
1. Conjunction:

যে কোন ধরনের conjunction-কে (co-ordinating, sub-ordinating, correlative) linker হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়। 

Co-ordinating conjunctions: and, but, so, therefore.

Sub-ordinating conjunctions: that, if, whether, though, although, as, since, because, for, before, after, provided (if) than, till, until, unless, who, which, whom, whose, when, where, why, how, as soon as, as if, as though.

Co-relative conjunction: So...that, both...and, not only...but also, no sooner..than, hardly/scarcely...when, either...or neither...nor.

উপরে উল্লিখিত বিভিন্ন ধরনের conjuction গুলিকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ এবং বহুল ব্যবহৃত linker হিসাবে গণ্য করা হয়।

2. Adverbs and Adverbials:

So, therefore, and, because, as a result, consequently, however, nevertheless, yet, despite, in spite of, once.

বিভিন্ন ধরনের adverbs এবং adverbials-কে linker হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়। এই ধরনের linker basic components-কে একটি sentence-এ যুক্ত না করে পৃথক পৃথক sentence-এ রেখেই উভয় components-এর মধ্যে এক ধরনের যোগসূত্র বা সম্পর্ক নির্দেশ করে। যেমন:

1. John studies hard. As a result, he makes a good result in the examination every year.

2. So, he is respected in the society.

আবার কোন কোন ক্ষেত্রে শুধু Simple Sentence-এর পূর্বে এই linker ব্যবহৃত হয়ে পূর্বে অনুপস্থিত কোন component (non-existent component)-এর সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক নির্দেশ করে।

3. Infinitive:

Incomplete predication/expression-কে complete করার জন্য Infinitive (to + verb-এর base form) linker হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন:
I went to Dhaka to buy a car.

4. Relative Pronouns:

Relative Pronoun Linkers: who, which, that, what, whom, whose. Sub-ordinating conjunction হিসাবে relative pronounদুটি basic component-কে combine করে। 
Dhaka is a big city. It is densely populated. 
Dhaka is a big city which is densely populated. 
Dhaka which is densely populated is a big city.

5. Participles:

Infinitive-এর মত Participles-ও Incomplete Predication কে complete করার জন্য linker হিসাবে কাজ করে। 
1. Being an educated person, I like to buy books.
2. Disheartened by the sad news, the girl burst into tears. 
3. Having seen the bird, the boy shot it.

উল্লেখ্য যে, ৩ ধরনের Participle (Present Participle, Past participle এবং Perfect Participle)-কে linker হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা যায়।

বিভিন্ন ধরনের attitudes এবং expressions প্রকাশের জন্য যে সমস্ত linker ব্যবহার করা হয় তাদের সম্পর্কে নিম্নে আলোচনা করা হলো।

a) Reason:

Reason বা কারণ প্রকাশ করতে নিম্নলিখিত linker ব্যবহার করা হয়: 
as, since, because, for, because of, on account of, as a result, therefore, consequently, so, such, due to, owing to, etc.

1. As he was seriously ill, he could not attend the meeting. 
2. Since it is a dark place, we should not stay here.
3. Because his voice is broken, he will not recite the poem.
4. We should decide the matter immediately, for the time is short.
5. Because of your negligence, you did not have the chance.
6. On account of her illness, she failed to win the game. 
7. Due to his poverty, he could not continue his study.
8. Owing to heavy snowfall, Mr. Brown had to stay at hotel.

b) Contrast:

দুটি clause কিংবা parts of sentence-এর মধ্যে contrasting attitude প্রকাশিত হলে অর্থাৎ পরস্পর বিরোধী হলে নিম্নলিখিত linker গুলি ব্যবহৃত হয়:
Though, although, even though, but, despite, in spite of, yet, nevertheless, etc.

1. Though it was raining, I went to college.
2. Although Tanima tried hard, she could not succeed.
3. Even though Mr. Noman had much money, he could not purchase a piece of land.
4. He came to me, but I did not help him.
5. Despite rough weather, we went out for a walk.
6. In spite of a lot of limitations, Mintu is continuing his project.
7. He has no money, yet he wants to buy a motorbike.
8. Sidr-hit people lost many things, nevertheless they did not get disheartened.

Even though, although অপেক্ষা জোরালো contrast প্রকাশ করে এবং though, although এর চেয়ে বেশি formally ব্যবহৃত হয়।

c) Result:

কোন action এর result বা ফল প্রকাশকারী sentence-এর পূর্বে নিম্নলিখিত 
linker গুলি ব্যবহার করা হয়:
So, such, therefore, as a result,
consequently, participles, etc. এক্ষেত্রে প্রায়শ দুটি Sentence পৃথক থাকে, যুক্ত থাকে না।

1. The classes were suspended, so the students went away.
2. It is such an interesting novel that you cannot but like it.
3. Sumon met an accident. As a result, he had to be hospitalised.
4. Shishir did not have to reside in the town. Therefore, he prayed for a seat in the college hostel.
5. It rained heavily. Consequently, all roads of the town went under water.
6. The boy began to cry losing his school bag.

d) Condition:

Condition বা শর্ত প্রয়োগ করার জন্য নিম্নলিখিত linker ব্যবহার করা হয়:
If, whether, even if, provided, providing, as long as, so long as, wherever, whenever, no matter who/what/when/how, etc.
Condition প্রকাশ করার ক্ষেত্রে clause structure খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

Structure of If-clauses

1. If + present indefinite + future indefinite

2. If + past indefinite + subject + would + verb-এর base form+....

3. If + past perfect + subject + would have + verb-এর past participle form+....

1. If I am ill, I will go to the doctor.
2. If he came here, he would see the chairman.
3. If I had gone to market, I would have bought all vegetables.
4. Even if you touch me, I don't mind.
5. Whether you help me or not, I will not forget you.
6. Provided/providing, as long as/ so long as you love me, I will look after you.
7. I will follow you wherever you go.
8. No matter who you are, I consider your efficiency.

e) Purpose:

Purpose বা উদ্দেশ্য বোঝাতে নিম্নলিখিত linker গুলি ব্যবহার করা হয়:

So that, in case, infinitive, etc.
1. We eat so that we can live.
2. The people came here early so that they could meet the chairman.
3. I told her everything in case she misunderstood me.
4. I went to England to study medicine.

e) Time:

নিম্নলিখিত linker গুলি সময় প্রকাশ করার জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়:
When, while, till, until, before, after, as soon as, since, once, etc.

1. When it is morning, farmers go to the field.
2. While I was walking along the road, I saw him.
3. I will wait till/until she comes back.
4. Before the patient died, the doctor had come.
5. She ate lunch after they had gone to college.
6. As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students stood up.
7. Once he told me to come, I started then and there.
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