Right Form of Verb এর ৫০টি নিয়ম

Right Form of Verb

01. Sentence-টি যদি Present Indefinite Tense হয় এবং Sentence-টির Subject যদি 3rd person singular number না হয়, তবে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Present form হবে ।

(a) I — (go) to school everyday.
= I go to school everyday.

(b) They — (play) football.
= They play football.

(c) Fishermen — (catch) fish.
= Fishermen catch fish.

(d) We — (love) our country.
= We love our country.

e) You — (not listen) to your teacher.
= You do not listen to your teacher.

(f) Stars — (twinkle) in the sky.
= Stars twinkle in the sky.

02. Sentence-টি যদি Present Indefinite Tense হয় এবং Subject-টি যদি 3rd person singular number হয়, তবে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Present form-এর সাথে s বা es যুক্ত করতে হবে ।

(a) The sun — in the east. (rise)
= The sun rises in the east.

(b) He — football veryday. (not play)
= He does not play football everyday

(c) Ice — on water. (float)
= Ice floats on water.

(d) February — after January. (come)
= February comes after January.se

(e) He — the holy Quran everyday. (read)
= He reads the holy Quran everyday.

(f) He often — to the theatre. (go)
= He often goes to the theatre.

03. কোনো সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকে না এমন Sentence-এ যদি often, sometimes, occasionally, regularly, generally, daily, usually, normally ইত্যাদি শব্দগুলো থাকে, তবে Sentence-টির সাধারণত Present Indefinite Tense হয়।

(a) Nafiz always — here. (come)
= Nafiz always comes here.

(c) When — Suja to school normally? (go)
= When does Suja go to school normally?

(e) Rifat — to her mother generally. (not listen)
= Rifat does not listen to her mother

(b) We usually — football in the afternoon. (play)
= We usually play football in the afternoon.

(d) Sometimes they — their lessons. (not prepare)
= Sometimes they do not prepare their lesson.

04. Auxiliary বা helping verb (সাহায্যকারী verb) -বিহীন Sentence-টি Present Indefinite Tense হলে, Negative sentence করার সময় don't বা doesn't-এর সঙ্গে Verb-টির Present form ব্যবহার করতে হয়। এক্ষেত্রে Subject-টি 3rd person singular number হলে doesn't এবং তা না হলে don't ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

(a) I - tea. (not like)
= I don't like tea.

(b) She — play tennis. (not play)
= She doesn't play tennis.

(c) They — to school by bus. (not go)
= They do not go to school by bus.

(d) Aman — medicine. (study)
= Aman studies medicine.

05. Auxiliary বা helping verb-বিহীন Sentence-টি Present Indefinite Tense- হলে তাকে  Negetive sentence করার সময় don't বা doesn't এর সঙ্গে verb টির present form ব্যবহার করতে হয়। [এক্ষেত্রে subject টি 3rd person singular number হলে doesn't এবং  তা নাহলে don't ব্যবহার করতে হয়]

(a) You — me? (love)
= Do you love me?

(b) He — here everyday? (come)
= Does he come here everyday?

(c) — he rice? (not eat)
= Does he eat rice?

(d) — she there now and then. (go)
= Does she go there now and then?

Auxiliary verb-বিহীন Interrogative sentence- টি Present Indefinite Tense এ থাকলে এর structure : Do + Subject+ Verb-এর Present form + Object/ext.+ ?

Subject-টি 3rd person singular number হলে: Does + Subject + Verb-এর Present form + Object/ext. + ?

06. Interrogative sentence-টি যদি 'Wh' question what, which, why, how, when, who, where, whose ইত্যাদি দ্বারা শুরু হয়, তবে 'Wh' word-এর পরে এবং Subject-এর পূর্বে Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb যোগ করতে হয়।

(a) When you — tomorrow?(come)
= When will you come tomorrow?

(b) What you — now? (do).
= What are you doing now?

(c) Who — the work? (do)
= Who has done the work?

(d) How — you? (be)
= How are you?

