Discourse Marker refers to all the words, phrases or expressions that identify the different types of features of the discourse (speech) / speech / statement.
Discourse Marker (বচন চিহ্নক) বলতে সে সমস্ত word, phrase বা expression কে বোঝায় যে সব word, phrase বা expression — discourse (বচন)/speech/ statement-এর বিভিন্ন ধরনের বৈশিষ্ট্যকে চিহ্নিত করে।
একটি বিশেষ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হচ্ছে, discourse marker সম্পর্কে আলোচনার পূর্বে discourse সম্পর্কে ধারণা থাকা আবশ্যক। খুবই সহজ ভাবে বলতে গেলে প্রতিটি sentence-ই discourse । আমরা বলার জন্য এবং লেখার জন্য সর্বোপরি মনের ভাব প্রকাশের জন্য যে sentence / statement/speech নির্মাণ করি সেই সমস্ত sentence / speech/statement-ই প্রকৃতপক্ষে discourse. আরো গভীর ভাবে বিশ্লেষণ করলে দেখা যায় যে, একটি sentence/speech-এর মধ্য দিয়ে যে ভাব বা বক্তব্য প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকেও discourse হিসাবে বিবেচনা করা হয়।
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: Discourse is a "lengthy and serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing". It is a "continuous piece of spoken or written language".
সামগ্রিক ভাবে বলা যায়, Discourse is a sentence or a speech or a piece of writing about a particular subject.
Discourse marker হচ্ছে discourse-এর মধ্যে ব্যবহৃত word বা group of words যা discourse-এর অর্থবাচকতাকে audience-এর কাছে বোধগম্য করে তোলে। আমরা জানি, discourse-এ ব্যবহৃত প্রায় প্রতিটি word কিংবা group of words discourse-এর অর্থবাচকতা তৈরি করে।
তাহলে প্রশ্ন উঠতে পারে, সকল word কিংবা group of words কি discourse marker?
না, সকল word কিংবা group words discourse marker হতে পারে না। শুধু সেই সকল words কিংবা group of words — discourse marker হিসাবে বিবেচিত হতে পারে যারা discourse-এর অর্থবাচকতা, ভাববাচকতা, speaker-এর attitude, বিভিন্ন action-এর পূর্বাপর সম্পর্ক, action সংগঠনের কারণ, শর্ত, স্থান, সময় ইত্যাদিকে mark বা চিহ্নিত করে।
Discourse marker অনেক ক্ষেত্রে audience কিংবা পাঠককে কোন message প্রদান করতে পারে তাকে কোন ব্যাপারে সতর্ক কিংবা উদ্বুদ্ধ করতে পারে।
Conventionally বলা যায়, adverbs adverbial phrases (adverbials) discourse marker এর কাজ করে। বিশেষ করে sentence adverb (sentence-এর প্রথমে ব্যবহৃত adverb/adverbial phrases যা সমগ্র sentence-কে modify করে) উপরোল্লেখিত discourse marker-এর বৈশিষ্টগুলি ধারন করে; তাই sentence adverb-কে সাধারন ভাবে discourse marker হিসাবে বিবেচনা করা যেতে পারে।
Major function of discourse markers:
1. Discourse markers show the relation between the present action and the past action.
2. They show the link between the present action and the future action.
3. They show the speaker's attitude expressed in the discourse.
4. They explain the discourse to the audience.
5. They direct the audience.
6. They persuade the audience, etc.
নিচের Discourse marker-এর উদাহরণগুলি চর্চা করলে এর সঠিক ব্যবহার সম্পর্কে শিক্ষার্থীরা ধারণা অর্জন করতে পারবে। বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখ্য যে, একই word বা group of words (phrase/clause) linker a discourse marker হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। কারণ, বেশ কিছু ক্ষেত্রে linker discourse marker-এর কাজ করে, আবার discourse marker linker-এর কাজ করে। তাই বলে সাধারণভাবে বলা যাবে না, সকল linkers হলো discourse markers কিংবা সকল discourse markers হলো linkers.
Examples of Discourse Markers (Words ending in 'ly')
নিম্নলিখিত ly-যুক্ত adverb-গুলি discourse marker হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Abnormally ( অস্বাভাবিকভাবে) -Abnormally, the market price is rising high.
