Errors in Conditional Sentences

a. First Conditional: 

In such a conditional, the condition or assumption about the future is real. In this case, there is a possibility that the condition will be fulfilled or the conjecture will be true.  Here Principal Clause is usually in future tense or condition clause is in present tense.

(এই ধরনের conditional-এ ভবিষ্যৎ সম্পর্কে যে শর্ত বা অনুমান প্রকাশ করা হয় তা real বা বাস্তবসম্মত। এ ক্ষেত্রে শর্ত পূরণের কিংবা অনুমান সত্য হওয়ার সমূহ সম্ভাবনা থাকে। এখানে Principal Clause হয় সাধারণতঃ future tense-এ অথবা condition clause হয় present tense-এ।)

For Examples:

Right: If it rains tomorrow, we will not go out.
Wrong: If it will rain tomorrow, we will not go out.

Wrong: If they invite me, I would attend the party.
Right: If they invite me, I shall/may attend the party.

Wrong: If I won the lottery, I will travel around the world.
Right: If I win the lottery, I will travel around the world.

Wrong: I would not go there, unless you accompany me.
Right: I won't go there unless you accompany me.

b. Second Conditional: 

This conditional has unreal condition (which is unlikely to be fulfilled) or there are future references to something imaginary.  
Here the subordinate clause has to use past simple tense and the principal clause has to use would, could, might type modal.

(এই conditional-এ unreal condition বা অবাস্তব শর্ত (যা পূরণ হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা নাই) কিংবা ভবিষ্যৎ সম্পর্কে কাল্পনিক কিছুর উল্লেখ থাকে। এখানে subordinate clause টিতে হবে past simple tense এবং Principal clause টিতে would, could, might ধরনের modal ব্যবহার করতে হবে।)

For Examples:

Right: If he accompanied me, I would go there.

That means if he went with me I would go there. But this is an unrealistic fantasy. Because I know very well that he will not accompany me.

(অর্থাৎ সে আমার সঙ্গে গেলে আমি সেখানে যেতাম। কিন্তু এটি একটি অবাস্তব কল্পনা।
কারণ আমি ভাল করেই জানি যে সে আমাকে সঙ্গ দিবে না।)

Wrong: If he would help me, I could pass the exam.
Right: If he helped me, I could/would/might pass the exam.

Wrong: If I won the lottery, I would have bought a car.
Right: If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.

In this formula wouldn't or mightn't sit but couldn't sit. (এই ফর্মুলায় wouldn't কিংবা mightn't বসতে পারে কিন্তু couldn't বসতে পারে না।) 

For Examples:

Wrong: Even If he came here, I couldn't help him.
Right: Even If he came here, I would not be able to help him.

Remember that the condition or imagination of Second Conditional is all about the future. (মনে রাখতে হবে Second Conditional-এর শর্ত বা কল্পনা সবই ভবিষ্যৎ সম্পর্কে।)

c. Third Conditional : 

The imagination of this Conditional is about the past.  That is to say, the opposite of what has happened in the past is imagined here.  Here the condition clause should have Past perfect tense and Principal clause should use should have / could have or might have form.

(এই Conditional- এর কল্পনা অতীত সম্পর্কে। অর্থাৎ অতীতে যা ঘটে গেছে এখানে তার বিপরীতটা কল্পনা করা হয়। এখানে condition clause টিতে হবে Past perfect tense এবং Principal clause-এ would have/ could have বা might have form ব্যবহার করতে হবে।)

For Examples:

Right: If they had invited me, I would have attended the party.
Wrong: If they would invite me, I would attend the party.

Wrong: If I were rich, I would have helped the poor.
Right: If I had been rich, I would have helped the poor.

Wrong: What would you do if you had won the lottery?
Right: What would you have done if you had won the lottery?
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