(e) what — now? (happen)
= What is happening now?

(f) Why — you laugh? (do)
= Why do you laugh?

07. Interrogative sentence-টি যদি 'Wh' question হয় এবং তা যদি Auxiliary verb-বিহীন হয়, তবে Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী Subject-এর পূর্বে do/did/does বসে।

(a) What — you? (want)
= What do you want?

(b) Where you — yesterday? (go)
= Where did you go yesterday?

(c) Why — she why she so angry? (look)
= Why does she look so angry?

(d) How you — college? (reach)
= How did you reach college?

08. কোনো Sentence-এ যদি now, at this moment ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে তার Present Continuous Tense হবে।

Structure : Subject + am/is/are + Verb-ing.


(a) He – now. (write)
= He is writing now.

(b) At this moment I — a novel. (read)
= At this moment I am reading a novel.

Note: সাধারণত নিম্নের Verb গুলোর Continuous form হয় না :
appear, hate, like, feel, see, smell, notice, desire, wish, look, recognize, dislike, hope, remember, consist, belong, know, behave, suppose, agree, consider, trust, forget, imagine, mean, mind, contain, refuse, prefer.

(a) I know you. (I am knowing you হবে না )
(b) I see a bird. (I am seeing a bird হবে না)

09. কোনো Sentence-এ যদি recently, just, just now, already, ever, never, lately, yet ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে British নিয়মে সাধারণত সেটি Present Perfect Tense হয়। এক্ষেত্রে Subject অনুযায়ী have বা has বসবে এবং Verb-এর Past Participle হবে)।

Structure: Subject + have/has + Verb এর Past Participle.

(a) I – book recently. (write)
= I have written a book recently.

(b) They – the Sundarbans recently.(visit)
= They have visited the Sundarbans recently

(c) She — here just now (come)
= She has come here just now.

(d) We never — there. (go)
= We have never gone there.

(e) You ever to Khulna? (be)
= Have you ever been to Khulna?

** নির্দিষ্ট সময় এবং ব্যাপক সময় বুঝাতেও Present Perfect Tense হয়।

(f) She — ill since morning. (be)
= She has been ill since morning.

(g) I — ill for three days. (be)
= I have been ill for three days

(h) We never — in London. (be)
= We have never been in London.

10. কোনো কাজ পূর্বে আরম্ভ হয়ে এখনো চলছে বুঝাতে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়।

এক্ষেত্রে Sentence-এ for, since ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন —

** since + point of time.

(a) It — rain since morning.
= It has been raining since morning.

** for + period of time

(b) We — here for five years. (live)
= We have been living here for five years.

11. অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ বা Phrase যেমন- yesterday ago, long since, last night, last year ইত্যাদি থাকলে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-এর Past form হয়।

(a) I — him yesterday. (see)
= I saw him yesterday.

(b) He — home last night. (leave)
= He left home last night.

12. অনেক সময় অতীত অভ্যাস বুঝাতে always, often, regularly usually ইত্যাদি যুক্ত থাকলেও Past Indefinite Tense গঠন করা হয় । এ সকল Word Sentence-এ থাকলেও শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Present form না হয়ে Past form হয়।

(a) Suma usually – in any function. (sing)
= Suma usually sang in any function.

(b) He always – late to his school last year. (be)
= He was always late to his school last year.

13. অতীতকালে কোনো কাজ কিছুক্ষণ ধরে চলছিল বুঝাতে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Past Continuous Tense হবে। এক্ষেত্রে Auxiliary verb was/were-এর সাথে Verb + ing বসবে।

Structure: Subject + was/were + Verb + ing.

(a) He — then. (dance)
= He was dancing then.

(b) I — football in the field. (play)
= I was playing football in the field.

14. অতীতকালে একটি কাজ করার সময় অপর একটি কাজ হয়ে থাকলে একটি Past Continuous এবং অপরটি Past Indefinite Tense হবে।

(a) While I — along the road, I — a blind man. (walk, see)
= While I was walking along the road, I saw a blind man.

