Word Order and Basic Sentence Patterns in Bangla

পদক্রম ও বাক্যের মৌলিক গঠন
(i) Tamal did the sum. He showed it to me.
(ii) Mina saw a beggar. She gave him one taka.

ওপরের দুই জোড়া Sentence-এর Predicate অংশে did, showed, saw, gave- এ চারটি Verb রয়েছে। 
এ Verb-গুলাের কাজ 
(i) the sum এবং it; 
(ii) beggar এবং him-কে আশ্রয় করে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে। এরূপে যাকে আশ্রয় করে কোনাে ক্রিয়ার কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়, তাকে Object বা উদ্দেশ্য বলা হয়।
দৃশ্য বা অদৃশ্য যেকোনাে NP বা noun substitute কোনাে Verb-এর object হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। কারণ object-এর আভিধানিক অর্থ বস্তু বা উদ্দেশ্য। আর বিজ্ঞানের ভাষায় যার ওজন আছে এবং স্থান দখল করে তা বস্তু। এই অর্থে মানুষও বস্তু বা object কিন্তু ইংরেজি Grammar-এর ভাষায় object as.
Any kind of beings, animate or inanimate things, or abstract ideas on which the action of the verb passes. The object receives the action the subject offers.
এখানে লক্ষণীয় যে, প্রত্যেক Sentence-এ প্রথমে Subject, তারপর Verb ও সর্বশেষ Object রয়েছে। সুতরাং Sentence-এর মূল কাঠামাে হচ্ছে-
Subject  +  Verb  +  Object
S             +   V        +      O

উপযুক্ত প্রথম জোড়ার Sentence দুটো পরস্পর সম্পর্কযুক্ত। প্রথমটির Subject-এর ঘরের Tamal এবং Object-এর ঘরের the sum নাম প্রকাশক শব্দ। এরূপ নাম প্রকাশক শব্দকে Noun বলা হয়। দ্বিতীয় Sentence-এর Subject-এর ঘরের He এবং Object-এর ঘরের it যথাক্রমে Tamal এবং the sum-কে নির্দেশ করছে। এগুলাে Noun equivalent বা Noun স্থানীয় শব্দ।
এরূপ যে শব্দ Noun-এর পরিবর্তে বসে তাকে Pronoun বলা হয়। দ্বিতীয় জোড়ার প্রথমটির Subject-এর ঘরের Mina এবং Object-
এর ঘরের beggar নাম প্রকাশক শব্দ বা Noun. দ্বিতীয়টির She এবং him যথাক্রমে Mina ও beggar-কে নির্দেশ করছে। এ দুটি Pronoun।

এখন দেখা যাচ্ছে যে, Subject এবং Object-এর ঘরে Noun বা Pronoun বসে। কাজেই Sentence-এর মূল কাঠামাে হচ্ছে-
Noun/Pronoun + Verb + Noun/Pronoun
NP       +       V         +         NP

ইংরেজি ভাষায় অনেক Verb আছে যেগুলাের কাজ সম্পন্ন হতে কোনাে Object-এর প্রয়ােজন হয় না। যেমন-
Children run. He laughs. She sings. They play. The baby sleeps. Babies cry.
এসব Verb-কে Intransitive Verb বলা হয়।
আবার, যে সব Verb-এর Object আছে, সেগুলােকে Transitive Verb বলা হয়।

Intransitive Verb ব্যবহার করলে বাক্যের কাঠামো হবে — NP + In.Verb

আবার লক্ষণীয়:
She is a teacher. The boy is a player. এখানে প্রথম বাক্যের ‘To be'-এর Subject She' এবং ‘a teacher' একই ব্যক্তি।
একইভাবে দ্বিতীয় বাক্যের “The boy' এবং a player' একই ব্যক্তি। এ দুটি বাক্যে 'a teacher' এবং 'a player'- এ দুটি Noun Phrase-কে Complement বলা হয়। 
Subject ও Object-এর পরিচয়বাহী পরিপূরক শব্দ বা শব্দসমষ্টিকে Complement বলা হয় ।
এর বাক্য কাঠামাে সংক্ষেপে এরূপ- NP1+ Be + NP2

এভাবে ইংরেজি বাক্যের অনেক 'Sentence Pattern' পাওয়া যায়। এখানে কয়েকটি Basic Sentence Pattern-এর নমুনা দেখানাে
Structures of Sentences :

01. NP + Be + Complement
(i) I am happy.
(ii) We are unhappy.
(iii) I was lucky.
(iv) You are tall.
(v) You were tall.
(vi) He is beautiful.
(vii) She is unlucky,
(viii) They are ugly.
(ix) He was clever.
(x) She was clever.