Abominably (খারাপভাবে)- Abominably, he behaved with the girl.
Accidentally (আকস্মিকভাবে)- Accidentally, the boy met him.
Absolutely (চরমভাবে)-Absolutely, Arif left her.
Actually (প্রকৃতপক্ষে)- Actually, I have nobody to help me here.
Additionally (আরো) - Additionally, we need a computer and internet connection,
Admirably(প্রশংসনীয়ভাবে) - Admirably, he did his all jobs.
Advisedly (সতর্কতার সাথে/যেমনটি করা উচিত তেমনভাবে) - Advisedly, I used the word in the blank.
Aesthetically (নান্দনিকভাবে) - Aesthetically, he performed to please the audience.
Annually (বাৎসরিকভাবে) - Annually, the adhoc committee meets to strengthen the organization.
Anxiously (উদ্বিগ্নতার সাথে/দুঃচিন্তাগ্রস্থভাবে) Anxiously, Mrs. Zaman is awaiting her daughter's return.
Artfully (দক্ষতার সাথে) - Artfully, he managed everything.
Assuredly (নিশ্চিতভাবে) - Assuredly, they will not solve the problem without my help.
Arbitrarily (হটকারিতার সাথে)-Arbitrarily, he took the decision to go to Italy.
Atrociously (ভয়ঙ্কর ভাবে/নিষ্ঠুরভাবে) Atrociously, they killed an innocent girl.
Attractively (আকর্ষণীয়ভাবে)- Attractively, the girl appeared before us.
Attentively (মনোযোগের সাথে) - Attentively, the students listened to the teacher.
Automatically (সংক্রিয়ভাবে) - Automatically, the employees of the project were dismissed.
Awkwardly (খারাপভাবে/অসুবিধা জনক অবস্থায় ): Awkwardly, the car was parked across the pavement.
Badly (জরুরীভাবে) - Badly, I am in need of some money.
Beautifully (সুন্দরভাবে)- Beautifully, she dressed herself.
Basically (মুলতঃ) - Basically, he is a poet.
Bilaterally (দ্বিপাক্ষিকভাবে) - Bilaterally, they signed an agreement to prevent child trafficking.
Blatantly (উদ্দেশ্যমূলকভাবে) - Blatantly, she told a lie.
Blindly (অন্ধভাবে) - Blindly, we should not follow the unknown practice.
Boldly (সাহসিকতার সাথে)- Boldly, they faced the problem.
Briefly (সংক্ষিপ্ত ভাবে) - Briefly, he can place his argument.
Broadly speaking (ব্যাপকভাবে বলতে গেলে) - Broadly speaking, he is a man of multi-dimensional attitude.
Brutally (হিংস্রভাবে) - Brutally, the outlawed boy stabbed the old man.
Candidly (খোলাখুলিভাবে/সততার সঙ্গে)Candidly, the two presidents talked about border-crisis.
Capably (দক্ষতার সাথে) - Capably, she drove the car.
Carefully (সতর্কতার সাথে)- Carefully, the boy arranged the furniture in the room.
Casually (সাধারণভাবে)- Casually, she was dressed in an ordinary shirt and trousers.
Cautiously (সতর্কতার সঙ্গে) - Cautiously, she observed everything.
Centrally (কেন্দ্রীয়ভাবে) - Centrally, the policies are not adopted.
Certainly (নিশ্চিতভাবে) - Certainly, he will arrive by 4 p.m.
Cheerfully (আনন্দের সঙ্গে) - Cheerfully, we greeted the poet.
Chiefly (প্রধানত) - Chiefly, Mr. Zaman deals with fiction.
Chronologically (দিন পঞ্জিকা অনুসারে) Chronologically, the plays of Shakespeare are arranged in the list.
Classically (ঐতিহ্যগত ভাবে) - Classically, she was trained for dancing.
Clearly (পরিষ্কার ভাবে) - Clearly, it may be said that the poem is the best of all.
Consequently (ফলতঃ) - Consequently, he suffered much for his idleness.
Clinically (চিকিৎসা শাস্ত্র মতে) - Clinically, the patient was declared dead.
Collectively (একত্রে)- Collectively, the four friends work in the same office.
