Incorrect: He lives in the boarding.
The watch is out of repairs.
l wrote him yesterday.
I take many fruits.
Karim‘s is quite close to mine.
He will sell all his furnitures.
I received all available informations.
Rahim gave false witness.
Every body should be true to his words. Every body should be true to his word.
He is in high spirit.
l have an urgent business.
She has black hairs.
There are pains all over the body.
Tables made of woods are costly.
The house is built of bricks.
The female students are small in number. The girl students are small in number.
☑️ Errors of Pronoun
📝 Incorrect
Incorrect: I and he are brothers.
My watch is better than your.
I enjoyed very much in the last vacation.
I am out of my danger.
Rina absented from school.
Rina absented herself from school.
We should not lose our heart.
He feels himself cold.
Your letter is just to my hand.
I want your reply.
I shall avail this opportunity.