Preposition: Definition, Examples, Types and Appropriate Use

A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a noun-equivalent to show its relation to some other word in the sentence: 
He came to me. 
Put it on the table.

(a) Prepositions may also govern other parts of speech used as nouns. From here, before now, for good, in short, about to go.

(b) Prepositions may govern phrases and clauses as well: 
It depends on how you do your duty. 
I shall go to where you have come from. 
I am ignorant of how to do it.

Prepositions sometimes follow the words they govern when the object is an interrogative or relative pronoun understood ; particularly the relative that is never governed by a preposition preceding it.

What is this for ? 
Where do you come   from ? 
This is the boy that I spoke of. 
This is the boy (whom) I spoke to.

Phrase Prepositions or Prepositional Phrases are phrases used as preposition:
on account of, instead of, in spite of. by means of, owing to, by of, in accordance with.

He could not come on account of illness. 
In spite of hard labour he failed in the examination. 
Instead of coming here, he went home.

Participial Prepositions are present or past participles which are now used as prepositions:
Do you know anything concerning or regarding the proposal ? 
The river flows past the town.

Disguised Prepositions: In examples like 'Rice sells one kilo a rupee', 'He comes twice a week', etc, a is not the Indefinite Article but a weakened form of the Preposition on. So also in ahead, asleep. ahunting, etc.

Than - The word is normally a Conjunction, following a comparative degree. But it is also used as a Preposition in some cases, particularly before Relative and Personal Pronouns.

We selected your son than whom no better man was available. 
He is better than me in every respect. 
No one other than him was present there. He did nothing else than (to) laugh. 
He got more than (what) he asked for. 

The same word may be an Adverb or a Preposition:
He went on (Adverb). 
Sit on the bench (Preposition). 
Sit down (Adv.). 
The boat goes down the river (Prep.)


The following words take the preposition for after them.

Nouns : (for)

affection for 

ambition for

anxiety for 

apology for

appetite for

aptitude for

blame for

candidate for

capacity for

compassion for

compensation for 

contempt for

craving for

desire for

dislike for

esteem for 

fitness for

fondness for

greed for

guarantee for

hunger for

leisure for

liking for

match for

motive for

opportunity for

partiality for

passion for

pity for

pretext for

remedy for

reputation for

shame for

taste for

zeal for

zest for

Adjectives & Participles : (for)

anxious for

bound for 

celebrated for

conspicuous for

customary for

designed for

destined for

distinguished for ( something) 

distinguished by (some action)

eager for

eligible for

eminent for

famous for

fit for 

favourable for 

good for

grateful for

necessary for

notorious for

penitent for

prepared for

proper for

qualified for

ready for

sorry for 

sufficient for 

useful for

sorry for

sufficient for 

zealous for 

Verbs: (for)

beg for

care for

clamour for

feel for

hope for

long for

lament for

mourn for

make for

pine for

pray for

start for

stipulate for

wait for

wish for

yearn for


The following words take the preposition from after them. 

Nouns : (from)

abstinence from

cessation from

descent from

digression from

escape from

exemption from 

inference from

respite from.

Adjective & Participles : (from)

absent from

alienated from 

disqualified from

distinct from 

precluded from

remote from

Verbs: (from)

abstain from

alight from

avert from

cease from

debar from

derive from

derogate from

desist from

detract from

deviate from

differ from

digress from

dissent from

dissuade from

elicit from

emerge from

escape from

exclude from

excuse from

preserve from

prevent from

prohibit from

protect from

quote from

recoil from

recover from

refrain from

result from

retire from

very from


The following words take the preposition in after them.

Nouns : (in)

complicity in (a crime) 

concurrence in (a proposal) 

confidence in (a person) 

experience in (doing something) 

faith in ( a person or thing)

jurisdiction in ( a law suit) 

laxity in ( morals) 

readiness in answering

temperance in diet

Adjectives & Participles : ( in)

absorbed in (study etc)

accomplished in (art etc.) 

accurate in (statistics etc)

apt in (Mathematies etc) 

assiduous in (studies)

backward in (some thing) 

bigoted in ( opinion)

confirmed in (a habit) 

correct in ( a statement)

defective in (point of style)

deficient in (energy) 

diligent in (business)

engaged in (business)

entangled in (a plot) 

enveloped in (mist)

experienced in (something) 

fertile in (resources)

foiled in (an attempt)l

fruitful in (resources) 

held in (esteem)

honest in (dealings)

impressed in (thought)

implicated in (a crime) 

indebted in (a large sum)

interested in (a person or thing)

invested in (govt paper)

involved in (difficulties) 

lavish in (expenditure)

lax in (morals) 

obstinate in (resistance)

polite in (manners)

poor in (spirit)

proficient in (any subject) 

profuse in (offers)

remiss in (duties)

rich in (property) 

skilful/slothful in (business)

slow in (doing something) 

 temperate in (habits)

veiled in (mystery)

versed in (any subject)

 weak in (head)

zealous in (a cause)