Colourfully (বর্ণিলভাবে) - Colourfully, she decorated the room.
Comfortably ( আরামদায়কভাবে) Comfortably, they work in the factory.
Comparatively (তুলনামূলকভাবে) Comparatively, the new syllabus is difficult.
Courageously (সাহসিকতার সাথে) - Courageously, he did the workidth
Confidently (আস্থার সাথে) - Confidently, the boy answered the question.
Critically (সূক্ষ্মভাবে) -Critically, they examined the patient.
Cruelly (নিষ্ঠুরভাবে) - Cruelly, the boy was treated by his master.
Culturally (সাংস্কৃতিক ভাবে)- Culturally, we are more enriched than many people of Asia.
Ceaselessly (বিরামহীন ভাবে) - Ceaselessly, we are working for a good result.
Dangerously (বিপদজনকভাবে) - Dangerously, he drove the cart
Deliberately (পরিকল্পিত ভাবে) - Deliberately, my mother has made me conscious of social problems.
Democratically (গণতান্ত্রিক ভাবে) - Democratically, everything should be settled.
Deeply (গভীরভাবে) - Deeply, you should think of the matter.
Desperately (ভীষণভাবে) - Desperately, they are fighting for their existence.
Determinedly (দৃঢ়তার সাথে) - Determinedly, he continued his work despite injury.
Devotedly (নিবেদিতভাবে) - Devotedly, the students should study.
Directly (সরাসরিভাবে) - Directly, they criticised their leaders.
Distinctly (পরিস্কারভাবে) - Distinctly, the moon was seen last night.
Drastically (মারাত্মকভাবে) - Drastically, the government reduced the budget.
Eagerly (আগ্রহের সাথে)- Eagerly, we are waiting for you.
Effectively (ফলপ্রসূভাবে) - Effectively, they tried to solve the problem.
Efficiently (দক্ষতার সাথে)- Efficiently, she runs the business.
Emphatically (জোরালোভাবে/প্রবলভাবে) - Emphatically, he denied the allegation against him.
Enthusiastically (আগ্রহভরে)- Enthusiastically, they are searching for truth.
Equally (সমানভাবে) - Equally, we share the responsibility.
Eventually (সবশেষে) - Eventually, they came to the meeting.
Excellently (চমৎকারভাবে)- Excellently, the girl danced in the function.
Externally (বাহ্যিকভাবে)- Externally, she looks calm but she is furious.
Extravagantly (নির্বিচারে) - Extravagantly, he spent much money.
Fairly (মোটামুটি) - Fairly, I am sure that it is a right decision.
Faithfully (বিশ্বস্ততার সাথে) - Faithfully, he worked in the office for 40 years.
Fantastically (অবিশ্বাস্য ভাবে)- Fantastically, she is doing the work well.
Fearfully (ভয়ার্তভাবে) - Fearfully, the student entered the principal's chamber.
Finally (চূড়ান্ত ভাবে)- Finally, I decided to settle in London.
Fortunately (সৌভাগ্যক্রমে)- Fortunately, we reached our destination before nightfall.
Freely (স্বাধীনভাবে) - Freely, they could move here.
Frequently (বারবার)- Frequently, he came to me with the same proposal.
Fundamentally (মৌলিকভাবে) - Fundamentally. I agree to what you are saying.
Generally (সাধারণভাবে) - Generally, we have many natural resources.
Hardly (কদাচিৎ) - Hardly, he comes here.
Hastily (তাড়াহুড়া করে) - Hastily, they decided to sell the property.
Heartily (আন্তরিক ভাবে) - Heartily, the people greeted him.
Honestly (সততার সাথে)- Honestly, I spoke for your job.
Horribly (ভয়ংকর ভাবে) - Horribly, he described the destruction of sidr.
Humbly (বিনম্রভাবে) - Humbly, he placed his application.
Hurriedly (ব্যস্ততার সাথে)- Hurriedly, he left the room.
Immediately (তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে) - Immediately, we should take steps against corruption.
Incidentally (ঘটনাচক্রে)- Incidentally, I met him last night.
Initially (প্রাথমিকভাবে) - Initially, the project was not feasible.
Instantly( তাৎক্ষনিকভাবে) - Instantly, the farmers staged a demonstration for fertilizer.