(b) She — an accident while she — her car. (make, drive)
= She made an accident while she was driving her car.

15. অতীতকালে দুটি কাজ একই সাথে চলছিল এমন বুঝাতে দুটি কাজেরই Past Continuous tense হবে।

(a) He-tennis while I — TV. (play, watch)
= He was playing tennis while I was watching TV.

(b) While Rony — to school, Jamala — novel. (go, read)
= While Rony was going to school, Jamal was reading a novel.

16. অতীতকালে একটি কাজ ঘটার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে অপর একটি কাজ ঘটে থাকলে দুটি কাজেরই Past Indefinite Tense হবে ।

এক্ষেত্রে শূন্যস্থানে Verb দুটির Past form হবে।

(a) When the teacher — the class, the students — up. (enter, stand)
= When the teacher entered the class, the students stood up.

(b) They — us when they — us. (greet, see)
= They greeted us when they saw us.

17. Before- এর পূর্বে Past Perfect Tense এবং পরে Past Indefinite Tense। after-এর পরে Past Perfect Tense এবং পূর্বে Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
এক্ষেত্রে মনে রাখবে before অর্থ পূর্বে; অতএব পূর্বে Past Perfect Tense হবে। After অর্থ পরে। অতএব পরে Past Perfect Tense হবে।

(a) The patient — before the doctor — (die, come)
= The patient had died before the doctor came.

(b) The patient — after the doctor — (die, come)
= The patient died after the doctor had come.

18. কোনো কাজ ভবিষ্যতে ঘটবে এমন বুঝাতে Future Indefinite Tense হয়। এসব ক্ষেত্রে ভবিষ্যত নির্দেশক শব্দ tomorrow, next week, following year ইত্যাদি থাকবে।

(a) I –to Dhaka tomorrow. (go)
= I shall go to Dhaka tomorrow.

(b) My uncle — next week. (come)
= My uncle will come next week.

19. ভবিষ্যতে কোনো কাজ চলতে থাকবে এমন বুঝাতে Future Continuous Tense হয়। Structure: Subject + shall be/will be + Verb + ing.

(a) He — cricket at 4 pm tomorrow. (play)
= He will be playing cricket at 4 pm tomorrow.

(b) I — my book this evening. (read)
= I will be reading my book this evening.

20. ভবিষ্যতে কোনো নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে কোনো নির্দিষ্ট কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়ে থাকবে এরূপ বুঝাতে Future Perfect Tense হয়। Sturcture : Subject + shall have/will have + Verb- Past Participle.

(a) The match — by 10-30 pm. (finish)
= The match will have finished by 10-30 pm.

(b) I — the work before 4 pm. (do)
= I shall have done the work before 4 pm.

21. While-এর পরে যদি কোনো Subject না থাকে তবে তার ঠিক পরের শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির সাথে ing যোগ হয়। কিন্তু while-এর পরে Subject থাকলে শূন্যস্থানের Verb-টির Past Continuous Tense হয়।

(a) While — in the garden, a snake — me. (walk, bite)
= While walking in the garden, a snake bit me.

(b) While I — in the garden, a snake — me. (walk, bite).
= While I was walking in the garden, a snake bit me.

22. Since যুক্ত Complex sentence- এর প্রথম অংশ Present Indefinite Tense অথবা Present Perfect Tense হলে পরের অংশে Past Indefinite Tense হবে।

(a) It is many years since I– to Dhaka. (come)
= It is many years since I came to Dhaka.

(b) Many years have passed since I – to Dhaka. (come)
= Many years have passed since I came to Dhaka.

23. Since-এর প্রথম অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হলে পরের অংশ Past Perfect Tense হয়।

(a) It was many years since they first — . (meet)
= It was many years since they had met first.

(b) It was long since I — him last. (see)
= It was long since I had seen him last.

