Climax and Anti-Climax


It's a very well-known and effective figure. In this figure, ideas (or thoughts) or terms (or words or phrases) are placed in an ascending order according their importance. 

As a result, the most important thought or term occurs at the last place, the second most important one occurs before it, the third most important one before the second, and so on. This figure is normally used where there are more than one result or cause or incident coming one after another in a hierarchical manner. Since, in this figure, the most important term or idea occurs at the last position, our thought and emotion flows through the end of the sentence gaining intensity little by little. Just consider the following example

The above is a good example of climax. Now we'll see some more examples. (Climax is used in sentences marked (b) in 1, 2, and 3.)

1. (a) I came saw and conquered.

(b) I came, I saw, I conquered.

2. (a) Use your brain, power, and heart to become rich. influential, and a perfect man, respectively.

(b) To be rich, use your brain; to be influential, use your power, but to be perfectly human, use your heart.

3. (a) Give me a kiss, I'll kiss you.

[Instead of expressing this idea in this way, you can express it in the following way toward more effectiveness :]

(b) If you give me a blow, I'll not give you any blow in return; I'll forgive you. If you snatch away my wealth, I'll not sue you, I'll forgive you. If you cause my health to break down. I'll not harm yours, but if you, on any occasion, willingly or unwillingly, kiss me, I'll not forgive you. I'll kiss you back. Sure!

4. As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him; but as he was ambitious, I slew him. Shakespeare: Julius Caesar

5. I advice you to live, let others live, and help others live.

6. I have come here to help you earn money, then more money, then even more money, and then to snatch it away from you.

7. He taught me how to grow rich; And I became rich. Then he taught me how to spend money less and grow richer: and I grew richer. Then he taught me how to influence people, and I became a leader. Then he taught me how to worship wealth and power, and I died.

You must already have observed that this figure is often characterized by repetition. Actually, such repetition enables it to be more effective, emphatic, and impressive. Though in many cases we avoid repetitions to make the writing pithy and effective, in this figure we often tend to prefer repetition to conciseness. This figure suits well in persuasive and argumentative writing.

Anti-Climax or Bathos

Anti-climax is the opposite of climax.

In it the least important idea or term is placed last, thus arranging the ideas or terms in the descending order of thier importance. In most of the cases, this figure is used to make someone or something ludicrous creates a slighting, humorous effect, and best suits in satirical and comical writing. Some examples are shown below.

1. What things do you admire?
- I admire my parents, my teachers, my King, most scholars of the world, and cigarette.

2. Who does she live with?
- She lives with her parents, brothers, sisters, and pillows.

3. Why do you weep? What haven't I given you? I've given you all-a home, children, much wealth, fame, and, after all, a black cat.

4. Where have you been these years? - Well, I've been to London, to New York, to Khulna, to my home village, and at last to jail.

5. She lost her husband, her child, her parents, and an umbrella.

Use this figure only when you want to create an atmosphere of humor or to slight away (f) someone. Most of all, before using it, make sure whether you really need it or not for the purpose at hand.

Test Yourself and Learn Better

A colleague of yours (an officer with high responsibility) is going to take an unwise decision. You want to warn him against his doing so. You believe that if he takes such a decision, the company will lose reputation, then customers, then money, and at last will dissolve. You want to say these things to him in a chiding and mocking tone. How would you say it?


The thoughts could be worded like this: If you take such a rash decision, then you'll lose the company's reputation, customers. money, your job, and the hair of your head. OK?


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