Intellectually (বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকভাবে)- Intellectually, she is mature enough.
Intentionally (ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে)- Intentionally, he ignored me.
Lastly (সবশেষে)- Lastly, we returned home at mid-night.
Liberally (উদারভাবে)- Liberally, the scripts were examined.
Literally (আক্ষরিকভাবে) - Literally, we are very helpless now.
Legally (আইনগতভাবে) - Legally, he demanded the property.
Logically (যুক্তিগতভাবে) - Logically, he presented his idea. 19
Luckily (ভাগ্যক্রমে)- Luckily, I got a big hilsha in the market.
Mainly (প্রধানতঃ) - Mainly, he is a lawyer.
Mechanically (যান্ত্রিকভাবে) - Mechanically, we should judge nothing.
Mentally (মানসিকভাবে)- Mentally, I feel for you.
Morally (নৈতিকভাবে) - Morally, he is a very strong person.
Mutually (সমঝোতার মধ্যে দিয়ে)- Mutually, they solved the problem.
Nationally (জাতীয় ভাবে) - Nationally, he is known as a great leader.
Naturally (স্বাভাবিকভাবে) - Naturally, we have shown our sympathy to the sidr-hit people.
Necessarily (অবশ্যই) - Necessarily, it does not mean that we have nothing to do.
Neutrally (নিরপেক্ষভাবে)- Neutrally, we should consider the problem
Normally (সাধারণত) - Normally, we go to college at 9 am
Obviously (স্পষ্টত)- Obviously, the library cannot run without
Occasionally(মাঝেমধ্যে)- Occasionally, I read novels, but it is quite rare.
Openly (খোলামেলা ভাবে) - Openly, he discussed the matter.
Ordinarily (সাধারণভাবে) - Ordinarily, we warned them not to deal with the matter.
Originally (প্রকৃতপক্ষে) - Originaly, it was a study room, but I turned it into a bedroom.
Outwardly (বাহ্যিকভাবে) - Outwardly, she looks grave, but she is very enthusiastic.
Partially (আংশিকভাবে) - Partially, they finished the work.
Particularly (নির্দিষ্টভাবে) - Particularly, Mr. Brown explained the construction of the novel.
Passionately (আবেগের সাথে) - Passionately, she loves her husband.
Patiently (ধৈর্য্য সহকারে)- Patiently, we should consider the problem of our students.
Peacefully (শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে)- Peacefully, the people live in this town.
Personally (ব্যক্তিগতভাবে) - Personally, I like him most.
Physically (দৈহিকভাবে) - Physically, he is not strong enough to share the shock.
Politically (রাজনৈতিকভাবে) - Politically, we need fair persons.
Pragmatically (বিচক্ষণতার সাথে) - Pragmatically, he decided to purchase a piece of land in Dhaka.
Presently (শীঘ্রই) - Presently, he will come to meet us.
Primarily (প্রাথমিকভাবে) - Primarily, we can accept his proposal.
Probably (সম্ভবত) - Probably, he is not coming today.
Quickly (দ্রুততার সাথে) - Quickly, she understood the situation.
Rapidly (দ্রুততার সাথে) - Rapidly, they are closing their establishment.
Rarely (কদাচিত) - Rarely, I see her in the college.
Really (প্রকৃতপক্ষে) - Really, he is a good boy.
Relevantly (প্রাসঙ্গিকভাবে) - Relevantly, he talked about Bertrand Russel in the class.
Repetitively (বারবার) - Repetitively, she requested me to buy a car.
Rightly (সঠিকভাবে) - Rightly, he hit the ball.
Roughly (খারাপভাবে) - Roughly, he behaves with his friends.
Ruthlessly (নিষ্ঠুরভাবে) - Ruthlessly, he criticised his sons.
Safely (নিরাপদভাবে) - Safely, he crossed the border.
Satisfactorily (সন্তোষজনকভাবে) - Satisfactorily, we finished our job.
Scarcely (কদাচিত) - Scarcely, I can move after the accident.
Secretly (গোপনে) - Secretly, they meet each other.
Significantly (তাৎপর্যপূর্নভাবে) - Sigficantly, he improved his fluency.
