Exercise on Right Forms of Verbs with Answer

Use the right forms of the verbs given in the parentheses. 

1. He wants me ___ (kill) the tiger.

2. She expected you ___  (arrive) soon.

3. Mother ordered you  ___ (go) to the market.

4. Sabina found them  ___ (watch) TV.

5. Tipu saw the boys  ___ (fight). 

6. Teacher discovered them ___  (gossip).

7. The police found her  ___ (stab).

8. Shipon found Runu ___  (burn). 

9. Fara found the plate ___  (break). 

10. Shohel found the house  ___ (burn).

11. She  ___ (consider) her uncle to be a very important person. 

12. We ___  (accept) him to be competent.

13. I have a lot of work ___  (do).

14. We have a nice topic  ___ (learn).

15. Give me a chair  ___ (sit) on.

16. I have nothing  ___ (lose).

17. I have nobody  ___ (look) for.

18. I have a sister ___  (save) money for me.

19. I have a friend who is  ___ (wait) for me at home.

20. The author will have an assistant  ___ (do) the chores.

21. They have somebody ___  (come) from the orphanage.
= Somebody is coming from the orphanage for me.

22. She has a boy who  ___ (work) for her at home. 

23. I was ___  (consider) to be dead.

24. It is likely that the shop is ___  (close).

25. She was supposed ___   (kill) by a woman. 


1. to kill 
2. to arrive 
3. to go 
4. watching 
5. fighting 
6. gossipping 
7. stabbed 
8. burnt/burned 
9. broken 
10. burnt/burned 
11. considered 
12. accept/accepted/have accepted 
13. to do 
14. to earn 
15. to sit 
16. to lose 
17. to look 
18. saving 
19. waiting 
20. to do/for doing 
21. coming 
22. works/is working 
23. considered 
24. closed 
25. to have been killed 


26. It is very well  ___ (know) that it is true. 

27. The man was considered   ___ (catch) by the police.

28. The shops were expected  ___ (close).

29. He was thought ___  (catch) by the army.

30. It was believed that I ___  (kill) by a tiger.

31. It  ___ (know) that he had destroyed the bridge.

32. She  ___ (know) to have been ___ (earn) much money.

33. Palash was surprised  ___ (see) Jayanti there.

34. Morshed is ready  ___ (do) it. 

35. Muna was ashamed ___  (see) you stealing.

36 Teacher was eager to find what we ___  (do).

37. The people were prepared  ___ (accept) any kind of change in the market.

36. She was bewildered ___  (learn) everything 

39. It is supposed ___  (raining) there now.

40. It is thought that they are  ___ (play) in the field

41. He is supposed to have been  ___ (sleep) under the tree for about an hour. 

42. The man was likely to have been ___  (work) for twelve years in the high school.

43. The book was believed to have been  ___ (print) seven months ago.

44. They are thought to  ___   (study) for three hours under the mango tree.

45. He is considered  ___  (paint) the potrait since Monday.

46. He enjoys   ___  (read) history.

47. The doctor prescribed  ___ (give) him the drug for three days.

48. We regret   ___  (pay) the bill.

49. She likes ___   (buy) the shirt

50. They delayed   ___ (come) back.


26. known 
27. to be caught/to have been caught 
28. to be closed 
29. to be caught/to have been caught 
30. was killed/had been killed 
31. was known 
32. is known, earning 
33. to see 
34. to do 
35. to see 
36. did/had done/were doing 
37. to accept 
38. to learn 
39. to be raining 
40. playing 
41. sleeping 
42. working 
43. printed 
44. have been studying 
45. to have been painting 
46. reading 
47. giving 
48. paying/having paid 
49. to buy 
50. coming 


51. She missed   ___  (enter) the jungle.

52. He likes  ___ (travel) abroad.

53. I begin  ___ (write) the letter. 

54. Munni forgot ___  (attend) the meeting.

55. Teacher needs  ___ (close) the lecture for today.

56. Liza hesitates  ___ (sit) for the HSC Exam.

57. The man wished  ___ (earn) a lot of money.

58. He claimed  ___ (perform) the contract.

59 He will not approve of ___  (go) there.

60. Father kept on ___  (write) for his livelihood. 

61. You will be better off ___  (leave) now. 

62. We're thinking of  ___ (go) home.

63. She did not succeed in ___  (do) the sum

64. I am looking forward to  ___ (receive) your reply. 

65. They look forward to  ___  (open) a new branch.

66. Lipi confesses ___  (steal) the pen.

67. Nuru will be interested in ___  (invest) money in this bussiness. 

68. They were fond of  ___  (talk) about cinema.

69. God is capable of  ___ (do) anything 

70. He is afraid of ___  (sleep) in hard beds.

71. They are eager ___  (accept) his proposal.

72. They were not ready  ___ (play) with us.

73. He was prepared  ___ (go) there.

74. They were ready  ___ (work) with us. 

75. She is able  ___ (solve) the problem.


51. to enter 
52. to travel 
53. writing 
54. to attend 
55. to close 
56. to sit 
57 to earn 
58. to have performed 
59. my/our/your/his/her going 
60. writing 
61. leaving 
62. going 
63. doing 
64. receiving 
65. opening 
66. stealing 
67. investing 
68. talking 
69. doing 
70. sleeping 
71. to accept 
72. to play 
73. to go 
74. to work 
75. to solve 