📝 এখানে লক্ষণীয় যে, NP একটি শব্দ কিংবা group of words হতে পারে। যেমন-
(i) Honesty gives confidence.
(ii) A man's honesty is an asset in his life.
(iii) The honesty of a man is an asset in his life.

02. NP + Be + Adverbial
(i) The cat is under the table.
(ii) I was under the roof.
(iii) We were in the class.
(iv) You are in class twelve.
(v) He is on the chair.
(vi) The book is on the table.
(vii) The players are in the field.
(viii) He was on the room.
(ix) She was in the kitchen.
(x) They were on the roof.

03. NP + Be + V + ing + NP
(i) I am calling Sumi.
(ii) They are beating the dog.
(iii) I was eating a banana.
(iv) We were calling a doctor.
(v) You are making a dress.
(vi) She is cooking food.

04. There is/are/was/were
(i) There is a house in the picture.
(ii) There are houses in the picture.
(iii) There was a house in the picture.
(iv) There were three books on the table.
(v) There were five students in the class. (vi) There was a cow in the field.

05. Here is/are/was/were
(i) Here is a house in the picture.
(ii) Here are houses in the picture.
(iii) Here was a house in the picture.
(iv) Here were houses in the picture.
(v) Here were three books on the table.

06. Wh-question
(i) Where do you live?
(ii) Where did you live?
(iii) How do you do?
(iv) How did you do?
(v) When does he come?
(vi) When did she come?
(vii) When did they come?
(viii) When will she come?
(ix) When will they come?
(x) What was her father?

07. NP1 + V + NP2
(i) She wants a dress.
(ii) They want a dress.
(iii) She wanted a dress.
(iv) He wanted a dress. ISSN
(v) They wanted a dress.
(vi) He will like you.
(vii) She will like you.
(viii) They will like you.
(ix) I like you.
(x) We liked you.

08. How much/many?
(i) How much flour do you want?
(ii) How much rice did he buy?
(iii) How much water will she drink? 
(iv) How many pens do you want?
(v) How many eggs did he eat?
(vi) How many pencils will they need?
(vii) How many books can she read?

09. Adverbs of manner
(i) You arrived safely.
(ii) They go slowly.
(iii) She smiles happily.
(iv) She wrote clearly.
(v) We sang merrily.
(vi) The horse can run fast.

10. Questions with can (not)
(i) Can you cook meal?
(ii) Can he do the work?
(iii) Can she fly the kite?
(iv) Can they see the boy?
(v) Can I buy the book?
(vi). Can you not cook rice?

11. Half pasta quarter pasta quarter to
(i) It is half past ten now.
(ii) He went there at half past ten.
(iii) It is a quarter past ten now.
(iv) He went there at a quarter past ten.
(v) It is a quarter to ten now.
(vi) It is a quarter to six now.
(vii) He went there at a quarter to ten.

12. NP + Vt + NP + Prepositional Phrase
(1) I saw you on your bicycle.
(ii) We found him on the road.
(iii) She took him to the town.
(iv) He borrowed the pen from his friend.
(v) They thanked you for your kindness.
(vi) I took him to his house.
(vii) We brought him to the office.
(viii) He kept the book on the table.

13. NP + V + That + Sub. + V + অন্যান্য 
(i) I think that you are hungry.
(ii) You said that you were ill.
(iii) She thought that she was working well.
(iv) They found that I was guilty.
(v) They said that we were not present there.

14. S + Know how to + V + অন্যান্য
(i) She knows how to prevent diseases.
(ii) I know how to make a kite.
(iii) You know how to make tea.
(iv) He knows how to build a house.
(v) The boy knows how to swim.

15. Cost
(i) What does one kilogram of beef cost? 
(ii) What does one kilolitre of milk cost?
(iii) Courtesy costs nothing.
(iv) The perfume cost me Tk. 250.
(v) Nowadays living cost is high.

16. Please + Imperative
(i) Please give me some food.
(ii) Please give me a glass of water. The
(iii) Please lend me your pen.
(iv) Please show him your hand.
(v) Dear audience, please lend me your ears.

17. Telling the time (5/10 minute unit.)
(i) It is five minutes to eight.
(ii) It is five minutes past eight.
(iii) It is five minutes to ten.
(iv) It is five minutes past ten.
(v) It is ten minutes to eleven.