Slowly (ধীরে ধীরে) - Slowly, they are moving ahead.
Substantially (ব্যাপকভাবে) - Substantially, the government has changed the administrative set up.
Systematically (পদ্ধতিগতভাবে) - Systematically, I have set up everything in my office.
Tactfully (কৌশলে) - Tactfully, he can manage everything.
Terribly (ভয়ংকর ভাবে) - Terribly, he described his experience in the storm.
Ultimately (চূড়ান্তভাবে) - Ultimately, they will win the game.
Unitedly (ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে) - Unitedly, we should move to convince the chairman.
Usually (সাধারণত) - Usually, he comes here at 8 p.m.
Verbally (মৌখিক ভাবে) - Verbally, he informed me of the matter.
Valiantly (সাহসের সঙ্গে)- Valiantly, they fought for the motherland.
Vividly (স্পষ্টভাবে) - Vividly, the poet expressed his emotion in the poem.
Wildly (নিয়ন্ত্রণহীনভাবে)- Wildly, the elephant destroyed a lot of huts.
Willingly (ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে) - Willingly, she gave me a book.
Wrongfully (ভুলক্রমে) - Wrongfully, the police arrested an innocent student.
নিম্নলিখিত ly-বিহীন adverb গুলি discourse marker হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Afterwards (পরবর্তীতে) - First, he came to college. Afterwards, he went to the library.
Again (পুনরায়) - Again, he will come here with his daughter.
Always (সবসময়) - Always, he helps the poor stuents of his locality.
Already/Meanwhile (ইতোমধ্যে)- Already/Meanwhile, I have completed my task.
And (এবং) - And, he is a man of principles.
Besides/Moreover/Furthermore (অধিকন্তু)- Besides/Moreover/ Furthermore, the student studies Latin and Spanish.
But (কিন্তু) - But, you should have gone to the hospital.
Hence (তাই) - Hence, we should follow him.
Here (এখানে) - Here, one may see many guest- birds.
However (যাইহোক) - However, you can't deal with me in this way.
Never (কখনও না)- Never has he smoked in his life.
Nevertheless/Nonetheless/Notwithstanding/Yet (তথাপি) - Nevertheless/ Nonetheless/ Notwithstanding/Yet, he will do well in the examination.
Now (এখন)- Now, he is the principal of our college.
Once (একদা) - Once, she was an air-hostess.
One day (একদিন) - One day, he will be a good doctor.
Otherwise (অন্যথায়) - Otherwise, you may think of studying medicine.
Perhaps (সম্ভবত): Perhaps he is a stranger.
Regardless (নির্বিচারে) - The weather was rough, but we carried on regardless.
So (সুতরাং)-So, we should stop gossiping.
Somehow(কোনোভাবে) - Somehow, I managed to escape.
Sometimes (মাঝে মাঝে) - Sometimes Mr. Noman speaks brilliantly.
Still (এখনও) - Still, I hear the girl calling the cattle home.
Then (পরে)- Then, he talked about the problem.
There (সেখানে)- There, you may have peace and happiness.
Therefore (অতএব) - Therefore, I pray for accommodation in the hostel.
Thus (এভাবে) - Thus, we can prove that the title of the novel is justified.
Today (আজ) - Today, I am free to go anywhere.
Tomorrow (আগামীকাল) - Tomorrow, we will see in the park.
Well (ঠিকআছে) - Well, You may come with me.
Yes (হ্যাঁ) - Yes, I agree with you.
Yesterday (গতকাল) - Yesterday, they all gathered in the meeting.
Adverbial Phrases as Discourse Markers
Above all (সর্বোপরি) - Above all, Mr. Haq is a genius.
After all (মোটের ওপর)- After all, he is an honest man.
All at once (তৎক্ষনাৎ)- All at once, he left the place.
All of a sudden (হঠাৎ) - All of a sudden, he saw a deer in the forest.
As a rule (নিয়মানুযায়ী) - As a rule, he made no comment on the incident.
As usual (যথারীতি) - As usual, he came to school at 10 a.m. yesterday.
As a whole (মোটের ওপর) - As a whole, Shohel is a brilliant boy.
As regards (সম্পর্কে) - As regards poetry, he knows a lot.
As soon as (মাত্র) - As soon as he came here, we stood up.