Verbs : (in)

abound in (fish etc)

arrive in (a country)

believe in (one's honesty)

consist in (facts or results)

dabble in (politics) 

deal in (cloth etc.)

delight in (music etc.)

employ in (a work)

enlist in (the army etc.) 

excel in (languages etc) 

fail in (an attempt)

fall in (love)

glory in (success)

increase in (wisdom) 

indulge in (wine)

involve in (debt)

join in (a game)

labour in (a good cause) 

originate in (a thin or place) 

preserve in (an effort) 

persist in (doing something)

rejoice in (own success)


The following words take the preposition on after them.

Nouns : (on)

assault on (a person or thing) 

attack on (a place)

authority on (a subject) 

Infliction on (the guilty)

controversy on (a point) 

decision on (some case)

dependence on (a person or thing)

imposition on (the public)

infliction on (the guilty) 

influence on (a man's action)

lecture on (a subject)

onslaught on (a person)

operation on (a thing)

outlook on (the sea) 

outlook from (a window)

parody on (a subject)

premium on ( gold)

revenge on (a person) 

slur on (his name)

subsistence on ( rice)

Adjectives & Participles : (on)

based on (something)

bent on (doing something

conditional on (something)

consequent on (some cause)

determined on (doing a thing)

engraved on (the memory)

entailed on (a person) 

imperative on ( a person) 

resolved on (doing a thing)

founded on ( fact)

incumbent on ( a person)

silent on (a point)

Verbs: (on)

calculate on (success)

decide on (something)

err on (the side of leniency)

encroach on (one's authority) 

expatiate on (a subject)

fall on (the enemy) 

fire on ( a city)

gain on (someone in a race)

harp on (something) 

hinge on (an event) 

impose on (a person)

infringe on ( a man's rights)

insist on (something being done)

intrude on (one' leisure)

lean on ( a staff)

meditate on (some subject)

operate on (a patient)

ponder on (a subject) 

pounce on ( a thing)

prevail on (a person) to do something 

pride oneself on ( a thing)

smile on ( a person)

speak on ( a subject)

trample on (justice)


The following words take the preposition of after them.

Nouns : (of)

abatement of (the fever)

abhorrence of (ingratitude) 

assurance of (help)

betrayal of (a secret)

cause of (troubles) 

charge of (murder etc.)

consciousness of (guilt) 

consideration of (a thing)

conviction of (guilt)

decision of (some dispute) 

distrust of (a person or thing)

doubt of or about ( a thing)

economy of (time) 

endurance of (pain)

evasion of ( a rule) 

experience of ( a thing)

failure of (a plan) 

freedom of (action)

hatred of or for (a person) 

heir of (a person) 

hope of or for (better luck)

imputation of (guilt) 

infliction of (punishment)

judge of (a matter) 

proof of (guilt)

(In) pursuance of (an object)

relation of (one thing) to (another) 

result of (a proceeding)

(In) search of (wealth)

tenacity of (purpose) 

want of (memory)

witness of (an event)

Adjectives & Participles : (of)

accused of ( a crime)

acquitted of (a charge) 

afraid of (death)

ambitious of (distinction) 

apprehensive of (danger)

apprised of (a fact)

ashamed of (dullness) 

assured of (the truth) 

bereft of (a child)

aware of (Intentions) 

blind of (one eye) 

convinced of (a fact) 

covetous of (goods) 

cured of ( a disease) 

defeated of (purpose) 

defrauded of (earnings) 

depleted of (strength) 

deprived of (something) 

deserving of (praise) 

desirous of (success) 

despondent of (success) 

destitute of (money) 

devoid of (common sense) 

diffident of (success)

disappointed of (anything) 

distrustful of (a man's motives)

dull of (understanding)

easy of (access)

empty of (contents)

envious of (another's success) 

fearful of (something)

fond of (something) 

full of (persons or thing)

born of (rich parent)

capable of ( Improvement)

 careful of (money)

cautious of (anything)

certain of (success)

cognisant of a truth)

commemorative of (a victory)

composed of (a material)

confident of (success)

conscious of ( a fault)

convicted of ( a crime)

greedy of (riches)

guilty of (theft)

