Leisure means the time when a man has nothing to do. He is the master of his time and can spend it according to his sweet will. Then he is free from cares and anxieties. Now we live in materialistic world. Our fife is short but art is long. We can not do everything within this short time. So our life is fixed to a routine. We do not like to take rest. We have forgot that life has got time to enjoy this beautiful world. But it should be kept in mind that monotonous work tells upon our body and mind. If a man does not take rest from work, life loses its charm. So leisure is necessary to lead a healthy happy life. It enables us to recover our lost freshness and energy. It revives our depressed spirit. It affords an opportunity to escape from the hard reality of life and enjoy this fine world. It is a source of joy and pleasure. It is the essence of life.
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