18. Going to
(i) I am going to write my diary.
(ii) You are going to make a kite.
(iii) She/He is going to write an essay. 
(iv) We are going to stage a drama.
(v) They are going to catch fish.
(vi) They are selling fruits.

19. As
(i) This shirt is as white as milk.
(ii) This dress is as red as blood.
(iii) This pant is as black as hair.
(iv) This shirt is as white as milk.
(v) That paper is as blue as sky.

20. Comparatives
(i) Karim is taller than Salma.
(ii) Keya is shorter than Rani.
(iii) Karim is busier than Babla.
(iv) Kankon is more intelligent than Shikha.
(v) Gayetri is more beautiful than Monica. (vi) Rima is more grateful than Jinnia.

21. Negative Imperatives
(i) Do not run in the sun.
(ii) Do not play with matches.
(iii) Do not play in the rain.
(iv) Do not play with fire.
(v) Do not adopt unfair means in the examination. 
(vi) Do not quarrel with other.

22. S + V + Obj. + so that + Sub + may + V1 + অন্যান্য
(i) We eat food so that we may live.
(ii) We take physical exercise so that we may get healthy.
(iii) We read books so that we may learn.
(iv) We sow seeds so that we have crops.
(v) We earn money so that we can buy things.

23. Let us/let's
(i) Let us go to the tea shop.
(ii) Let us do the work.
(iii) Let us play in the field.
(iv) Let us make a kite.
(v) Let us go out for a walk.
(vi) Let us have a picnic.

24. Like to + V
(i) I like to eat mangoes.
(ii) You like to eat banana.
(iii) She likes to eat biriani.
(iv) He likes to drink milk.
(v) They like to cook meat.
(vi) We like to enjoy a holiday.
(vii) Rima likes to have a walk by the riverside.

25. Sub + V + as much + noun + as + অন্যান্য Noun হলে (uncountable)
(i) He ate as much rice as his mother cooked. 
(ii) She ate as many mangoes as he picked.
(iii) He drank as much water as his body needs. 
(iv) She drank as much milk as his mother gave him.
(v) We took as much meat as we needed. (vi) They ate as much fish as his mother cooked.

26. Would indicating future in past)
(i) He said that he would help me.
(ii) She said that she would cook rice.
(iii) We said that we would call him.
(iv) They said that they would go home.
(v) I said that he would come to me.
(vi) You said that they would visit India.

27. Would as simple modal
(i) Would you like to help me?
(ii) Would you like to call him?
(iii) Would you like to have a cup of tea? 
(iv) Would you like to show me the picture?
(v) Would you like to give me your pen? 
(vi) Would you like to make a dress for me?

28. So + Adjective + that + Sub + V + অন্যান্য -
(i) He was so mournful that he forgot to take food.
(ii) She was so wise that she understood everything.
(iii) I was so lucky that I was not hurt in the accident.
(iv) We were so fortunate that we did not face the problem.
(v) The man was so weak that he could not walk.
(vi) The woman was so strong that she caught the thief.

29. Make/Elect/Select/Appoint — + NP + NP
(i) They made Bahadur caretaker.
(ii) We elected him leader.
(iii) They selected me guide.
(iv) You appointed her PA.
(v) They made him their captain.
(vi) We selected him our leader.

30. NP + Make + NP + V
(i) Kamal made Samira laugh.
(ii) Jadu made me do the work.
(iii) He made you cry.
(iv) She made Shikha write a letter.
(v) Kajal made Salma read books.
(vi) I made him do the work.

31. Such a
(i) Who can do such a thing?
(ii) Who can make such a kite?
(iii) Who can cook such a food?
(iv) Who can reply such a letter?
(v) Who can lift such a weight?
(vi) Who can bring such a book?

32. Ask + NP + to + V
(i) He asked the beggar to leave the house.
(ii) The teacher asked the students to stop writing.
(iii) He asked the girl to stop shouting.
(iv) The student asked the teacher to explain participles.

33. Neither ...... nor
(i) Rafiq is neither a man nor a child.
(ii) I have neither a pen nor a pencil.
(iii) She was neither a cook nor a sweeper.
(iv) He is neither a student nor a teacher.
(v) He ate neither rice nor bread.
(vi) She drank neither water nor milk.
(vii) Neither he nor his brother is guilty.

34. Too + Adjective + to/for
(i) The room is too small for four people.
(ii) The school is too small for five hundred students.
(iii) The building is too big for fifty people.
(iv) The compartment is too small for forty passengers.
(v) The load is too heavy for the old man to carry.

