Group Verbs versus Single Verbs

Some substitution of Group Verbs for Single Verbs

Group verbs and single verbs

Group Verbs 

Single Verbs

1. Over exercise told upon his health.

2. Tho boys turned up in large numbers.

3. They did away with the custom.

4. They have set up a school.

5. We looked forward to his help. 

6. He has called for an explanation

7. The pain fell through for want of funds.

8. The meeting was called off.

9. Lay by something for old age. 

10. Do not look down upon the poor.

11. She takes after her mother.

12. The old man passed away yesterday.

13. Put out the lamp.

14. He puts on white dress.

15. I cannot put up with such an insult.

16. The villagers ran after the thief.

17. He stood by me.

18. Please call in a doctor.

19. He called at my office. 

20. He could not make out the passage.

1. Over exercise affected his health.

2. The boys arrived in large numbers.

3. They abolished the custom. 

4. They have established a school.

5. We expected his help. 

6. He has demanded an explanation.

7. The plan failed for want of funds.

8. The meeting was postponed.

9. Save something for old 

10. Do not hate the poor. age.

11. She resembles her mother.

12. The old man died yesterday.

13. Extinguish the lamp.

14. He wears white dress.

15. I cannot tolerate such an insult.

16. The villagers chased the thief.

17. He supported me.

18. Please summon a doctor.

19. He visited my office.

20. He could not understand the passage.
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