1. These verbs express simply being or condition; or their action is limited to the agent, and does not pass over to an object.

2. Intransitive verbs are sometimes used improperly as transitive; thus, "Pallas succeeds their enterprise;" that is, makes the enterprise to succeed. "It approaches men to gods." "He retired the army behind the river."

On the other hand, transitive verbs sometimes are im properly used for intransitive; as, "I must premise with three circumstances." "They ingratiate with him by caluminating me." With, in the above, should be omitted.

3. The intransitive verb to lie, simply expressing condition, is often confounded with the transitive verb, to lay.

The following examples, in the present tense, are correct: "When Jesus saw him lie," that is, to lie. "Though now they lie grovel ling." The following are correct in the past tense: "Then the king lay on the earth." "He, with his crew, lay vanquished." The participle of the intransitive verb is properly used in the following example: "He lies upon the straw now, he lay on the straw last night, he is said to have lien, or lain, upon straw last night." "Thon hast been lien with."

The transitive verb, to lay (which acts upon an object), appears in the following:

"Or lay the spoils of conquest at her feet." "I lay the book down." "The book was laid down." "Oh, that my calamity were laid in the balances!" It should be noticed that lay is the past tense of the intransitive verb to lie, and the present tense of the transitive verb to lay. 

4. Intransitive verbs are used as transitive when they bear a causative sense; that is, when they denote the caus ing of the act expressed; as, "They run a daily coach." "Walk the horse." "The horse was walked over the ground," that is, was made to walk, &c.

5. Intransitive verbs should not be used in the passive, except when rendered transitive by the addition of another word. Thus, the verb laugh becomes transitive by adding at. "He is laughed at by all." "He laughed at her." The transitive verb set is improperly used, sometimes, for the intransitive, sit. So the verbs fly and flee, flown and flowed, are con founded.


Correct the errors in the following sentences:

He repented him of his design. The farmer grows wheat. Why do you lay so long this morning? He laid down a whole hour. Let that book lay. He was laughed by the assembly. He retired himself early. The instructor learns his pupils. The ship .aid st anchor. He succeeded my undertaking. Please to set down. The engle flees through the air. The man flies from his house. The birds had flowed. The land was overflown with water.
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