Noun – Meaning, Examples and Kinds of Nouns

Definition of Noun, Learn English Grammar, Countable and Uncountable Noun. 

In this post learners will study about Noun and their kinds. After learning this topic, you will be able to identify the correct nouns and their kinds.

Noun is the first topic of Parts of Speech in English Grammar. To frame a correct Sentence, We need to put a subject in beginning of the sentence. It is Noun as a subject. In Subject and Predicate a head word is a Noun.

Page Contents

Noun -Meaning and Definition

What is Noun?

Definition of Noun – A Noun is a word used as a name of a person, place or things, an idea or a state of mind.

What is a noun?

Definition of Noun – The word which is used for the state of mind of an animal, place and good thought quality, is called a noun.

In other words – a word that reveals the name of a person, thing or place is called a noun.

Definition of Noun in other words: A Noun is a word used as a name of a person place or thing.


1. Rohan is a good singer .
2. That is your table . 
3. Honesty is the best policy . 
4. Mumbai is a big city . 
5. The man is a doctor . 
6. I have a car . 
7. The students went to their class . 
8. Always speak the truth . 

In the above sentences, Rohan, singer, table, Honesty, city, man, doctor, car, students, class and truth are Nouns.

Always Remember: The words which reveal someone's name are called nouns, they are also called naming words.

If you want to learn English Grammar, study about the Noun and kinds of noun. 

Noun meaning

Meaning of Noun 

Noun also means name . Noun is also called Naming Word in English. Following are the words and phrases related to Noun.

  • Nonal
  • Nounally
  • Nounless
  • Noun Phrase
  • Noun Clause

Kinds of Noun

There are five types of nouns. There are five kinds of Noun.

  1. Proper Noun
  2. Common Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. Abstract Noun

Apart from these, there are also the following types of nouns in Modern English;

  • Countable Noun
  • Uncountable Noun
  • Concrete Noun


1. Countable Nouns come under the following Nouns;

  • Proper Noun
  • Common Noun
  • Collective Noun

2. Two types of Nouns come under Uncountable Nouns;

  • Material Noun
  • Abstract Noun

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Proper Noun

What is a proper noun?

Proper Noun Definition: The name of a particular person, thing or place is called Proper Noun.

What is Proper Noun?

Definition of Proper Noun: The name of a particular person, thing or place is called Proper Noun.


1. Kolkata is in West Bengal.

2. The Taj Mahal is a beautiful building.

3. Mohan is my brother.

4. India is my country.

5. The Ramayana is a holy book.

The words underlined in the above sentences are Kolkata, West Bengal, Taj Mahal, Mohan, India, Ramayana Proper Noun.


  1. Proper Noun is used in the singular.
  2. The first letter of a Proper Noun is Capital.
  3. Proper Noun is not followed by any article (a, an, the) before itself.
  4. The is used before the names of oceans, rivers, mountains, special buildings, books, political parties, newspapers.

Common Noun

What is a common noun?

Definition of Common Noun : The name by which every person or thing of any one class or caste is understood is called Common Noun.

What is Common Noun?

Definition of Common Noun: The name by which every person or thing of any one class or caste is understood is called Common Noun.


1. Trees are very useful.

2. Cows eat the green grass.

3. There are birds in the garden .

4. She reads a book .

5. I cannot go by bus .
(I can't go by bus)

6. You bought a new bicycle yesterday. 

The words underlined in the above sentences are trees, cows, birds, garden and book are common nouns.

Collective Noun

What is a collective noun?

Definition of Collective Noun : The Noun which denotes the group is called Collective Nouns.

What is Collective Noun?

Definition of Collective Noun: The Noun which denotes the group is called Collective Nouns.


1. Indian team won the match yesterday.

2. Our army is very strong.

3. There is a gang of thieves is the house.

4. My class is going to see the Taj Mahal.

5. Our family goes for a walk daily. 

In the above sentences, team, army gang and class are collective nouns.


Collective Noun does not become plural of Collective Noun. When a collective noun is made plural, that word becomes a Common Noun.
Examples – The families our colony are going to Agra.

In the appropriate example, the plural families of families are used. Which is used as a common noun.

Material Noun

What is a material noun?

Definition of Material Noun : From the noun Noun, a substance can be understood from which another thing can be made, it is called Material Noun.

What is material noun?

Definition of Material Noun: The noun which denotes a substance from which another thing can be made, is called a material noun.


1. He made a chair of iron .
He made an iron chair.

2. Furniture is made of wood .
Furniture is made of wood.

3. I want to buy some gold .
I want to buy some gold.

4. We can't live without water .
We cannot survive without water.

5. How much oil do you want to buy?
How much oil do you want to buy?

In the above sentences, iron, wood, gold and water are nouns of substance.

Remember: Substance nouns are placed under uncountable nouns. Collective nouns cannot be counted. They are only weighed and measured.

Abstract Noun

The Noun by which there is a sense of any quality, action, method, condition or feeling, etc., is called Abstract Noun.

Definition of Abstract Noun: The Noun by which there is a sense of any quality, action, method, condition or feeling, etc., is called Abstract Noun.


The noun which denotes quality condition or action is called abstract noun.


1. My grandmother used to tell me stories in my childhood .
My grandmother used to tell me stories in my childhood.

2. Honesty is the best policy .
Honesty is the best policy.

3. His love is great for his country.
His love for the country is great.

4. His judgment is right.
His justice is right.

5. Gandhiji loved to speak the truth . Gandhiji loved speaking the truth.

The underlined words in the above sentences are examples of Abstract Nouns.

Modern Classification of Noun

Noun (noun) is divided into two parts in Modern English. There are two kinds of Noun  in Modern Classification.

  • Countable Noun
  • Uncountable Noun

Countable Noun

Nouns that we can count are called Countable Nouns.

Definition of Noun: The nouns which can be counted are called Countable Nouns. Ex: Rohan, girl, class etc.

Proper Noun, Common and Collective Noun come under Countable Noun.


  1. The old man is there.
  2. Can you see that aeroplane?
  3. How many cars have you?
  4. I don’t want to take this box.
  5. I have for mangoes.
  6. The team of players is coming.

Note: In the above sentences man, aeroplane, cars, box, mangoes and team can be counted, now these countable nouns are countable nouns.

Uncountable Noun

What is an uncountable noun?

Nouns which cannot be counted are called Uncountable Nouns.

What is uncountable noun?

Definition of Uncountable Noun: The nouns which cannot be counted are called Uncountable Nouns. Examples: Tea, coffee, water, oil, honesty, childhood etc.


  1. I want to have some coffee.
  2. She was very cute in her childhood.
  3. I need some water.
  4. He was amazed at your honesty.
  5. Farmer grows wheat.

Material Noun and Abstract Noun come under Uncountable Noun.

Concrete Noun

The nouns which can be seen and touched are called Concrete Nouns. (Nouns which can be seen and touched are called Concrete Nouns.)

Examples: Book, Boy, Man, Rohan, Table, Ramayana, etc.

Note: Except Abstract Noun all are Concrete Noun.
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