healed of (a disease) 

heedless of (consequences)

hopeful of (success)

ignorant of any (subject)

impatient of (reproof)

inclusive of (extras)

independent of (parents)

indicative of (motives) 

informed of ( a fact)

innocent of ( a charge)

irrespective of (consequences)

lame of (one leg) 

lavish of (money)

neglectful of (interests)

negligent of (duties)

productive of (wealth)

proud of (position)

quick of ( understanding)

receptive of (advice)

reckless of (expenditure)

regardless of (consequences)

repentant of (sin)

sanguine of (success) 

sensible of (kindness)

sick of (waiting)

slow of (hearing)

subversive of (dincipline)

sure of (success)

suspicious of (meaning)

thankful of (favours)

tired of (doing something)

vain of (fine dress etc.)

weary of (doing something)

worthy of (praise)

Verbs: (of)

accuse of (some misdeed)

acquit of (blame)

admit of (an excuse)

beware of (something

boast of (something)

complain of (something)

consist of (materials)

convict a person of (a crime) 

convince a person of ( a fact)

cure a man of (a disease) 

die of (a disease)

dispose of (property)

dream of (strange things)

fail of ( a purpose)

heil of (a disease) 

hear of (an event)

inform a person of (a thing)

Inquire of (a person)

judge of or (by something)

purge the mind of (false notions)

repent of (misdeed)

smell of (fish)

suspect of (treachery)

taste of (salt)


The following words take the preposition to after them.

Nouns: (to)

access to (a person or place)

adherence to ( a plan or cause)

allusion to (something)

alternative to (something)

antidote to (some poison)

antipathy to (a person or thing)

approach to (anything)

assert to ( an opinion) 

attachment to ( a person or thing)

attention to (study etc.) 

attraction to (a thing)

exception to (a rule) 

hostility to ( a person or cause)

incentive to (industry)

indifference to ( heat or cold) 

invitation to (a dinner)

key to ( a mystery) 

leniency to ( a person or rule) 

likeness to ( a person or thing)

limit to ( a man's zeal) 

menace to (the public health) 

nomination to (a post) 

obedience to ( parents, orders etc.) 

objection to ( a proposal)

obstruction to (traffic) 

opposition to ( a person) 

concession to ( a demand) 

condemnation to (death)

conformity to (rule) 

contrast to ( a person or thing)

contribution to ( a fund)

disgrace to (a person)

dislike to (a person or thing)

drawback to (success)

duty to (a person)

enmity to( a person)

-Wren & Martin 

enmity with ( a person)


postscript to (a letter) 

preface to ( a book)

reference to ( a person or thing)

reply to ( a letter)

repugnance to (wishes)

resemblance to (a person or thing) 

resignation to (fate) 

resistance to (injustice)

responsibility to (the law)

But, responsibility for (an action)

sequel to (an event) 

submission to ( authority)

subscription to (a fund) 

succession to ( an estate)

supplement to (a book) 

temptation to ( an evil)

testimony to ( one's character)

testimony against (one's character) 

title to (an estate)

A victim to (oppression) 

The victim of (oppression)

Adjectives: (to) 

abandoned to ( his fate)

acceptable to (a person) 

accessory to (a crime)

accustomed to (riding etc.) 

adapted for ( an occupation)

adequate to (his wants) 

adverse to ( his interests)

agreeable to (his wishes)

alien to (his character) 

amenable to ( reason)

answerable to ( a person) 

answerable for (his conduct) 

apparent to (any one)

appropriate to ( an occasion) 

averse to ( hard work)

blind to (faults) 

close to ( a person or thing) 

comparable to (something else)

condemned to (death) 

conformable to (reason)

consecrated to (a person) 

creditable to (his judgement)

derogatory to (his character) 

devoted to ( a person or cause) 

due to (some cause) 

equal to (the occasion) 

exposed to (danger) 

false to (his friends) 

favourable to (his prospects) 

hostile to (his endeavours) 

immaterial to (the point) 

impervious to (water) 

inclined to (laziness) 

indifferent to (heat or cold) 

indispensable to (success) 

indulgent in (wine) 

insensible to (shame)

irrelevant to ( a question) 

limited to ( a certain area) 

loyal to (the government) 

natural to(a person) 

obedient to (parents etc.) 