35. Enough (to)
(i) I am well enough to go outside.
(ii) You are wise enough to understand the matter.
(iii) He is rich enough to help the poor. 
(iv) She is cunning enough to cheat you.
(v) We are soft enough to hear her complain.

36. Either
(i) Karim is either very bad or very stupid.
(ii) Khijir is either a student or a teacher.
(iii) You are either wise or intelligent. 
(iv) Kabari was either happy or jolly.
(v) Either Kaberi or Kajoli was very stupid.

37. When (introducing Subordinate Clause)
(i) When I am tired, I take some rest.
(ii) When I feel hungry, I take some food...?
(iii) When I feel thirsty, I drink some water. (iv) When we have money, we spend lavishly.
(v) When they get angry, they always shout. (vi) When she is tortured, she cries for help.

38. Be + Adjective + that + Clause
(i) I am happy that you came.
(ii) You are lucky that you did not hurt yourself.
(iii) She is fortunate that she got the scholarship.
(iv) We are sure that you did not go. 
(vi) She was happy that she passed the exam.
(v) It is sure that you can do the sum.

39. Relative Who/ Which
(i) I know the people who have done this.
(ii) This is the baby which was crying.
(iii) You are the man who made the thing.
(iv) She is the girl who failed in the exam.
(v) I know the baby which was helpless.

40. Relative — That
(i) This is the dog that bit him.
(ii) This is the pen that I bought yesterday.
(iv) This is the house that he sold last year.
(iii) This is the house that I bought last year.
(v) This is the place that I visited last month.

41. Can/could + see hear
(ii) You could see the footmarks.
(i) I can hear footsteps.
(iii) They can see the new moon in the sky. (iv) We could hear his footsteps.

42. Inchoative verbs (become, grow, get)
(i) The fire became hotter.
(ii) The man grew old.
(iii) You got wet.

43. Seem, Look, Feel, etc.
(i) She looks beautiful.
(ii) You seem to be happy.
(iv) They look ugly,
(iii) The fire felt hot.

44. If + Present + Present
(i) If you play in the rain, you may catch cold.
(ii) If he goes home, he can meet his parents.
(iii) If she cooks, I can eat.
(iv) If you try, you may win.
(v) If you come, I may go.

45. If + Present + Future
(i) If you play in the rain, you will catch cold. (ii) If he goes home, he will find you.
(ii) If she cooks rice, I will eat.
(iv) If they try, they will win.
(v) If I come, she will go.

46. By + Gerund
By reading you can learn a lot.
(ii) By following rules of health, you can be healthy.
(iii) By eating a balanced diet, you can keep fit. (iv) By taking physical exercise we can get good health.

47. In order to + V
(i) We eat rice in order to get carbohydrate. (ii) We met him in order to take money.
(iv) We study in order to acquire knowledge.
(iii) We drink milk in order to get vitamins.

48. Have to + V
(i) You have to eat in order to live.
(ii) We have to read in order to learn.
(iii) You have to take exercise in order to get healthy.
(iv) You have to eat balanced diet in order to get vitamins.
(v) We have to drink much water in order to get well.
(vi) You have to earn well in order to live well.

49. Need as Verb and as Modal
(i) He needs a doctor.
(ii) He needn't wait.
(iii) She needs some flowers.
(iv) She needn't go there.

50. Be + Adjective + Prepositional Phrase
(i) He is good at figures.
(ii) She is good at English.
(iii) He is weak in geography.
(iv) They are expert in science.
(v) I am popular with the students.
(vi) He is wellknown to us.

51. Present indicating future time)
(i) He leaves tomorrow.
(ii) She appears at the examination this yaer.
(iii) We visit Agra this week.
(iv). They meet me tomorrow.

52. NP + Vt + NP + Adjective/Participle
(i) They painted the house white.
(ii) We made the statue coloured.

53. When/While as Dependent clause,
(i) When the crash happened, there was a hue and cry.
(ii) While we were reading, we heard a terrible noise.

54. Should/ought to (indicating obligation)
(i) We should respect our teachers.
(ii) We ought to obey our parents.
(iii) We should abide by social laws.
(iv) We ought to follow traffic rules.

55. Though + Principal clause
(i) Though he is rich, he is unhappy. 
(ii) Though she is old, she is strong.
(iii) Though he is young, he is wise.
(iv) Though he is rich, he is unhappy.
(v) Though he is angry, he is considerate.

56. Tag Questions 
(i) Birds can fly, can't they?
(ii) Fishes can't foy, can they? 
(iii) We eat rice, don't we??
(iv) She does not cook polao, does she? 
(v) He went home, didn't he?
(vi) You were catching fish, weren't you? 
(vii) I was plucking flower wasn't I? 

