Frustration means disappointment in modern strife torn world we find frustration almost in all people. There is hardly any man who is free from frustration. Frustration cripples a man. He is mentally dejected and depressed. It kills him little by little. He can not do anything. He stumbles in way of life. Though a frustrated man wants to do something, he can not because frustration ruins his will power and ultimately he thinks that he may not attain success and reach his desired god Life becomes dull and meaningless to him. He loses all charms of life. Frustration may be of political, economic, domestic, judicial and social At present the impact of frustration is found more among the unemployed educated youth Frustration is a great mental disease. There is no medicine that can rid a man of frustration. Frustration gives birth to many social crimes such as killing, hijacking, drug addiction etc. People become frustrated when they do not get what they want. So ways and means should be found out to remove frustration.
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