offensive to ( a person) 

opposite to ( a place) 

paramount to (everything else) 

peculiar to ( a person or thing) 

pledged to (someone)

polite to (strangers) 

polite in (manners) 

prejudicial to (his interests)

preparatory to ( an inquiry) 

preventive to (fever)

previous to (some event) 

profitable to (an investor) 

reconciled to ( a position) 

reconciled with (an opponent) 

relevant to (a question) 

repulsive to (his feelings) 

requisite for ( a purpose) 

restricted to (something) 

sensitive to ( blame) 

subsequent to another event) 

suitable to the occasion) 

suited to (the occasion)

similar to ( a person or thing) 

subject to (authority)

supplementary to (something) 

true to (his convictions)

abhorrent to (his feelings)

accessible to ( strangers)

accountable to ( a person)

adapted to (his tastes)

addicted to ( bad habits)

adjacent to ( place)

affectionate to (a person)

akin to ( a person or thing)

alive to ( the consequences)

allied to (a thing)

allied with (a person or country)

analogous to (a thing)

applicable to ( a case)

astonishing to ( a person) 

beneficial to ( a person)

callous to(suffering)

common to (several persons or things)

complaisant to ( a person) 

conducive to (success)

congenial to (one's tastes) 

contrary to (rule)

deaf to (entreaties)

detrimental to (health) 

disastrous to ( a person etc.)

entitled to ( a hearing) 

essential to (something)

faithful to ( a master)

fatal to ( his prospects)

foreign to (the purpose)

hurtful to (health)

impertinent to (his master) 

incidental to ( a journey) 

indebted to ( a person) 

indigenous to ( a country) 

indulgent to his children) 

inimical to ( a person) 

inured to (some habits) 

liable to (error) 

lost to ( all sense of shame) 

material to (success) 

necessary to ( happiness) 

obliged to ( a person) 

opposed to (facts) 

painful to (one's feeling) 

partial to (someone)

pertinent to (a question) 

preferable to (something else)

precious to (a person) 

prefixed to ( a title-deed)

preliminary to (an inquiry)

preventive to (fever) 

prior to (something else) 

prone to (idleness)

reduced to (poverty) 

related to a person) 

repugnant to (his wishes) 

requisite to (happiness) 

responsible to (a person) 

sacred to (a man's memory) 

serviceable to a person)

strange to ( a person) 

subordinate to ( a person) 

subsidiary to (trade)

suitable for (his income) 

suited for (a post)

tantamount to ( a falsehood) 

vital to (health)

Verbs: (to)

accede to (a request)

adapt to (circumstances) 

agree to (a proposal) 

allude to (a fact)

answer to a person) 

answer for (conduct)

ascribe to (a cause)

assent to (one's terms)

attend to ( a book or speaker)

belong to ( a person) 

cling to ( a person or thing)

compare to ( a dissimilar thing) 

conduce to (happenings)

consent to ( a proposal) 

correspond to (something)

demur to (a statement)

devote one's time to (sport etc.) 

explain to (a person)

invite a man to (dinner) 

jump at (an offer)

jump to (a conclusion) 

listen to (something)

occur to (one's mind) 

occur in (a poem etc.) 

prefer one thing to (another) 

proceed to ( a business not yet commenced)

proceed with a business already commenced)

refer to (a subject) 

stoop to (meanness) 

succumb to (difficulties)

supply a person with a thing testify to (a fact)

accrue to (a person)

adhere to ( a plan)

allot to (a person) 

apologise to ( a person) 

apologise for (rudeness) 

appeal to (a person) 

appeal for or against (something)

appoint to (a situation) 

aspire to ( an object) 

attain to a high place) 

attribute to ( a cause) 

certify to ( a man's character) 

communicate a thing to (a person) 

concede to (some demand) 

conform to ( a rule) 

contribute to (a fund)

defer to ( a man's wishes)

keep to (a point)

dispute with a person) on (a matter) 

entitle any one to (an estate) 

impute blame to a person) 

keep (abstain) from (wine) 

lead to (Calcutta etc.) 

object to (a proposal) 

pretend to (omniscience) 

revert to (an appointment) 

submit to (authority)

supply a thing to (a person) 

surrender to (the enemy) 

trust to (a man's honesty-Intr.) 

trust in (a person-Intr.) 

trust a man with (money-tran.)

yield to (some person or thing 

turn to (a friend) for (help)


The following words take the preposition with after them.