24. No sooner had.......... than; scarcely had........... when, hardly had...........before had — Verb-টির Past Participle এবং দ্বিতীয় শূণ্যস্থানে Verb-টির Past form হবে।

(a) No sooner the thief — the police than he — away. (see, run)
= No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.

(b) Scarcely she the room when the phone. (enter, ring)
= Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang.

(c) Hardly we our walk when it to rain. (begin, begin)
= Hardly had we begun our walk when it began to rain.

25. Sentence-এ it is high time, it is time, wish, fancy Verb- ইত্যাদি থাকলে শূন্যস্থানে verb এর past form হয়।

(a) It is high time you — your bad habit. (change)
= It is high time you changed your bad habit.

(b) I wish I — a sing! (sing)
= I wish I sang a song.

(c) I fancy I — pale. (turn)
= I fancy I turned pale.

(d) It is time you — home. (go)
= It is time you went home.

26. it's time + infinitive-এর Structure:

(a) It's time home. (go)
= It is time you went home.

তবে it's + infinitive — এই structure-টিও হয়:

(a) It's time — home.(go)
= It's time to go home.

(b) It's time for us — our habit. (change)
= It's time for us to change our habit.

পার্থক্য: It's time + Subject + Verb এর Past form.
It's time + infinitive + ext.

অর্থাৎ It's time-এর পরে যদি Subject থাকে তবে Verb এর Past form হবে আর Subject না থাকলে Infinitive হবে ।

27. Had better, had rather, would better, would rather ইত্যাদির পরে শুন্যস্থানে of Verb- টির Present form হয়।

(a) You had better — this place. (leave)
= You had better leave this place.

(b) You would better — the book. (read)
= You would better read the book.

(c) You would rather – the window. (shut)
= You would rather shut the window.

(d) You had rather — the subject. (change)
= You had rather change the subject.

28. কোনো Sentence যদি would that দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে Subject-এর পরে could বসবে এবং শূন্যস্থানে Verb-এর Present form বসবে ।

Would that I — the car! (buy)
= Would that I could buy the car!

29. Modal auxiliary - can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must Verb-টির Present form হবে।

(a) I must — the work. (do)
= I must do the work.

(b) You should — your self. (behave)
= You should behave yourself.

(c) He can — the problem. (solve)
= He can solve the problem.

(d) I will in no way — you any more. (help)
= I will in no way help you any more.

(e) We may — the meeting. (attend)
= We may attend the meeting.

(f) Could you — me the way to the station? (show)
= Could you show me the way to the station?

30. Let, need, dare ইত্যাদির পরে শূন্যস্থান টি তে Verb-এর Present form বসে।

(a) I let him — the room. (enter)
= I let him enter the room.

(b) How dare you — me! (touch)
= How dare you touch me!

(e) You need not — there. (go)
= You need not go there.

31. To be এবং having-এর পরে শূন্যস্থানটিতে Verb-এর Past Participle হয়।

(a) Having — the work, I went there. (finish)
= Having finished the work, I went there.

(b) The work has to be —. (finish)
= The work has to be finished.

32. With a view to, look forward to, be/get used to, can not help, could not help, past, would you mi worth, feel like, prefer to, addicted to ইত্যাদির পর শূন্যস্থান টিতে Verb-এর Participle form (Verb + ing)

(a) We get used to — in the morning. (play)
= We get used to playing in the morning.

(b) I cannot help —. (laugh)
= I cannot help laughing.

(c) Would you mind — with me? (dance)
= Would you mind dancing with me?

(d) I am used to — in the river. (swim)
= I am used to swimming in the river.

33. Preposition-এর পরে শূন্যস্থানে মূল Verb-এর সাথে ing যোগ হবে ।

(a) She must be fed up with —. (study)
= She must be fed up with studying.

(b) Sumi went to school in spite of — ill. (feel)
= Sumi went to school in spite of feeling ill.

