In a democratic country a procession is the medium of expression of public opinion. It is the formal march of a group of people. It is generally brought out on a political or religious or festive occasion. A procession is arranged in an orderly way. People take part in it in a disciplined way. They walk in a line chanting sologans. They carry placards, banners etc which exhibit their viewpoints to the common people. The leaders are seen at the head of the procession. A political procession or the striker's are different from the religions or the festive procession. A political procession or the striker's are marked with much excitement. Sometimes there is violence and for this the police are seen behind a political procession. People demonstrate their feelings in a political procession while the strikers express their demand in their procession: Silent procession is taken out to express condolence. A religious procession is marked with solemnity instead of excitement, mirth and gaity. A procession is, in fact, an expression of public opinion.

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