Nouns : (With)

accomplish with ( a person) 

(In)accordance with (a rule)

alliance with ( a person or thing)

bargain with (a person) 

collusion with (a person)

comparison with (a person or thing) 

concurrence with ( a person) 

concurrence in ( a proposal) 

condolence with ( a person) 

contact with ( something)

controversy on or about (something) 

controversy with ( a person) 

conversation with (a person) 

correspondence to (a thing) 

engagement with (a person) 

enmity with ( a person) 

harmony with (anything) 

intercession with (a superior) 

intercession for (a friend) 

intercourse with ( a person) 

intimacy with (a person)

acquaintance with (a person or thing)

coheir with ( a person) 

compact with (a perosn) 

competition with (a person)

competition for (a thing) 

compliance with ( a request)

conformity with (any one's views) 

conformity to (rule)

connection with (a person or thing)

(In) contrast with (a person or thing) 

disagreement with ( a person)

engagement with (a business) 

familiarity with (a person or thing)

identity with a person or thing) 

interview with (a person)

quarrel with (another person)

quarrel between (two persons) 

relations with ( a person)

rupture with (a friend)

rupture between (two persons)

share of (a thing)

share of (a thing)

(In) unison with his character)

Adjectives & Participles : (with)

abounding with or in fish

afflicted with (rheumatism)

aggravated with (a person)

aggravated at (a thing) 

blessed with good health)

charged with (a crime) 

charged (loaded) with (a bullet)

charged to (his account)

commensurate with ( one's desires) 

delighted with (success) 

disgusted with ( a thing)

distracted with ( pain) 

endowed with (natural ability)

exhausted with ( labour) 

fascinated with ( a person or thing)

flushed with (victory) 

gifted with ( abilities)

identical with (anything) 

imbued with (confidence)

indignant with (a person) 

indignant at (something done) 

inspired with (hope) 

invested with (full powers) 

occupied with ( some work) 

overcome with ( sorrow) 

parallel with or to (anything) 

replete with (comfort) 

satisfied with (his income) 

stained with (crimes) 

sympathetic with (sufferers)

satiated with (pleasure) 

simultancous with ( an event) 

synonymous with (another word) 

touched with (anything)

acquainted with ( a person or thing)

angry with ( a person) 

angry, at (a thing)

annoyed at (a thing)

annoyed with ( a person)

beset with ( difficulties)

busy with (his lessons) 

collateral with ( something else)

compatible with (one's temper) 

compounded with (something else)

compliant with ( one's wishes) 

consistent with (honesty)

contemporary with (a person or event) 

contrasted with (something else)

contented with (something) 

conversant with (persons or things) 

convulsed with ( laughter)

deluged with ( water)

displeased with (a person) 

drenched with (water)

even (= equal) with (a rival)

familiar with ( a person or thing) 

fatigued with (doing something)

fraught with (danger) 

honoured with (something)

ill with (fever)

infected with (small pox etc.) 

infested with (rats) 

infatuated with ( a person) 

intimate with (a person) 

mad with (disappointment) 

occupied in (reading a book) 

overwhelmed with (grief) 

popular with (some persons) 

Verbs: (With)

accord with or to (a thing) 

agree with ( a person) 

agree to (a proposal) 

bear with ( a man's impatience) 

close with (an offer) 

combat with ( difficulties) 

concur with ( a person) 

concur in (an opinion) 

condole with (a person) 

cope with ( a person) 

correspond with a person (write) 

correspond to something ( agree) 

deal with a person (behave) 

deal with a subject (write on) 

deal in rice etc. (trade in) 

deluge ith (water)

dispense with ( a man's services)

entrust anyone with (a thing) 

entrust a thing to (anyone)

expostulate with (a person)

flirt with ( a person)

grapple with (difficulties) 

inspire a man with (courage)

intrigue with ( the opposite party)

menace  with (punishment)

part with (a person or thing) — Nesfield. 

reconcile with (an adversary) 

remonstrate with (a person)

remonstrate against (some proceeding)

side with (a person) in (dispute)

trifle with (a man's feelings) 

vie with (another person)

argue with ( a person)

argue for or against ( a point) 

associate with (a person or thing) 

clash with ( one's meaning) 

coincide with ( one's opinion) 

comply with (one's wishes) 

content with (a person)

credit with (good intentions) 

debit with ( a sum of money) 

disagree with ( a person or thing) 

exchange with (a person) 

fill with (anything)

fill in or up ( the blanks) 

furnish a person with (a thing) 

impress a person with (an idea) 

impress an idea on (a person)

indorse with ( a signature) 

indulge oneself with (wine)

indulge in (wine)

interfere with (a person) 

interfere in (some matter)

intersect with (each other) 

meddle with (other men's business) 

overwhelm with (kindness) 

participate with ( a person)

participate in (something) 

quake with (fear)

quarrel with (some one) 

quarrel over or about (something)

reason about (something)

reward a man with (something) for (something done) 

sympathise with (a person) in (his troubles)
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