At best (বড়জোর) - At best, I may give you Tk. 500.
At bottom (ভিতরে ভিতরে)- At bottom, he is a criminal.
At all costs(যে কোনো মূল্যে) - At all costs, I will buy the fish.
At all events (যে কোনো অবস্থায়) - At all events, I will stand beside him.
At any rate (যে কোনো মূল্যে) - At any rate, the company will pick up the best sales experts.
At all hazards (যে কোনো বিপদে) - At all hazards, Ruma will not leave me.
At all risks (যে কোনো ঝুঁকিতে)- At all risks, he will help me.
At the eleventh hour (শেষ মুহূর্তে)- At the eleventh hour, he arrived at the station.
At last (অবশেষে)- At last, the children found their ball.
At least (কমপক্ষে) - At least, he will need TK. 1000.
At length (অবশেষে) - At length, we occupied our position in the organisation.
At liberty/At large (স্বাধীনভাবে)- You are at liberty to go anywhere you like.
At present (বর্তমানে) - At present, he is a big merchant.
At random (নির্বিচারে)- He spends public money at random.
At a stretch (একটানা) - He told his history at a stretch.
At the outset/In the beginning (শুরুতে) - At the outset/In the beginning, he introduced himself.
At intervals (থেমে থেমে)- At intervals, he was speaking in the seminar.
At long last (অবশেষে) - At long last, Mr. Paul burst into tears.
At dead of night (শেষ রাতে) - At dead of night, my father passed away.
At every step (পদে পদে)- At every step, we have to face problems in our everyday life.
At first sight (প্রথম দর্শনে)- At first sight, he recognised the man.
At leisure (অবসর সময়ে) - We may read books at leisure.
At times/From time to time/Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে)- At times/From time to time/Now and then, Priti comes to our residence.
Before long/By and by (অচিরেই) - Before long/By and by, they will solve the problem.
Beyond doubt (সন্দেহাতীতভাবে) - He is a learned man beyond doubt.
By and large (প্রধানত) - By and large, literature is mirror of life.
By hook or crook/By fair means or foul (যে কোনোভাবে) - By hook or crook/By fair means or foul, they will achieve their goal.
By the by(কথা প্রসঙ্গে)- By the by, he expressed his hidden plan.
By fits and starts ( অনিয়মিতভাবে/লাফিয়ে লাফিয়ে) - I read the movel by fits and starts.
By leaps and bounds (দ্রুত গতিতে) - Prices of essentials are increasing by fits and starts.
By any means(যে কোনো ভাবে)- By any means, I will catch the bird.
By far/Far and away (সবদিক থেকে) - By far/Far and away, Moni is the best girl in the class.
For ever/For good/Once and for all (চিরতরে) - For ever/ For good/Once and for all, he left the place.
In a body/In groups (দলবদ্ধভাবে)- In a body/In groups, the farmers came to the Deputy Commissioner.
In accordance with/According to (অনুসারে)- In accordance with / According to the proposal, the project-director allocated the fund.
In the long run (পরিণামে) - In the long run, he will suffer for his foolishness.
In full swing (পুরোদমে) - They are working in the factory in full swing.
In black and white (লিখতভাবে) - You should place your proposal in black and white.
Instead of/In lieu of (পরিবর্তে) - Instead of/In lieu of mathematics, she wants to study physics.
In spite of/Despite (সত্বেও) - In spite of/Despite his poverty, he continued his study.
In a nutshell/In short/In brief/In a word (সংক্ষেপে)- In a nutshell/In short/In brief/In a word, Mrs. Anam is a beautiful lady.
In fine/In conclusion (উপসংহারে)- In fine/In conlusion, we may say that the essay bears the testimony of the writer's depth of knowledge.
On the contrary/On the other hand (অপরপক্ষে) - On the contrary/On the other hand, the teachers encourage us to study more.
Once and again/Again and again/Over and over again (বারবার) - Once and again/Again and again/Over and over again, the students should study the rules of grammar.
Through and through (সম্যকভাবে) - Through and through, I could understand his lecture.
🗣 Writer:
This Article is compiled by Zubayer Islam
Zubayer Islam is a brilliant student of Intermediate (Science) and he is a Grammar Maniac.
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