(c) By — hard you will succeed in the exam. (work)
= By working hard you will succeed in the exam

34. Subject যখন নিজে কাজ না করে অন্যকে দিয়ে কাজ করায়, তখন have, has, had ইত্যাদি Causative verb হিসেবে কাজ করে । এ সময় have, has বা had-এর পর যদি Object থাকে অর্থাৎ তা যদি প্রাণিবাচক শব্দ না হয়ে বস্তুবাচক শব্দ হয় তবে পরবর্তী শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Past Participle হয়।

Structure: Subject + have/has/had + Object (অপ্রাণীবাচক) + Verb-এর Past Participle.

(a) I had the car — (wash)
= I had the car washed.

(b) He has his hair — (cut)
= He has his hair cut.

(c) We are having — the house. (paint)
= We are having the house painted.

35. Have has এবং had Causative verb হিসেবে কাজ করলে এর পরে যদি Complement হিসেবে প্রাণিবাচক শব্দ থাকে, তবে এর পরবর্তী শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Present form হয়।

Structure : Subject + have/has/had + Complement (person) + Verb-এর Present form.

(a) I had Rahim — the car. (wash)
= I had Rahim wash the car.

(b) We are having some people — the house. (paint)
= We are having some people paint the house.

36. Get বা got Causative verb হিসেবে কাজ করলে এর পরের শব্দটি যদি Object হয় অর্থাৎ প্রাণিবাচক শব্দ না হয়ে বস্তুবাচক শব্দ হয়, তবে এর পরবর্তী শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Past Participle Form হয় ।

Structure : Subject + get /got + Object + Verb-এর Past Participle.

(a) I got the drain — (clean).
= I got the drain cleaned.

(b) I get my shirt — (wash).
= I get my shirt washed.

(c) I get the newspaper — (bring).
= I get the newspaper brought.

37. Get বা got Causative verb হিসেবে কাজ করলে এর পরে যদি Complement হিসেবে বস্তুবাচক শব্দ না বসে প্রাণিবাচক শব্দ থাকে, তবে পরবর্তী শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির Infinitive form (to + Verb-এর Present form) বসবে।

Sturcture: Subject + get/got + Complement (person) + Verb-এর Infinitive form.

(a) I got Suman — the drain. (clean)
= I got Suman to clean the drain.

(b) I get my sister — my shirt. (wash)
= I get my sister to wash my shirt.

(c) I get the hawker — the newspaper. (bring)
= I get the hawker to bring the newspaper.

38. Lest যুক্ত Sentence-এ lest-এর পরে যে Subject থাকে তার পরে should/might বসে এবং শূন্যস্থানে Verb-এর Present form বসে।

(a) He ran fast lest he — the train. (miss).
= He ran fast lest he should/might miss the train.

(b) He was terrified lest he — on the mud. (slip)
= He was terrified lest he should/might slip on the mud.

39. As though, as if, wish ইত্যাদির পরে শূন্যস্থানে যদি be verb বসে তবে তা were হবে।

(a) I wish I — a king. (be)
= I wish I were a king.

(b) He speaks as if/as though he — a mad. (be)
= He speaks as if/as though he were

40. As though/as if-এর প্রথম অংশ Present Indefinite Tense হলে পরের অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হবে ।

He speaks as though he — everything, (know)
= He speaks as though he knew everything.

41. As though/as if-এর প্রথম অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হলে পরের অংশ Past Perfect Tense হবে ।

He spoke as though/as if he — everything, (know)
= He spoke as though/as if he had known everything.

42. কোনো Simple sentence-এ দুটি Verb থাকলে যদি প্রথম Verb-টি নিম্নলিখিত Verb গুলোর একটি হয়, তবে শূন্যস্থান টিতে verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হবে। verb গুলো হলো–stop, delay, consider, admit, miss, involve, finish, postpone, imagine, avoid, deny, practise, appreciate, enjoy, mind, quit, recall, report, resist, resume, risk, suggest.

(a) The thief admitted — the jewels. (steal)
= The thief admitted stealing the jewels.

(b) We enjoyed — them again after many years. (see)
= We enjoyed seeing them again after many years.