57. So much/many + NP + that
(i) He ate so much food that he became sick. 
(ii) He drank so much milk that he became sick. 
(iii) He ate so many bananas that h: became sick.
(iv) She ate so many mangoes that she could not eat rice. 

58. If + Present + Present
(i) If you don't write letters you don't get reply. 
(ii) If you don't read books you can't learn. 
(iii) If you don't take physical exercise, you can't get healthy.
(iv) If you don't eat a balanced diet, you don't get vitamins. 

59. The place where/the time when
(i) The school is the place where we study. . (ii) The house is the place where we live. (iii) The market is the place where we go shopping. 
(iv) The morning is the time when we rise. (v) The evening is the time when we play.
(vi) The night is the time when we sleep. 

60. NP + V. + NP + Present Participle 
(i) He saw somebody coming.
(ii) We found him going. 
(iii) They felt the bamboo burning.
(iv) She found water boiling. 
(v) I saw the boy running.
(vi) You saw the girl walking.

61. Be + Adjective + to 
(i) I am happy to see you.
(ii) He is glad to find me. 
(iii) She is eager to know this.
(iv) You are curious to know this. 
(v) We are happy to meet you.
(vi) They were glad to meet me. 
(vii) I am lucky to meet them. 

62. V. + NP + Infinitive (i) I told him to go.
(ii) He told her to come. 
(iii) She ordered him to write. 
(iv) We requested them to be attentive. 
(v) They told me to forget him.
(vi) You told him to tell the story. 

63. Show + NP + how + to
(i) I showed him how to ride a bicycle. 
(ii) You showed him how to cook biriani. 
(iii) They showed me how to collect tea leaves. 
(iv) We showed them how to make a shirt.
(v) He showed me how to make tea. 

64. NP1+ V + NP2+ to + V
(i) I want you to write a letter.
(ii) You want me to read the book. 
(iii) She wants you to make the kite. 
(iv) He wants me to boil water. 
(v) They want us to catch fish.
(vi) We want him to fence the garden.


নিচের Structure অনুযায়ী ৫টি করে বাক্য তৈরি কর:
01. NP + Be + Complement
02. NP + Be + Adverbial
04. There is/are/was/were
03. NP + Be + V + ing + NP
05. Here is/are/was/were
06. Wh-question
07. NP1 + V + NP2
08. How Much/many?
09. Adverbs of manner
10. Questions with can (not)
11. Half past / a quarter past/ a quarter to 12. NP + Vt + NP + Prepositional Phrase
13. NP + V + that
14. Know how to
15. Cost
16. Please + Imperative
17. Telling the time (5/10 minute unit.) 
18. Going to
19. As — as
20. Comparatives
21. Negative Imperatives
22. — so that —
23. Let us/ let's -
24. Like to + VAT
25. As much/ many as
26. Would (indicating future in past)
27. Would as simple modal
28. So + Adjective + that
29. Make/ Elect/ Select Appoint - + NP + NP 30. Make + NP + V
31. — Such a —
32. Ask + NP + to + V
33. Neither
34. Too + Adjective + to/ for --
35. Enough (to)
36. Either — or
37. When (Introducing Subordinate Clause) 38. Be + Adjective + that + Clause
39. Relative who/which
40. Relative That
41. Can/could + see/hear
42. Inchoative verbs (become, grow, get)
43. Seem, Look, Feel, etc.
44. If + Present + Future
45. If + Present + Future
46. By + Gerund -
47. In order to + V
48. Have to + V
49. Need as full Verb and as Modal :
50. Be + Adjective + Prepositional Phrase
51. Present (indicating Future time)
52. NP + Vt.+ NP + Adjective/Participle
53. When/while Dependent clause.
54. Should/ought to (indicating obligation)
55. Though + Dependent Clause
56. Tag questions
57. So much/many + NP + that
58. If + Present + Present
59. The place where/the time when
60. NP + Vt + NP + Present Participle
61. Be + Adjective + to
62. Vt + NP + Infinitive
63. Show + NP + how + to
64. NP + V + NP2+ to + V
65. NP + LV + Subjective Complement
66. NP + Vt + Indirect object + objective Complement
67. NP + Vt + NP + NP
68. Subject + Vt + IO + do
69. Subject +Vt + do + Preposition + 10 
70. NP + Vt + NP + Adjective.
71. NP + Vi + Adverb
72. Subject + Vi + Adv. Phrase + Adverb Phrase

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