Drug addiction is now a global problem. This social cancer has spread its poisonous claws all over the world. Frustration is the cause of this addiction. Unemployment problem, political cataclysm, lack of family ties. lack of love affection etc give rise to frustration. Again this addiction gives rise to social crimes. When the addicted can not afford to buy drugs they commit many kinds of social crimes like hijacking, looting, plundering killing, robbery etc. Drugs bear a terrible effect on human body. They kill them slowly but surely. No physician can stop the changes that take place in the body of a drug addict. Drugs addicted people feel drowsy, lose appetite and sleep. The skin of their bodies begin to change its colour Drugs also damages the brain and all internal function of the body. However this curse should not be allowed to go on unchecked. At any cost we must get rid of this social cancer by highlighting its dangerous effect on human body and society.

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