(c) Would you mind not in this room? (smoke)
= Would you mind not — smoking in this room?

43. কোনো Simple sentence-এ নিম্নলিখিত Verb-গুলোর পরবর্তী শূন্যস্থানের Verb-টি Infinitive হয়। সাধারণত এই Verb-গুলো দ্বারা উদ্দেশ্য অর্থ বুঝায়।
Verb-গুলো হচ্ছে agree, plan, aim, afford, manage, threaten, refuse, arrange, learn, forget, fail, offer, decide, hope, deserve, attempt, promise, claim, demand, desire, expect, hesitate, intend, need, prepare, pretend, seem, strive, tend, want, wish, bother, choose, vow.

(a) She agreed — Tk. 5000. (pay)
= She agreed to pay Tk. 5000.

(b) I managed — the fire out. (put)
= I managed to put the fire out.

(c) The tenants refused —. (leave)
= The tenants refused to leave.

44. Indirect speech (Narration)-এ reporting verb-টি Past Tense হলে Reported speech-এ next day, next week, next month, next year ইত্যাদি থাকলে শূন্যস্থানে Verb-টির পূর্বে would বা should বসবে এবং Verb-টির Present form হবে।

(a) He said that he — a car next month. (buy)
= He said that he would buy a car next month.

(b) Ripa told me that she — to Chittagong next week. (go)
= Ripa told me that she would go to Chittagong next week.

45. If যুক্ত Clause-টি Present Indefinite Tense-এ থাকলে অপর Clause-টি Future Indefinite Tense হয়।
Structure: If + Present Indefinite Tense + Future Indefinite Tense.

(a) If I find your bag, I — it to you. (give)
= If I find your bag, I will give it to you.

(b) If he — hard, he will shine in life. (work)
= If he works hard, he will shine in life.

(c) We will go out if he — .(come).
= We will go out if he comes.

46. If যুক্ত Clause-টি Past Indefinite Tense-এ থাকলে অপর Clause-টির Subject এর পরে might/could/would / should বসে + Verb-এর Present form বসে।

Structure: If + Past Indefinite Tense + Past conditional (Subject+ would/might/could/ should + Verb- Present form).

(a) If I found your bag, I — it to you. (give)
= If I found your bag, I would give it to you.

(b) We would go out if he — . (come).
= We would go out if he came.

(c) If he — hard, he would shine in life. (work)
= If he worked hard, he would shine in life.

47. Perfect conditional: If+ Past Perfect Tense + Perfect conditional (Subject + would have/could have/might have/should have ইত্যাদি + Verb-এর Past Participle form) হয়।

(a) If I had found your bag, I — it to you. (give)
= If I had found your bag, I would have given it to you.

(b) If he — hard, he would have shone in life. (work)
= If he had worked hard, he would have shone in life.

(c) We would have gone out if he — . (come)
= We would have gone out if he had come.

48. Had + subject + past participle দ্বারা কোনো  Sentence শুরু হলে অপরClause-টি Perfect conditional (would have/could have/should have/might have + Verb-এর Past Participle) হয়।

(a) Had I found your bag, I — it to you. (give)
= Had I found your bag, I would have given it to you.

(b) Had I been a king, I — the poor. (help)
=Had I been a king, I would have helped the poor.

49. একটি Clause If + Subject + were হলে অপর Clause-টির Subject-এর পরে Past conditional (would/could/should/might + Verb-এর Present form).

(a) If I were a bird, I —. (fly)
= If I were a bird, I would fly.

(b) I would help the poor if I — a king. (be)
= I would help the poor If I were a king.

(c) I would have done this if I — you. (be)
= I would have done this if I were you.

50. Passive voice-এর ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, have been, has been, had been ইত্যাদির সাথে Verb-এর Past Participle হয়।

(a) The work —. (do)
= The work has been done.

(b) The book —. (steal)
= The book was stolen.

(c) The floor —. (sweep)
= The floor is swept.


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