Changing Voice

Examples worked out (Active to Passive and vice versa):

Active to Passive :

Active: I must do it.
Passive: It must be done by me.

Active: He is flying a kite.
Passive : A kite is being flown by him.

Active : The servant cooked our food.

Passive: Our food was cooked by the servant.

Active : He sent me a present.
Passive : A present was sent to me by him. or, I was sent a present by him.

Active: They speak French
Passive : French is spoken by them.

Active : Did you send the book ?
Passive : Was the book sent by you ?

Active : She was reading a book.
Passive: A book was being read by her.

Active : Someone knocked at the door.
Passive: The door was knocked at.

Active: You cannot hope that the boys will answer all the questions correctly.
Passive: It cannot be hoped that all the questions will be answered by the boys correctly.

Active: Please keep the book on the table.
Passive: You are requested to keep the book on the table.

Active: They elected him secretary of the club.
Passive: He was elected secretary of the club.

Active: We use this house very rarely.
Passive : This house is used very rarely by us.

Active : Someone will serve the food soon.
Passive: The food will be served soon.

Active: We will not allow them to enter the room.
Passive: They will not be allowed to enter the room.

Active: People say that he is a spy.
Passive: It is said that he is a spy.

Active: We know that the earth is round.
Passive: It is known that the earth is round.

Active: You could not understand what I told him.
Passive : What was told to him (by me) could not be understood by you.

Active : People in Egypt speak Arabic. Passive : Arabic is spoken in Egypt.

Passive to Active:

Passive : This book must be read by every student.
Active : Every student must read this book.

Passive : The thief was caught by the police.
Active : The police caught the thief.

Passive : She was given a book by her father.
Active : Her father gave her a book.

Passive: The tree has been uprooted.
Active: A strong wind has uprooted the tree.

Active: My book has been lost.
Passive: I have lost my book.

Active: The door should be kept closed.
Passive:You should keep the door closed.

Passive: My suggestion was not accepted.
Active: They did not accept my suggestion.

Passive: A meeting was held and speeches delivered.
Active :They held a meeting and delivered speeches.

Passive: Teak wood has been used in these furniture.
Active: We have used teak wood in these furniture.

Passive : Silence must be maintained in the library.
Active: Readers must maintain silence in the library.

Active: This club was established in 1957.
Passive: They established this club in 1957.

Passive: It is said that he is the best boy in the class.
Active: They (or, people) say that he is the best boy in the class.

Passive: You are expected to be faithful. Active : We expect you to be faithful.

Passive: Was the book bought by you Active: Did you buy the book ?

Passive: The statement has been tampered with.
Active : Someone has tampered with the statement.

Passive : Let the game be finished.
Active : Finish the game.

Passive : He was awarded a gold medal. Active : They awarded him a gold medal.

Passive: Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Active: The authorities will prosecute the trespassers.

Passive: Evening dress must be worn. Active: Guests must wear evening dress.

Passive: Why wasn't the matter brought to my notice ?
Active: Why didn't you bring the matter to my notice ?

Passive: It is said that morning shows the day.
Active : Everybody says that morning shows the day.
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