Confusing Verbs

A few confusing verbs 

❒ Lie, Lay

Lie (Intransitive. to rest) – lay – lain 
Lie (Intransitive Verb: to speak falsely)–lied–lied 
Lay (Transitive Verb: to put)– laid – laid

It lay or has lain (not has laid) here for some time. 
Lay (not lie) it here. 
He laid or has laid (not has lain) it here. 
He has lain (not laid) in bed. 
He laid (not lay) himself down in bed. 
The hep has laid (not lain) two eggs. 
I hate him because he lies (not lays).

❒ Strike, Stroke

Strike–struck–struck, stricken

Also, stroke is the noun form of strike, but never its past tense.

He struck me.
He stroked (patted) the cat on the back.
He died from sun-stroke.

❒ Awake, Wake

"Awake has past awoke rarely awaked, and past participle awaked rarely awoke; wake has past woke rarely (and that usually in transitive sense) waked, and past participle waked rarely woke or waken; awaken and waken have -ed-." — MEU. 

❒ Await, Wait

Await is always transitive, but wait is not always intransitive. I am awaiting to hear your decision is not English; I await, and I wait, your decision are equally good." — MEU. 
Also I wait for you to decide, or I wait for your decision.

❒ Lose, Loose, Loss

Carefully note the spelling and use of the words lose, loose, and loss.

These are very often confused:–

Lose (verb) – Cease to have, fail to obtain : I do not want to lose the money. 

Loose(adj.)– free, not tied up: The box was tied loose. I always prefer loose clothes.

Loose (verb) – make free or loose: "Wine loosed his tongue."

Loss (noun) – that which is lost: He suffered a great loss in the business.

❒ Fly, Flee, Flow

Carefully note the uses of the past and past participle forms of fly, flee, and flow. The common confusions are :—

(i) flown for flowed. Thus, we should write, "The river has overflowed (not overflown) the banks," because flowed be longs to flow, but flown belongs to fly. 

(ii) Between to flee and to fly: Flee has the underlying sense of to escape, whereas to fly means to run or hurry. It is only occasionally that fly is used in the sense of flee (but in the present tense only): 
He is compelled to fly or flee from the country; but he fled for his life. 
The bird has flown (not fled or flowed) away. 
The man has fled (not flown) away.

❒❒ The following verbs have no change : Bet, burst, cast, cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, rid, set, shed, shut, split, spread, thrust.

✏️ Fill up the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in the margin:

Lie, lay: 
He ___ it here safely. 
Do not ___  on the grass. He has  ___ to his father. 
It has  ___  there for a long time. 
The boy has ___  down the burden. 
He has ___  the foundation of the building. The hen ___ eggs. 
The hen has  ___ several eggs. 
The sick must  ___  in bed.
As he was tired he  ___ down to rest. 
He ___  the watch on the table.

Fly, flow, flee: 
The birds have  ___ away. 
The river over  ___ the banks. 
The stream of time  ___ on. 
The enemy has ___  away. 
He ___  into a rage. 
They refused  ___  to. 
The thief ___ away. 

He ___ the coat on the peg. 
The murderer was  ___ to death. 
I ___ the picture on the wall. 
He was  ___ from the gallows. 
It has remained  ___ there for many days.

Strike, stroke: 
He ___ me yesterday. 
He has  ___ me on the face. 
The people were awe ___ . 
The famine ___  people suffered terribly. 
The girl  ___ her favourite cat on the back. 
We were ___  thunder to hear it. 
The terror  ___ people fled in all directions.

Find, found: 
He ___  the book on the table. 
He has  ___ out the missing link. 
Your father has  ___ a school there. 
Who ___  the lost chain? 
Who ___  the dispensary ? 

Born, borne: 
He was ___  of poor parents. 
She has ___  two sons. 
He was ___  blind. 
He has  ___ the burden.
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