Gender of Nouns

There are four Genders in English:

(a) Masculine, denoting male animals: man, bull. 

(b) Feminine, denoting female animals: women, cow.

(c) Neuter, denoting lifeless things: book, table. 

(d) Common, denoting animals of either sex: parent, person, sovereign, child, servant, teacher, student, cousin.

NOTE: The term "common gender" is objected to on the ground that "strictly, there cannot be a common gender any more than there can be a common sex. Some words, however, are common to two genders."

❒❒ All Material and Abstract Nouns are Neuter, because they denote things and qualities without life. 

❒❒ All Collective Nouns are Neuter, because they denote groups, and groups as such have no life.

❒❒ There are three different ways by which Masculine nouns are changed into Feminine :

(A) By changing the word; as, man—woman, boy—girl. 

(B) By adding-ess to the Masculine; as, author—authoress.

(C) By adding a feminine word before or after the Masculine;
as, he-goat — she-goat; grandfather — grandmother.

Gender of Nouns

Gender of Nouns

Gender of Nouns

❒❒ Masculine derived from Feminine : Bridegroom (from bride), widower (from widow).

❒❒ Double Feminines seamstress, songstress, spinstress.

❒❒ Some Feminine Nouns have no corresponding Measculine : 
Amazon (a woman of masculine manners, ); 
blonde (a fair girl); 
coquette (a woman who amuses herself by seeking admiration from others); 
dowager (a widow with a dower); 
flirt ( 3 woman flirting with men); 
nurse (a female nurse); 
prude (a woman of affected modesty, );
shrew (a scolding woman, a); 
siren (a charming but wicked woman); virgin. (a maiden).

❒❒ Some Masculine Nouns have no corresponding Feminine forms: Captain, judge, knight, person, squire. 

❒❒ A few Masculine Nouns, are sometimes used as nouns of Common gender: Actor, author, dog, hound, horse, man, painter, poet, etc.

❒❒ A few Feminine Nouns are sometimes used as Common gender: Bee, cow, duck, etc. 
Note — Women are now taking up work formerly considered exclusively men's and vice versa. This has given rise to a difficulty in inding out feminine forms for such words as, chairman, president, lawyer, advocate, doctor, etc. and masculine forms for words as, nurse, house-maid, etc. Chairwoman is not correct English. 

❒❒ Personified Objects Inanimate objects or qualities are sometimes spoken of as if they were persons. A noun thus personified begins with a capital letter. Personified things are regarded as :—

(a) Masculine when they are remarkable for strength, courage, greatness, etc.; as, Death, Sun, War, Time, fune, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Thunder, Anger, Day, Fear, Revenge, ete.

(b) Feminine when they are remarkable for beauty, softness, grace, fertility, gentleness, etc.; as, Hope, Peace, Liberty, Modesty. Earth, Moon, Truth, Nature, Religion, Church, Mercy, Night.

❒❒ Young children and lower animals are usually regarded as Neuter: 
The child is following its mother. 
The bird returns to its nest. 

❒❒ Names of ships, countries and fine arts are generally regarded. as feminine: 
The Titanic sank with almost all her passengers. 
India demands all of us to love her. 
Poetry has her charms.


Indicate the genders of the following:
Husband, cow, author, earl, sovereign, tiger, hero, pig, mouse, lion, lad, shepherd, water, grief, fear, death, mountain, ship, England, son, governor, lady, king, companion, head, virtue, parent, widow, prince, Mr, priest, madam, sir, per son, orphan, virgin, bride, cousin, bee, horse, Miss, actor.
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