How to Use Relative Pronouns?


Relative Pronoun এর সংজ্ঞাঃ যে Pronoun পূর্বোল্লখিত কোন Noun বা Pronoun এর পরে বসে তার সাথে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করে এবং দুটি Clause-কে যুক্ত তাকে Relative Pronoun বলে।


(i) I saw the man who was catching fish. 
(ii) This is the house which/ that I want to buy.
(iii) We helped the girl whose father died last year.
(iv) The boy whom you met yesterday is my brother.

উপরোক্ত Sentence গুলোতে who, which/ that, whose ও whom ইহারা Relative Pronoun কারণ উহারা যথাক্রমে the man, the house, the girl  the boy এর পরে বসে দুটি Sentence কে যুক্ত করেছে।

প্রধান প্রধান Relative Pronoun: who, which / that, whose whom ইত্যাদি। 
তাছাড়া what, as এবং but a Relative Pronoun হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

(a) Pronoun-টি যদি ব্যক্তি বাচক (যেমন- I, you, he, she, they we) হয়, তবে তার পরিবর্তে who বসে। 
I met the man. He is a teacher. 
Answer: I met the man who is a teacher.

(b) Pronoun-টি যদি বস্তু বা অব্যক্তিবাচক (যেমন- pen, pencil, Dhaka ইত্যাদি) হয় তবে তার পরিবর্তে which/that বসে। 
The writer took a cabin. It belonged to the manage.
Ans: The writer took a cabin that/ which belonged to the orphange. 

(c) Pronoun-টি যদি possessive (my, our your, their his, her) হয় তবে তার পরিবর্তে Whose বসে। 
Yesterday I met the boy. His brother is a doctor.
Ans: Yesterday I met the boy whose brother is a doctor. 

(d) Pronoun-টি যদি objective (me, us, you, them, him, her) হয় তার পরিবর্তে whom বসে। যেমন:
The man is a famous doctor. I met him in the bus.
Ans: The man is a famous doctor whom I met in the bus. 
or: The man whom I met in the bus is a famous doctor.

Relative pronoun দ্বারা দুটি Sentence কে যুক্ত করার নিয়ম:

২য় Sentence-এর Pronoun টি উঠিয়ে দিয়ে সেই স্থলে Relative Pronoun আনতে হয় এবং উক্ত Relative Pronoun টি প্রথম Sentence এর যে Noun/ Pronoun কে নির্দেশ করে ঠিক তার পরেই বসে।
The writer was poor. He drank water.
Ans: The writer, who was poor, drank water.

সমাধানঃ এখানে দ্বিতীয় Sentence-এর Pronoun-টি “he " ব্যক্তিবাচক Subject হওয়ায় ইহার পরিবর্তে who বসেছে এবং উক্ত who প্রথম Sentence এর the writer কে নির্দেশ করেছে তাই who কে the writer এর পরে বসানো হয়েছে।

Relative Pronoun (which/ that, whom, whose) একই নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য হবে ।

Exercise to be Practised:

1. The girl is my sister. She got the first prize.

2. This is the woman. She lost her bag. 

3. Jerry was an orphan boy. He came to the orphange at the age of four.

4 The other sailors were very angry with the old man. He had shot the albatross.

6. He sees his own garden. It contains more pleasure for him.

5.  I found them all living in a cabin. It belonged to the orphanage.

7. You met a boy yesterday. He is my brother.

8. The magi were wise men. They brought gifts to the babe in the manger. 

9. The caliph was astonished to see the dervishes. Each of the dervishes was blind in the left eye.

10. The porter was a young bachelor. He lived in the city of Baghdad. 

11. I bought it from a man. He sold it to me.

12. Here is some money. I would like to leave it with you. 

13. The boy was very poor. His pen was lost in the way.

14. The door was opened by a Christian. He gave her a measure of olives.

15. Jim was only twenty two. He was burdened with a family. 

16. God loves us all. He made us all.

17. These French white wines are very light. They are wonderful for the digestion.

18. Jerry had an imaginary mother. She lived in Mannville. 

19. For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the menu. That was a mutton chop.

20. My aunt is a doctor. She works in the hospital.

21. The old sailor saw an albatross. It was flying towards to the ship.

22. The old sailor killed the bird. It made the winds blow.

23. The porter followed the girls into a hall. It was wonderfully decorated. 

24. We know a few stars. They are bigger than the earth.

25. The lady had read one of the books of the writer. She wrote letters to him.
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