective-এর পরে infinitive-এর active voice হয়; passive voice হয় না (নিচে বন্ধনীর মধ্যে)।
English is easy to learn (be learnt).
Cricket is interesting to play (be played).
Different Situations for Passive Voice
1. যখন আমরা জানি না কে কাজটি করেছে, তখন passive voice ব্যবহার করতে হবে।He has been punished.
The bridge was built.
He was hanged for murdering his wife.
2. যখন কোন শিল্পকর্ম/আবিষ্কার খুব পরিচিত হয় তখন passive ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Radio was invented by Marconi.
America was discovered by Columbus.
3. প্রায়শঃ বিজ্ঞান বিষয়ক লেখাতে passive form বসে।
Cancer is caused by smoking.
4. a) Process (পদ্ধতি), b) কোন ঘটনা (event/incident), (c) কোন advertisement বা announcement অর্থাৎ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ও ঘোষণার জন্য সাধারণত passive form ব্যবহৃত হয়।
• Sugar is mixed with flour and water proportionately. Next, the mixture is kneaded. Then the dough is given the different shapes of cake. After this, they are fried in oil on a pan. At last, the cake is made.
• The battle of Palassey was fought in 1757. In this battle, Seraj-ud-doula was defeated. He was caught and imprisoned. At last, he was killed.
• The patriot was considered to be a traitor. He was punished. Stones were thrown at him. His hands were tightly tied behind. He was being taken to the scaffold. There he was hanged to death.
• The flight to America will be delayed for three hours for dense fog.
5. শ্রেণীবিভাগের জন্য সচরাচর passive form ব্যবহার করা হয়।
First of all, parts of speech are divided into eight classes. Then each of them is divided into different groups. As for example, the noun is grouped into five kinds. But in modern English the noun is classified into two groups. They are known as countable and uncountable nouns.
6. অনুরোধ ও আমন্ত্রণের জন্য passive form ব্যবহৃত হয়।
I have been invited to the party. You are requested to come earlier. You are requested to be silent.
7. Warning (সতর্কীকরণ), suggestion (প্রস্তাবনা), order (আদেশ), advice (উপদেশ), forbidding (নিষেধ) এসব ক্ষেত্রে passive form ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Smoking is not allowed here as it is not a smoking area. Parking is forbidden here because it is a house. You are ordered not to touch it because it is not yours. It was suggested in the public meeting because it is people's interest. You are advised to obey
your teachers because they're your guides.
8. যে কোন কারণেই হোক, না বলাই ভাল- এই অর্থে passive form হয়।
My pocket has been picked, His money was stolen. Your book had been lost. I am being disturbed. The poor man was harassed.
He was punished. He was beaten severely. You are scolded.
9. Habitual action বুঝালে সাধারণত passive form হয়।
Tea is grown much in Sylhet. Vegetables should be eaten in plenty.
10. Die, apologise, arrive, atone, awake, coincide, commiserate, compete, complain, condole, connive, consent, converge, decay,
depend, occur, belong, appear, disappear, consist, appeal, ensue ইত্যাদি verb গুলি কেবল intransitive হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। ফলে এদের passive voice হয় না।
His father was died last year. (died হবে)
The fog was dispersed. (dispersed হবে)
The book is belonged to me. (belongs হবে)
A quarrel was ensued at this. (ensued হবে)
Our family is consisted of five members. (consists হবে)
Examples of Voice Change
Active: Who gave you this pen?Passive: By whom were you given this pen?
Passive: The lion is called the king of beasts.
Active: People call the lion the king of beasts.
Active: The Romans did not build Rome in a day.
Passive: Rome was not built in a day.
Passive: My pocket has been picked.
Active: Somebody has picked my pocket.
Passive: English is spoken all over the world.
Active: People speak English all over the world.
Active: I warned him not to be late.
Passive: He was warned (by me) not to be late.
Active: Finally I fired the two remaining shots at the elephant.
Passive: Finally the two remaining shots were fired at the elephant (by me).
Active: Who teaches you grammar?
Passive: By whom are you taught grammar?
Or, Who are you taught grammar by?
Active: It is time to close the door.
Passive: It is time that the door should be closed.
Passive: This house was built in 1980.
Active: Somebody built this house in 1980.
Active: He made me do the work.
Passive: I was made to do the work (by him).
Passive: What cannot be cured must be endured.
Active: You must endure what you cannot cure.
Active: His subordinates accused him of various offences.
Passive: He was accused of various offences by his subordinates.
Active: Tell him to go to call in a doctor.
Passive: Let him be told to go to call in a doctor.
Passive: By whom was this glass broken?
Active: Who broke this glass?
Active: The manager is going to open a bank.
Passive: A bank is going to be opened by the manager.
Active: Warn them not to write anything on the wall.
Passive: Let them be warned not to write anything on the wall.
Active: Most atoms do not possess this property.
Passive: This property is not possessed by most atoms.
Active: The news shocked him.
Passive: He was shocked at the news.
Passive: Health should be taken care of.
Active: One should take care of one's health.