Ago, before

Ago refers to a period of time measured ack from now ; 
but before refers to a specific time in the past.

He came here long ago. 
He had come here long before (before a specific time in the past). 

I saw him two months ago. 
I had seen him two months before (before the specific time referred to in the report). 

I went there some time ago. 
I had gone there some time before (before the time referred to). 
I wept there before (before now).

"As a Conjunction of time it (i.e. before) is followed by a verb in some Present tense, even if the verb in the Principal clause is in the Future tense:
The crops will die before the rains fall or have fallen."- Nesfield. 

So also with when and after : 
When I see (not shall see) him, I shall give him the message. 
I shall go there after you come (not will come).
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