76. He feels bored ___ (play) cricket

77. It was not difficult for him  ___ (die) for his country. 

78. We were eager ___  (understand) the problem.

79. He stopped  ___ (study).

80. They forgot ___  (pay) the bill. 

81. They forgot  ___ (pay) the bill.

82. She convinced me  ___ (buy) the car.

83. Teacher instructed us ___  (help) the newcomers.

84. They invited me  ___ (join) the 31st party.

85. The old man urged the students  ___ (help) the poor. 

86. Shohel expected me ___ (play) with him.

87. You persuaded the manager  ___ (open) a new branch.

88. Lima reminded her father  ___ (pay) the dues.

89. Teacher instructed us ___  (stop)  ___ (write)

90. We regreted your  ___ (fail) in the exam.

91. I understand the cause of your not being  able ___ (buy) the watch. 

92. We do not approve of Kamal's  ___ (start) the project.

93. He looks forward to her ___  (join) the party.

94. We will object to the manager's not  ___ (announce) the leave.

95. Boss approved of the manager's  ___ (start) the new project

96. The man resented  his not being able to shout in that ___  (excite) situation.

97. I am going  ___ (sell) the old house.

98. Shewly is going  ___ (start) a new bussiness.

99. We were going  ___ (dig) a new canal.

100. I am not  ___ (go) to stop them.


76. of playing 
77. to die 
78. to understand 
79. studying 
80. to pay .
81. paying 
82. to buy 
83. to help 
84. to join 
85. to help 
86. to play 
87. to open 
88. of paying 
89. to stop writing 
90. failing 
91. to buy 
92. starting. 
93. Joining 
94. announcing 
95. starting 
96. exciting 
97. to sell 
98. to start 
99. to dig 
100. going 


101. Is he not going  ___ (do) the gardening? 

102. We did not need  ___ (ask) him anything.

103. She will not need  ___ (come) here.

104. Dilara needs ___  (go) there.

105. Do you need ___  (read) the book.

106. I need not ___  (buy) the shirt.

107 He needs   ___ (spend) the money. 

108. He will need  ___ (go) to the market.

109. They do not need  ___ (drink) water now.

110. We did not need  ___  (read) the book.

111. Dilara did not need ___  (water) the garden

112. Shafrin will not need  ___ (call) in a doctor.

113. The grass needs ___  (cut).
OR. The grass needs (be)  ___ cut. 

114. This wall needs ___  (paint). 

115. This essay needs ___  (rewrite ).
OR. This essay needs to be rewriten. 

116. The organization did not need to be  ___ (restructure)

117. Our radio set will need to be  ___ (repair).

118. This pencil needs ___  (sharpen).

119. This pencil reeds to be ___  (sharpen).

120. Fara's hair does not need to be ___  (cut).

121. We have  ___ (solve) the problem, haven't we?

122. Mehedi has  ___ (pass) and his sister has too. 

123. Father persuades Karim not  ___ (mix) with bad boys.

124. Teacher ordered them not  ___ (miss) the class.

125. She requests her father not  ___ (break) the beautiful doll. 


101. to do
102. to ask 
103. to come 
104. to go 
105. to read 
106. to buy 
107. to spend 
108. to go 
109. to drink 
110. to read 
111. to water 
112. to call 
113. cutting or, to be cut 
114. painting 
115. rewriting 
116. restructured 
117. repaired 
118. sharpening 
119. sharpened 
120. cut 
121. solved 
122. passed 
123. to mix 
124. to miss 
125. to break 


126. I wish that I ___  (join) the party tonight.

127. You wish (that) you would ___  (join) the picnic next week. 

128. He wishes (that) he would  ___ (win) the match. 

129. She wishes (that) she could  ___ (go) away somewhere else. 

130. They wish (that) they could  ___ (live) thousands of years. 

131. I wish (that) I would  ___ (have) all the knowledge of the Universe.

132. You had better not ___  (go) today.

133. You had better  ___ (buy) a peacock as you like it so much. 

134. We had better not  ___ (quarrel) now.

135. Manna had better not ___  (talk) to the manager.

136. The boys had better  ___ (save) some money.

137. The BRAC Bank had better  ___ (open) a new branch in Mirpur.

138. I wish I could have ___  (save) the boy.

139. They wish they had not  ___ (break) the stage. 

140. Chumki wishes that she would have  ___ (go) to the trade fare.

141. She would like ___  (buy) the book.

142. She would like  ___ (show) you the movie.

143. We would like ___  (describe) the event. 

144. He would like ___  (study) at a university.

145. Rina would like ___  (tell) you about the accident.

146. She would like ___  (show) the full moon to you.

147. Would you  ___ (like) to have a chat ?

148. We  ___ (want) him to do it immediately. 

149. If somebody drinks too much poison then he  ___ (die)

150. If man dies, (then) his body ___  (rot).

151. If somebody loves others, others  ___ (love) him/her too.

152. If it rains too much tomorrow, then we ___  (not start) our journey. 

153. If I had the proof I  ___ (present) it now.


126. could join 
127. join 
128. win 
129. go 
130. live 
131. have 
132. go 
133. buy 
134. quarrel 
135. talk 
136. save 
137. open 
138. saved 
139. broken 
140. gone 
141. to buy 
142. to show 
143. to describe 
144. to study 
145. to tell 
146. to show 
147. like 
148. want 
149. will die 
150. rots 
151. will love 
152. will not start 
153. would have presented.

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